I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

I never claimed BFA was perfect, I have plenty of issues with BFA, but I simply cannot agree with anyone who thinks WoD was better. Because Objectively, it was worse, there was less content to do, less relevant content, had all the same issues that exist today, and they literally made it to where you don’t even have to log into the game and play to be able to do things in game.

It was the most AFK snoozefest expansion in the game.

There was no incentives to leave your garrison at all.

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“Objectively” xd When you basicly say “my point of view” is that wqs content make the game great. Wod had better raids, better classes (mostly people have argued about elemental and demonology), better reward system, better dungeons, better pvp.

No WoD is nothing at all like BFA. If WoD was far right on the polical system BFA would be on the far left.

So both expansions have issues that are completly at different antipodes.
WoD had great content but too few of it.
BFA has tons of content that lot of people can’t be bothered to do because everything feels like a chore or is just terrible.

Look you can think BFA is better than WoD, I don’t think that’s gonna shock anyone. But if you claim that’s the only “truth” you’re gonna accept, well you’re not gonna have a good time.


Looks at the 90k gryphons and manapearls.

Story-wise, WoD was at least ambitious and tried to introduce new characters alongside cinematic storytelling. Even though they didn’t actually do anything with it, Blizzard could easily have made a raid about retaking Shattrath and the aarakoa storyline. What’s Blizzard really done with BfA but burn down Teldrassil for shock value and then tease us about Sylvanas’s master plan for nigh-on two years? All the while the Alliance and Horde are trading what amount to ultimately ineffectual punches against each other?

Systems-wise, WoD sunk a lot of resources revamping character models (to varying degrees of success. Mythics were also a WoD invention. Weekly chapter-based storytelling was a WoD invention (despite dicier implementation in the form of mission table time gating). BfA has…islands and warfronts.

Raid-wise, WoD is missing an entire tier, which is a point against it. What’s there isn’t bad, however. Removal of tier sets in BfA disincentivized raiding, and what’s more, they removed the raid skips too, to further pad time played.

Many of us don’t and that’s the problem.

I’m sure Blizzard would agree that this is a concern but lucky for them they have you here to defend their product with your dying breath.

We don’t mind repeating content. We all understand that is part of the game. What many of us would like is to be ENGAGED while we are completing it.

Pretty much, though I think a lot of it comes from people’s bitterness towards raids and pvp on this forum to the point where its almost like they don’t count it as content. Sure many don’t do either, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, and the people that do aren’t as few as they’d like to make it seem… especially since its easier than ever to get into raids compared to when it was a select few.

I don’t think either expansion was good, as I noticed a major shift in design philosophy in WoD that I believe has hurt the game. But WoD just sucked less mostly because it still did some things better, and two of those things it did better (class design and gear structure) are major issues with the expansion its being compared too.

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Completely disagree. At least professions felt relevant in WOD. Legion changed them for the worse imo and that change carried over into BFA.


Not sure about ruining professions, but some of the recipies were certainly extremely stupid. “How I make gem? Oh! you take five ore, a flower, have a tauren stomp it into the mud, boom! gem.”

I’m in the BFA isn’t that bad camp myself. I love the war campaign and the Faction raid. I even like the allied races concept even if I could make suggestions for it to be better.

WOD was a mess. The ships, the garrison visiting, the tanaan rep grind. I can’t even fly in that expansion yet.

Wanna talk what’s better than BFA? I’ll take MOP for 1000 Alex.

ETA: That’s assuming the expansions decline post wrath.

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I think most of us will agree with that. MOP was awesome.


So glad I’m not the only one who feels this way, that Legion was just ok at best, but every time I say this I get shouted out of the room. Legion was mediocre and its launch sucked. They tried the same RNG sandwich $&1t we see in current BFA, with Legiondaries and an AP grind making it BRUTAL for serious raiders at launch, but caved with legendary essence vendors and AP catchup. Between that, class hall quests and mounts, weapon skins/mage tower challenges, as well as artifact talents acting as band-aids to hide the garbage class design now laid bare and obvious in BFA, it ended on a high note and redeemed itself.

All of that garbage and the ever-present Pathfinder still left a bad taste in my mouth and it still didn’t hold a candle to pre WoD expansions, though.

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Everyone getting a herb garden and mine utterly ruined professions :\

I mean Time Walking Came with 6.2.5 There was Storyline questing way better than BFA and the War Campaign for Wod was great

I haven’t assumed anything. Obvious is obvious.

You however have discarded fact in favor of your own opinion. Not the mark of the wise.

I’ve discarded nothing.

Your pretty good at making strawmen though.

It was …

I’ve let my sub go 4 times already in bfa and the wife gets me to come back again and again. I never quit warlords. I like both pve and pvp and I enjoyed both in warlords. I’m sort of enjoying pve in bfa but pvpers got left behind.

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BFA is large and mediocre.
WoD was small but very good.


this thread has more content than WoD…

Small but very good?

What very good? the literal nothing that existed in it?

I had way more fun during WoD as well as my friends were still playing then. Whereas with BFA most of my friends quit WoW and pvp just doesn’t feel as fun anymore. All I do now is run IE alone and do old content maybe join a wpvp raid groups here and there.