I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

To be fair Jalen, you’re a raider and a PvPer… WoD was great for raiders and PvPer’s. It’s everyone else that got shafted. Heck WoD has one of the best raids in the game (BRF) with an impressive end boss.

No matter how you slice it… There was pretty much nothing to do in WoD, and the most gameplay I got was out of raids, CMs, and then making an army of alts to farm millions of gold through level 3 garrisons. That’s it.

BfA isn’t great, but I agree with Nyaria. It’s legion-lite. Same systems, worse iterations on almost all fronts. Islands and Warfronts are meh. You know my feelings on forced PL… and the classes are waaaay worse compared to Legion.

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1000s upvote thread :man_shrugging:
Yes BFA is worse.

Wod could be compared to dumpster fire but atleast it was a wow pc game, BFA is what wow becomes when it becomes a phone game.

Classic release is another show that BFA will never come close to what wow was before. Lot of people are more interested in playing a 15 years old version of the same game than play BFA. Only classic will save wow atleast until next expansion.

I played whole WoD, I played whole Legion. They could have just made more raids for Legion and it would have been better than releasing BFA. But the main problem is that BFA has all the problems of Legion without the part that compensated for it. Class halls stories and uniqueness of classes in Legion was big. But it only left out in BFA horrible ap grind, horrible rng with titanforging, removal of master loot, removal of pvp pretty much. And it doubled down by removing tier sets.

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You’re essentially telling me that BfA is better because you enjoyed WoD less. I’ve done the same and even gone further in showing that both critics and users of the game seem to agree with me.

Yet I am biased. k.

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First off I think BFA is great. I love what it has done for pvp, mainly warmode. For this I don’t think WoD is better than bfa. But I would say WoD was much better than a lot of people give it credit for.

WOD was literally a phone game.

They literally made a phone app to integrate with your mission table, so you didn’t even have to LOG INTO THE GAME to do mission tables.

WOD was ridiculously awful.


This isn’t a great argument… WoD literally was a phone game. Garrisons… That was the majority of the expansions content and could be literally run from your phone.

Yup. Gameplay for me comes first. And when I got to play in WoD I enjoyed it. But when I get to play in BFA, I get frustrated. I used to be a PvP only player but had left it behind because they took away vendors in Legion. Then I decided to leave raiding behind in BFA because they decided to remove tier and have this busted loot system with bad Class Design. BFA is the worst for me because it’s the finalization of everything that I enjoyed in WoW stripped away from me.

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Yeah I’m sorry to say it but BfA is the end result of literally reducing the game’s complexity and depth to the level of understanding of the lowest common denominator.

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So instead of having mission tables that were mostly done for gold. Now you have to grind wqs for ap, benthic gear and have to see what now are we at 5 or more shop mounts this expansion? And that’s not saying that mission tables are still ingame. In WoD you had the choice of what you wanted to do, in BFA everything is a chore that must be repeated daily or that you have to hope super level of rng is on your side.

Yup that’s fair and typically what I stick with. WoD had fun classes. BfA has more content.

I really don’t see how Bliz thought azerite would cover: Tier, Legendaries, Artifacts, AND make the GCD changes not feel awful.

Oh well, c’est la vie.

At least I have things to do now. WoD was dead content 90% of it’s lifespan. Which was cut short due to literally how awful WoD was.

There was no choice in WOD, you either, Raided, PVP’d, or you did nothing.

There was no choices in WoD.

WoD also litearlly had the largest sub drop in Existance due to the absolute complete lack of things to do.

WoD was that expansion where they decided to shift -everything- into Mythic Raiding as the end game. You didn’t want to mythic raid? Too bad.

That’s your content now, unless you wanna mindlessly grind battle grounds forever.

WoD was downright awful for most of the player base.

Also, oh no store mounts, whatever will you do, watch out guys, there’s store mounts.

At least you can buy store mounts with gold now.

How many non-store mounts were released in BFA? I notice -that- statistic never gets brought up.

Which requires you to log on and you know, play. You can’t do that with your phone.

WoD had… 4? Wooo so much better. Fun fact: the moose was supposed to be #5 but they put it on the end boss instead because of the poop fit everyone was throwing.

Oh yeah, what? What amazing content did I have to do in WoD?

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I’m genuinely curious. What choice? My daily routine was log onto all characters for 5 minutes and run available missions (some of which handed out raid level loot) and that’s it. Other then that I logged on for my raid. I decided I wanted the CM appearances at the end of the expac so went and got golds. Otherwise… there was little to do.

If by choice you mean there were things you could choose to waste your time on? Then ya, we had choice. You could choose to go do some apexis dailies that were next to worthless. You could choose to farm reps that gave us re-skinned mounts, but nothing else… Nothing was a meaningful choice.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not BfA’s biggest fan and definitely rate it pretty low compared to other expacs, but it does beat the expansion that dropped a Selfie camera and TWITTER INTEGRATION (wtf???) as a major content patch… As in a patch that typically drops us with a new zone, new raid, and new dungeons like in Legion and BfA.


Lets also not forget Blizzard Brilliant idea to kill Gathering professions as well, cause guess what? Everyone gets a mine, everyone gets a herb garden, you can grow whatever you want, mine whatever you want.

Why bother going out and gathering materials? everyone’s already got everything they need!

Whoo, one less thing for me to have to do. I don’t even NEED MINING to be able to farm ores in this game anymore. I just need alts that have the mine unlocked.

Hell do you even need tailoring to make the 30 slot bags? WoD is when professions died.

People that say that have an obvious problem with the best gear being available in harder content.

There was content in wod, there was some dailies people just didn’t want to do them because the rewards weren’t as godlike as they are now.

I’m sure you enjoy playing bejeweled ingame that sure is an improvement.

Which was a good decision? Putting more mounts ingame is better than putting it in the shop?

That’s what you don’t get. You didn’t HAVE to do it, if you wanted to do something you would do it. If you try to min/max in current game, the games makes you go trought way more loops than ever before. I even think that Classic will be less grindy than current wow. You only have to level up once not each day and each season.

You had some sort of dailies, coliseum, pvp, raiding, heroic dungeons, cms and doing old content farming for mounts/tmog and etc. The twitter patch might be a meme. But what was 8.1? Islands expeditions patch? yes don’t really care about that too much.

No, I have zero issues with gear being good in Raids.

But there was -literally nothing- to do if you didn’t raid.

You don’t seem to grasp that. There is NOTHING TO DO IN WOD if you didn’t Raid, or you didn’t PvP.

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I’ll admit, when I first saw that I got excited and thought it was really cool. But once I reached something like 2-3 thousand of each type of ore on characters that didn’t even have mining… I realized that this was really really not a good idea.

… that’s one daily that takes 5 minutes. What is your point? And yeah Bejeweled is better than the stupid jumping puzzles in WoD.

I agree so please tell them to put the quest line back into WoD to get the fae drake and rylak.

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Now imagine how flooded with ore / herbs you’d have been if you had alts, because you literally had nothing else to do in WoD but level alts?

It got to the point I didn’t even bother anymore. The prices for Flasks? Through the floor, you could buy flasks for less than 50g a pop they were so easy to make, because the materials were so plentiful without any effort. Sometimes they were even lower than that.