I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

Pretty sure that is exactly why they did put pathfinder in. I don’t think they ever intended on flying being a thing until all hell broke loose after they said it wouldn’t be coming.

Honestly, I almost wish they woulda stuck to their guns, and left flying out, the amount of whining that happens because of pathfinder is irritating.

Yeah, and that is very debatable but I’m sure it was mostly financial related. They probably didn’t enjoy losing millions within the span of a few weeks.

Review bombing on video game wasn’t a thing at the time even with the greatest sub loss surprassing mop. The bombings became very common after several terrible games from the start of 2018 onwards.

You would need evidence to make that claim. Most of what I’ve been saying is speculative anyway because frankly no one actually knows why the games have the scores that they do. We can only take them at face value and offer reasoning as to maybe why they have them, that’s about it.

Lol gearing was the same. You enjoyed the system which was just the contrary of what they did in MoP.

??? Anyone with common sense knows it’s much worse now.

It’s the new social media world we live in.

Again, you would need evidence to make that claim.

Social media was around in 2014 when Warlords came out.

Evidence is there. You refuse to look.

Uh, no, that isn’t how this works. You want to make a claim, you need to provide the evidence to back it up. If you believe that review bombing is somehow a new phenomenon, back it up.

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Its just common knowledge for whom play several games its peak was fallout 76 in 2018. There is really no arguing over wod if it was good or bad though it managed to lose every sub it gained plus a lot more and only retained players by giving them piles and piles of gold. PvP participation and PvE participation was also extremely low.

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I’m not taking sides but here’s the good ol’ Wiki link:


Yeah, so that isn’t an argument. That is literally nothing at all.

Exactly like WoD. Which is a fact.

That literally makes zero sense, just like everything else you have posted.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but I stopped caring about proving or disproving on these boards years ago.

People only believe what they want to believe in the end here.

Yeah, unfortunately I agree, similar to your previous post. You believe what you want to believe.

Game play in Warlords was great. Even for a Solo players like me. BfA and WoD stories both are a dumpster fire.

I see sub and participation numbers are unimportant then. This isnt a single player game btw. WoD was worse because it performed wrost in financial reports, pop reports, participation reports and even played time.

Ok cool but what does that have to do with the topic of review bombing?