I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

That’s because WoD was better.

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WoD also had classes, you could pvp on your phone in this expansion.

Move along troll.


WoD was cut short because they planned on releasing new expansions on a yearly basis instead of every 2 years.

THat experiment failed and instead of adding in some of that removed content that could of filled up that last year but they gave the B-Team time off so they could get ready for this :radioactive: :wastebasket: :fire: known as :crossed_swords: :four: :globe_with_meridians: while the A-Team worked on Legion

the cloak was cool though the ring–mehh

I feel like it’s become obvious that the fact that other people hate BfA is enough in itself for Nyaria to like it. If we were currently in WoD they would be arguing that it’s not bad because MoP had things they didn’t like.

Saying BfA isn’t bad because WoD existed is like saying that getting stabbed isn’t bad because guns exist. They both suck.


Yeah. I’m taking my guild to Classic. There’s already more community there from my server alone that’s going to give a better fix than BFA could ever give me.

It would be a lot easier to compare 6.2 to 8.2 and say look, there’s just better content in that patch than BfA, but as an expansion overall, BfA I think is superior as long as your main of 10+ years isn’t sub rogue, enhance shaman, spriest, MM hunter, etc.

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Which sounds like you prefer the game in raid-log state. Which is what WoD was. Personally, I prefer having other activities worth doing to augment my raiding. My big beef with BfA (and Legion) is that instead of utilizing a clear cut off system (like VP in Cata/MoP with defined weekly caps), they utilize a system that gradually becomes prohibitive making your efforts worth less and less. How would you feel if BfA utilized a weekly cap with AP (which was cumulative like conquest points in WoD, ie week 1 the cap is 1k AP, if you fill the bar then the cap is again 1k for week 2, but if you don’t fill the week 1 cap, then your week 2 cap is 2k)? Personally I’d find that a lot less frustrating and wouldn’t feel like I have to log in every day to try to min/max my AP grind.

Even if you prefer raid-log, at least you’d know exactly what you needed to do to maintain relevance, rather than having to set ‘screw it’ points.

I mean… BRF dropped before 6.1? So no not really. 6.1 was mostly a maintenance patch that had nothing to do with the actual in-game content. They just acted like it was a “major” patch and were called on it by the community. They themselves stated that they maybe went too far in calling it a full on 6.X patch and should’ve been relegated to a more minor patch title. 8.1 on the other hand gave us more lore and story quests that lead up to the release of BoD. 8.1 put in actual content, which sorta makes sense? 8.1 was here’s the lore going into this new raid, and then a month later: Here’s the new raid.

But Gryphons are so unique.

I’m definitely going to join in on classic, but at the end of the day I do still enjoy the puzzle of current raids. So I’ll probably keep up over here in retail.

I prefer to do all content and find rewards unique to that content. I have lot of achievs, mounts/toys/pets. I just think the big problem is the reward structure for power rewards. There is a world where ap could be more honest and be seen as fine. If there was no catchup basicly and if there were an end and if you could farm it at better rate for doing harder content. Sadly wqs are the most efficient at it, promoting solo gameplay over group content.

They used to have a different release schedule of raids. So yea, that’s just that. Now they release raids later. There was story in wod too and I didn’t care too much as a I did for the war campain, you had the whole wod ring questlines and the garrison campain. 6.1 released parts of that.

What I seem to have gathered from your post, is you don’t like pathfinder, and because island expeditions and Warfronts aren’t you cup of tea, that BFA is somehow bad?

I don’t follow.

Your rambling made zero sense.

Way to make baseless assumptions, like you have been this entire thread.

Suppose that is all you have, is baseless assumptions.

WoD had original system still. Tier sets/bonuses, PvP Vendors, No Azerite/Artifact, A Legendary ring quest line, Ashran had just came out, etc. I would probably scale it over Cata in my books and having all the others (BC,Wrath,MoP) being better than WoD

Let’s just say Legion killed off alot of true blooded PvP’ers as myself, and i would bet on it

Although I do feel for those who don’t Raid, PvE, PvP - There really wasn’t much for them besides Garrisons and on alts

wod was better made than bfa is. just not as much content.

if wod had 2 more raid tiers as good as brf/hfc and m+, it would have easily been the best expansion to date because class design was good too. and good dungeons

I play for my guild, because I like interacting with them.

And WoD Survival… please bring it back!

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Then we have the vanilla is better crowd. We’ll see how they feel after a few weeks/months of classic. I think they’ll be too embarrassed to show their face around here so they’ll just quit wow in silence.

no, not even close! if you never pvp’d before and didnt know how to use your toolkit in previous expansion… maybe? thats when pruning started and took stuff away. Wrath was a million times better pvp wise, and i basically did nothing but pvp from Vanilla till MoP, and even then i still mostly pvp’d just less serious.

there is also a reason we called it “Trash Can” and he who shall not be named was hated… HAAAAAATED…

i know nostalgia is a hell of a drug, but man, you are way way off on this one.

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You are right I am not a fan of Pathfinder especially in it’s current stat but I have done everyone since WoD.

You say BfA is better because it has more content. I disagree because more does not always mean better in fact most of the time more just means more.

You said WoD zones were fun first time through then after that they were not ,I say the same can be said about BfA zones because doing repetitive wqs in zones that in my opinion are much worse to get around in then any WoD had to offer.

Majority of the people saying they like WoD over BfA is because of one simple factor.

Class play over tons of boring uninspiring content . In other words

Quality over Quantity.


I see. But when they did that in the past, we players complained about the world being meaningless. About how we wanted a reason to go out into the world. Hence why most of our time was spent in our garrisons in WoD. As the world was relatively useless.

At this point we’ll probably be splitting hairs. To me 6.1 provided a tuning pass for BRF as well as an update to the legendary quest line. It didn’t really have anything to do with BRF and wasn’t labeled as the “BRF” patch. BRF, to me, was part of the first tier with HM and as such fit better with 6.0. Also, I don’t remember other raids having the patch associated with them release after the raid itself released? Pretty sure all of the MoP patches released before their raid. Content creators recently were shocked when they found out that EP was dropping only a week or two after 8.2 dropped. When have they released the patch after the raid associated with the patch in the past?