I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

I never thought about quiting in WoD in bfa its been in my mind the entire time and I more or less have for a few months off and on this expac. WoD was terrible but theres was factors that pushed it over BFA,

    • 5 mans were better
    • only half my friends quit instead of almost all
    • I enjoyed the raids more
    • I enjoyed the classes more
    • Exploring draenor is way better than the current zones due to treasures I really liked those
    • Even pvp was better and I played horde than
  1. *There was also more stats to manage
    All of it is subjective but WoD biggest issue was the lack of a third raid tier and lack of filler content

Every expansion has it’s positives & negatives based on how you play the game or what motivates/annoys you. There were aspects of MoP that were great, but as a whole I could’ve done without that expansion.

If someone sees one expansion better than another, it’s likely the lens they see the game through.

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Main complaints about Warlords center around the garrison and lack of content, both of which are super valid complaints.

My thing though is that I played through the entirety of Warlords because it was just fun to freaking play. The classes felt great and I thought PvP was a blast. What little content there was, imo, was designed extremely well. BFA…I haven’t logged in since KTs were released. It just feels so boring and such a slog. The gearing is awful and the content that is released, outside of raids, I have a tendency to just fall asleep in. The classes feel awful and the PvP is a joke.


BRF and HFC were fantastic raids. They also dropped two of the best mounts ever made. Classes didn’t play like poopoo either.


I enjoyed the content of WoD better than BfA. They both suck though.


I enjoyed playing my class more in WOD. Now in BFA it just isn’t fun by design.


I mean some people love WotLK and I absolutely hate it. It’s how opinions work OP.

Franz and Hans is hands down the best fight they’ve produced. It was so damn fun.


WoD had Gladiator Stance for Warriors, putting a shield wielding DPS in the game and I’ve seen many players ask for this back or something similar to it since WoD.

The problem with WoD as others have pointed out wasn’t dissatisfaction with the content but with the dearth of it. There were at least two zones that remained unfinished and two more zones on top of that which were teased but never further developed. Blizzard abandoned the storyline and development for WoD about halfway through and frogmarched is toward Legion as fast as possible.

Comparatively BFA has gotten more care and attention, and the story has gotten more development, but that doesn’t make the story popular. A majority of both factions are dissatisfied with the faction war narrative for one reason or another and comparatively exploring past Draenor was a more compelling setting than a handful of islands with disparate themes somewhere in the south seas.

While I don’t necessarily look back on WoD fondly, especially since in many ways it seemed like it existed to promote the Warcraft movie, I can still understand where there could be some players that enjoyed WoD at the time more than they are enjoying BFA currently.


Right… Because AshCan was look on so favorably… right?

Lol no.

I agree with you for the most part but WoD was a cheap knock off of MoP pvp which was miles better.

Course, this is just opinions.


Class design made WoDs content fun.


I am a WoD baby. I came to game Dec 2015. I didnt get my Warlords Deathwheel and i missed out on the 6.0 release but i’m okay. I personally remember the ghost towns with no content because after 6.x it was axed. I remember Garrisons was the only thing to get besides selfie camera other than grinding PvP and PvE for gearing in the raids and dungeons thats it. LoL

WoD was not better BFA is far more content with allied race level grinding, World Quest and emissaries, Timewalking, Dungeon event, WQ Event monthly, AP grinding, Storyline questing and War campaign, Island Expedition and Warfronts. BFA hits the mark for content than WoD could ever dream of !

LoL People saying WoD is better than BFA …
I almost spit my coffee out of my mouth from laughing so hard :joy::joy::joy::joy: :coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee:

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I enjoyed WoD. People who didn’t like WoD was for its lack of content. The content that was there was easily some of the best. Besides the expac that gave me a DPS sword and board gets bonus points. I want it back.


Quantity for sure, no one could argue that.

Quality is debatable from one person to another. I actually didn’t play WoD live, so I don’t have a horse in this race. Going back and doing it on this monk, the content that was there was actually really cool and engaging. But I bet it would have gotten stale after a while of it being the only content.


You know why WoD was better? 2 words: PvP vendors.


Quality > Quantity


IMHO, we have had three mediocre expacs in a row. Legion only looked better because it had pretty weapons, a new class, and class halls. It was still chock full of “fill-a-bar” game-play and pathfinder and WQs until you choked on them.


Wod > BFA

This is fact


They seemed bad at the time, however artifact and azerite farming has taken terrible to new lows.

Those so called “overpriced” mounts (10k?) have been well and truly trumped by a lightframe mount at 500k plus, a spider mount that’s a steal at 2 million and an auction house dinosaur at a stupendous 5 million.


I enjoyed WoD and I had a good experience because it was the expansion where I actually started to level alts and had a blast leveling other classes. BFA on the other hand put an end to all my alts. I barely have the time to play them.