I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

I agree the ring was meh but I did like the quest chain part of it like I liked the chain for the cloak . Still remember when the valor part for the cloak was 6k before they nerfed it to 3k. But I digress either way both were better then the participation trophies that were Legion Legendaries.

The releases in WoD were a bit strange but it was caused by them trying to fit 1 expansion in 1 year and trying to have 2 raids up at the same time which didn’t get received well? I don’t know, but they decided to bump the ilvl of BRF to make it stand as a 2nd raid tier. But I mean when was it that they released the 2nd raid so early. People were still progressing in Highmaul.

They tried different release schedule. And it failed miserably. Nobody is saying that wod content was released well. But the content when compared quality vs quantity is better for a lot of people in WoD. Hell just the mission table complexity and content of wod was far more interesting than any mission tables after xd They should just have removed it to be fair, still don’t know why we got it. But that’s my thinking about titanforging too, they tried it failed please delete?

Personnaly about the release schedule I’d like them to go even further on the changes. Giving 4 weeks of heroics raid only, so people don’t farm their head offs m+ and other content just trying to get ready to raid mythic, and to make it so top guilds aren’t the only one “fully” heroic geared when entering mythic which would reduce the “power” a bit of split runs.

That is true, the release dates were wonky.

Iunno… There was a LOT of complaining here about having nothing to do (during WoD that is). I think the main reason they dumbed the table down was due to player feedback. They didn’t delete it cause they admitted that some players did enjoy it.

100% agreed concerning TF… But you know that’ll never go.

Eh… I don’t know about that. Most CE guilds had heroic fully cleared within the first week, which would mean a month of nothing to do. While I hear what your saying, I think the number of guilds that are affected are pretty small, whereas you’d have a lot more people twiddling their thumbs waiting.

Wod went too far back on the daily content and it’s rewards. But I feel finely tuning that doesn’t seem to be the strenght of Blizzard.

We went to basicly world content being meaningless for power rewards in WoD (until tanaan jungle), to infinite amount of wqs, titanforging and Legiondaries/Benthic gear(both are very similar).

They do seem to swing the pendulum quite violently…

You might have had more fun, because you had content that catered to you.

Many people did not.

It doesn’t matter how amazing the game play is, if there’s literally nothing to do.

And there wasn’t anything to do.

That’s the problem with WOD

There was NOTHING to do. UNless you specifically raided or did PVP.

Zip, Zilch, Nada, Nothing.

If you didn’t raid or PvP, you got to sit in your fancy thousands of gold costing garrison and sit pretty and do absolutely nothing. And even if you -did- raid or PvP, there was nothing -but- raiding or pvp, so all your downtime was dead air, might as well log off.

BFA has plenty to do, and the classes might be a little uninspired, but I personally do enjoy the content that exists now in BFA.

Because guess what? I have a reason to log in.

Wow, amazing, I actually have a reason to log in and play the game, instead of just popping open the companion app a few times a day, clicking a few times on the screen then turning it off.

So your “Quality over Quantity” arguement falls flat.

Because even if you design the best quest in the game, with the best gameplay, once that’s done and over with, and there’s nothing left to do, you have nothing. Just like WoD.


cuz it was better. it took me three times as long to get bored and take a break.
my specific problem with BFA is that I am forced to grind WorldQuest as a resto druid or play class that I have no interest in.
wods problem was mostly the Garrison. and while I didn’t like that it never forced me to play another class to compete.

You are confusing class design with pvp systems. I get that class design influences pvp, but it influences EVERYTHING, which is why I think it’s important to separate them.

While there certainly is more content in BfA, it’s extremely repetitive. How many times can one do the exact same world quest that one did during leveling? Because that’s all that is offered as open world content; at it’s base design, it’s no different than filling up the blue bars in WoD. And mind you, I like the world quest system but it’s been pushed out beyond its role in Legion to be some sort of be-all, end-all for all open world content.

The only other unique content compared to WoD is Warfronts and Islands Expeditions which are simply offered up as numbers grinding for Azerite Power. Warfronts might have worked as battlegrounds but instead you have them as content of no consequence where the outcome is practically preordained. And Island Expeditions are scenarios from Mists bereft of story reduced to numbers grinding as well.

The crux of the matter is the content in BfA is all warped to support an alternate progression system in Azerite power. We’re grinding our characters instead of the content and we’ve sacrificed class design and deterministic gearing for this system. Yes, Warlords had less content by far and the terrible garrison. But it hadn’t given up completely on gameplay and character progression (you still felt powerful as you geared up in Warlords) in pursuit of numbers grinding.

So what is there to do in BfA out side of Raiding and Mythic +

I don’t raid any more because I will only do above LFR with my guild , not interested in mythic + . Tried Islands but not impressed . War Fronts are ok the first few times. Only wqs worth doing are the azerite ones for my neck and they are about as repetitive you basically going BfA is great just because WoD existed when in fact they both suck and are both good for different reasons.

So tell me what does BfA have to offer now that I have completed all the content there is at this point? What makes BfA’s repetitive content so much better then WoD repetitive content?

It’s not that repetitive. There’s a pretty large variety of world quests, further, if you consider world quests repetitive, then all of Warcraft is repetitive.

I would much rather have a reason to log in every single day, than having to try to find a way to convince myself that there is a point to logging in.

WoD destroyed the world enviroment, ruined professions, and locked you up in a garrison for a year+ and decided if you didn’t play the game the way raiders or pvpers wanted to play the game, then you might as well not even be playing WoW.

The -only- thing that kept me remotely engaged, was roleplay in WoD, everything else was a disaster, and guess what?

Classes didn’t feel “Amazing” then, infact they felt kinda garbage, even back in WoD people complain classes were not grand, the only reason people look back and say “WOD was great” was because they are comparing it to years of pruning.

Did you forget that WoD was the first massive prune from Mists of Pandaria? People were livid back then.

So, no. Sorry, I don’t care how “Amazing” the game play supposedly was in WOD, there was nothing to -do- with said “Amazing” game play, unless you were part of one of the niche cultures, which was high end raiding or heavy PvP.

PvP is awful, and while I did raid, it was literally 2-3 hours a night, then you logged off, because there was nothing else to do.

WoD had maybe 1/10th of the content that BFA has today. Island Expedition might not be your strong suit, but there are players who really enjoy islands, and Warfronts aren’t perfect, but honestly the reason people don’t do warfronts anymore, is because the rewards are garbage, they were okay at the start of the game, but now? Why bother?

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Sounds like you simply just don’t enjoy playing WoW anymore.

There’s plenty to do, you just refuse to do it.

I enjoy playing WoW just not this expansion so much .

End game has become such a chore in this game that I rarely use dungeons to level alts any more because I would rather slowly quest then rush to do end game content.

I want to enjoy end game content but when the vehicle used for the journey is not fun to ride and the trip takes you through the part of town your mother warned you to never go to the journey isn’t fun then . THat is what BfA feels like to a lot of people and you are of the opinion that people that have a positive opinion of WoD are wrong. THey are not and neither are you , it’s just opinions and neither are right or wrong.

Still don’t get what is such a chore about BFA.

You literally just have to play the game.

That’s it.

Honestly, if you think BFA is a chore, I don’t know what to tell you.

no im not, you said it was the best pvp in wow’s history and that is just 100% false. there was a reason the lead pvp dev was being bashed on the forums daily and asking for him to be replaced. try and spin it all you want, it was not the best pvp ever, far far from it.

I’m not spinning anything. If you can’t understand the difference between class pruning and gear scaling, we don’t have anything else to discuss.

again ignore the part where you said it was the best pvp, and im saying you are wrong, and now you just wanna talk classes. your right, we are done.

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No one is saying that WoD was amazing. There’s aspects of BfA I like a great deal and I’m also glad that you enjoy BfA but that doesn’t mean others don’t consider Warlords a better experience for the game play issues that matter to them.

Yes, the beginning of the ability pruning was started in Warlords so Blizzard could install the alternative character progression system (the Artifact weapon) for Legion. They were planning that far ahead. But Warlords didn’t yet have an alternative character progression system and that made the difference in overall gameplay and class design (at least for me). And thus all its other content wasn’t warped to support such a progression system. Nor did it have the level/ilevel scaling system we see today.

Players are going to value different aspects of an expansion. I just place more weight on how my characters play and dislike the notion that the classes I play have had to sacrifice so much gameplay and in some cases, the essence of the classes, just so the developers can make me run again and again in content of no consequence for a number.


100% this, I had so many alts I enjoyed pvping on and now, i’m pretty much stuck to my 1-2 main characters I always get achieves on.

WoD was ULTRA CRAP…never forget!