I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

I’m subbed with my wod gold for atleast another year, and still have more.

So I guess you’re stuck with me.

Hell I even got myself the brutosaur caravan.

And yes BFA is terribles because of it’s awful grinds which include bejeweled. But that’s more a meme. The problem is everything is a meme now. Just look at titanforging.

That will show Blizzard how unhappy you are. Instead of freezing it for later, you’re just going to let it run out. They get their money from you whether the game sucks or not! Good job!

Lost in a lot of the conversation is this unfortunate truth for BFA: People perceive an expansion as worse when it is a clear step down from what came before.

WoD had massive problems. It also was an attempt to do something very different than MoP. People’s subconscious tended to think of WoD as “different ideas that didn’t work out well.”

If BFA had been the follow-up to WoD, BFA would probably be rated much higher. But it’s a follow-up to Legion. And in comparison to Legion, BFA comes across as being a bad copy: Doing the same things, but worse in every way.

It should also be acknowledged that some of the biggest problems in BFA were problems originated by Legion, but Legion had a lot of “good” to make up for the “bad.” BFA doesn’t have that level of “good,” so the mistakes weigh more heavily against it.


You can’t freeze more than 10 tokens. (or freeze your gametime bough with tokens)
And when token were sold for 30k yes sorry not sorry.

They don’t get any money from me but from people that bought those token.
Not my fault I had too much gold and still have.

And don’t worry BFA is such a sucess my sub is clearly a defining factor.

WoD was a terrible expansion with a nonsensical story but at least it was fun. I really really miss WoD beast mastery.

BFA is just one big pile of awful. The only thing I like about this expansion is the allied races. When BFA was announced at Blizzcon I was already looking forward to the next expansion. Nothing is fun about this expansion, I’m only still playing it because friends are.

I know what I want to do when I play. The issue I have is that the game keeps pushing me to do things that I do not want to do as a requirement for those that I do.

I also find ilvl inflation incredibly over tuned. I haven’t been enjoying character progression in this game for a good while now and every time I feel that i’m in a comfortable position, Blizzard releases a new tier that causes any existing content in this expac to become completely irrelevant.

Warlords of Druid´s instanced PVP was ok, PVP Gearing in WOD Was sublime.

Very good post. Couldn’t have said it better.

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That’s literally every expansion.

Your complains can be mirrored across every expansion, remember the ring legendary in WoD? That required a ton of things peole didn’t want to do, including rading. Remember the cloak quest in MOP? Yeah, that pushed people out of their comfort zone too.

People have echoed over the years over and over again about not liking being forced to do things they don’t want to do.

And every raid teir / expansion invalidates the last raid teir

This isn’t new.

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Check out Torvald’s post above. My issues that I have currently, weren’t the same during the expansion before.

I had a reason to do Legion raid’s that weren’t current, each week. There were several World Tour raid groups listed at all times. Find me a group currently listed for Uldir or BoD.

WQ system might be similiar in BFA than how it worked in Legion, but I had far less of an issue completing them as I was engaged to unlock each legendary and Artifact appearance.

Scrapping the same Azerite traits each season before working to unlock them again before the next tier makes them completely redundant is not remotely the same experience.

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The only reason you had to do old raids in Legion, was because each boss had a bumped up chance to drop one of the RNG legendaries, which was both one of the better, and part of the worst aspects of Legion.

Beyond that? There was no reason to.

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Well that’s just not true, aside from the artifact skin quest line there was a huge problem with Itemization in legion where old trinkets and even gear sets would be better than the following one. MANY classes used a combo of 2 pcs.

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Tier sets that were still viable? Maybe a trinket that could still perform well? Mogs?

Whatever the reason, nobody is doing them anymore.

There are other examples of how BFA can be regarded as a complete step back than Legion. The war campaign and followers is a pale intimidation of Legion’s order halls.

I can see how someone could have a positive outlook towards BFA. In some areas I think that they did a fantastic job. For me personally, this expac was deeply flawed from it’s reception and I would hope that Blizzard has learnt from their mistakes.

You mean like the zones of Zandalar and Kul Tiras before you do the semi long rep grind to get flying or allied races or the long grind to build up you HoA.

Oh but wait I forget those Island Expeditions are such a hit as are those war fronts.

I see so much praise for those here in GD and we can’t forget that multiple variations of dungeons are different content and not just level difficulties of the same thing.

Oh wait BfA has something WoD doesn’t oh wait WoD did have a table mission and a ship with it’s own mission table.

Ooh I better also remember that all this content in BfA is much more fun to play on my nerf batted toon then the little content there was to play in WoD on my toon that was actually enjoyable to play.

It’s possible because they could at some time come up with something worse then the bad class play and unsatisfying quantity of content that is BfA and the enjoyable class play and lack of content that is WoD.

To be honest that is probably a safe bet and I see it in a couple expansions when they follow their post Wrath pattern of (bad) Cata (good) MoP (bad) WoD (good) Legion (personally liked WoD better) (bad) BfA . Hopefully the next expansion follows this trend and is awesome.

Wod of course would probably be the preferred expansion especially for the raiders out there. It was a raid, or die expansion.

Garrisons weren’t the issue people think they were.

The real problem was that the content in WoD was great… but we didn’t have enough of it.

Consequently, we had everyone sitting in thier garrison, or in Ashran. This meant that those two pieces of content were doing something that they weren’t really designed to do… and every little problem with them snowballed.

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But it was better because you got good gold from missions at least

Garrisons were a problem for that very reason.

They were phased out from the world and they gave you everything you needed. So there was no reason to go into the world aside from raiding.

That and they stole resources from the world. I think in hindsight if people got the lost islands instead of the garrison they would take it.

Not a matter of nostalgia both of them sucked but BFA is a cat covering up a stinky mess that a dog loves to eat.