I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

Hasn’t that been one of the core complains about BfA though (aside from class and gear design)? That it HAS more content but no one wants to do it?


The classes were more fun and the PvP gear system was better. Personally I enjoyed Ashran, but I understand why many didn’t.

Other than that… No… WoD was not better than BfA.

You just summed up BFA perfectly.

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During WOD these forums said the EXACT same thing. This isn’t even an exaggeration.

No one praised WOD for the quality of it’s content during the time.

Ya… WoD suffered from both a lack of content AND the content available having a terrible reward structure invalidating a lot of what it had anyway.

So you didn’t have much, and what you did have wasn’t worth doing anyway.

Also… 6.1… That’s pretty much /thread.

A MAJOR content patch, which is the LARGEST EVER!!! Was a selfie camera and twitter integration… Like… literally what in the ****.

As for BfA, I think they took our characters and removed waaaay too much. They introduced more abilities onto the GCD instantly making classes feel clunky and slow. What we could do before in a moment, became a measure of frustration. They removed tier sets… a staple part of the gearing system literally in the game since Vanilla… Something that got people going to the raids as another incentive for gearing. They removed all of the artifact abilities and passives, which we’d been playing with for over a year and were now core parts of the class interactions… Sure they added some back with talents, but at the expense of other talents. My mage used to have Ebonbolt, Freezing Rain, and Chain Reaction as baseline abilities. Now I’m having to choose between them and lose other talents in the process. We also had legendaries from Legion with specific rotation changing affixes (for most specs at least).

And what did they add to cover: Azerite armor. It had to cover: Tier, Artifact traits, Legendaries, AND be good enough to offset the jarring change to GCDs on abilities that haven’t had GCDs for multiple expansions.

Well… it failed… massively, imo.

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I wonder what they were talking about :thinking:

I dont remeber wod having anything interesting for classes at all. Only gladiator stance which was nerfed to the grounf shortly after launch and holy paladins insane burst DAMAGE ol.

I don’t think anyone claimed there was a lot to do in WoD, but the quality of that content was there. The raids were amazing, the dungeons were fun (especially when they released mythic) and everyone acknowledges the leveling was at least fun. Even the class design, which was a step down from MoP was much better than we have now. But at the time many people did praise the quality. BRF is still one of my favorite raids, and even HM and HFC were fun.

I don’t know why but I always loved the tank dps stuff. I miss that and Blood dps.

better class design and better pvp…thats why.

The flight was simply one of a bunch of issues.

The flight part really wasn’t even that big of a deal. WoD was at least made with the idea that flight wasn’t planned for it in mind. So usually it was easy to get around, and they put toys in the game to make it easier to get around as well.

What killed WOD was the absolute lack of anything to do, if you weren’t a PvP or Raiding buff.

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No, what I’m saying is if people wanted to review bomb, the flight thing would have been one of the best times to do it. They had their quickest and largest sub drop in the games history at that point. Would have made sense to see a ton of review bombing at that point.

This. It was a truly raid or die expansion. While older expansions have followed such models and been successful… those were during times when the game was MUCH slower and doing anything took MUCH more time. WoD was made during the current mindset of getting things done quickly, efficiently, and conveniently. It’s not a shocker that even the most casual of players ran out of things to do very very quickly.

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There was review bombing? It simply was not as prevelant as it is these days.

This was almost a decade ago by this point, while review bombing was a thing, it wasn’t nearly as knee-jerky reactionary as it is today.

The moment someone gives a 1/10 that’s immediately a false rating, and this person should not be given an iota of respect for that said score.

WoW has never had a 1/10 expansion.

Users almost never rate things properly (Nether do critics, but that’s a completely different can of worms), and simply either 10/10 stuff, or 1/10 stuff depending on how they like it or not, there are exceptions, but that’s generally how “Review” sites seem to work.

Eh for me the story in WoD was so stupid it made me pretty much unsub for 80% of the entire xpac.
BfA… well it did introduce the Junkheap Drifter, which is cool.

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Warlords was only 5 years ago. I’m just saying that someone in the thread said BFAs low rating was because of review bombing but considering that the fastest sub loss in WoW history was during Warlords, is considered by many, yourself included, as a god awful expansion, yet still has a higher score, one can interpret that as BFA wasn’t review bombed and is just a low score. If you were going to review bomb an expansion, the flight thing during Warlords would have been the time to do it.

Unfortunately there just isn’t any real evidence that this is true.

Depends on what you enjoy. For me and the classes I played, WoD versions were infinitely superior to what we have now. PvP gearing was the best it has ever been, unlike now which is arguably the worst. PvP itself was fun because of the above two factors. So yeah, for a bg hero like me, WoD stomped BfA into the mud.

Of course, I have never cared about raiding, so content droughts didn’t really affect me.

Was it only 5 years ago? Feels longer than that… are we talking the start of Warlords, or the end of it?

Yeah, start was a little less than 5 years ago. Came out in November of 2014.

Feels longer than that at this point, weird, but people did raise an outrage over the flight of WoD, but it was also mitigated by the fact they did put pathfinder in.