I can see why premades dodge

Yeah most of them are pretty bad to.

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Silence and I + pugs just fought avm in an av. They struggled so bad they kept dying at stormpike choke and couldn’t push further.
Pugs were having a blast in chat laughing at them. Lol


Trashing talkin the horde communities when they really done nothing wrong to you other than dodge is idiotic. But you do you buddy :+1: :+1:

Oh is it story time? Noice. Yesterday, some hunter raged out during a bit of a kicking and we giggled. Was it ‘Bowcafk’? True to form if so.

Anyway, later got in a different match against the same kid and they had an OK win, so it’s swings and roundabouts.

Stick with OP’s topic. “I see why premades dodge”

Yeah “i see why premades dodge”, they can’t fight on a full bsg raid since they struggle against pugs. Rr on the other hand will only fight when they outnumber bsg. Other than that it’s dodge city.


I actually dont mind fighting you guys, but you’re leader’s are toxic _________ who talk down upon every community. they have even trashed talked their own members and raged over casual content like epics. Dont get me wrong I deserve some of the stuff you guys have said about me.

If you guys are the premade that can destroy other premades. numbers shouldn’t matter right? :rofl: :thinking:

Expecting 1 premade to win with only 15 of their players while you have 35 of yours including all of your healer stacking is a joke.

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we actually dont stack. we just have alot of players that role healer.

Yeah i’m sure you dont.

I’m sure a lot of premades don’t thats just why they end up with 11 healers every game cause they all “like playing healer” in every community.

And somehow all of these healers basically never que outside a premade so that must mean they really love the process of healing.

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Last time I checked you’re always the one here talking smack of our leaders. Also, every time our leaders post here, their post gets magically mass reported in not even 5 minutes.

Who’s toxic now?

Im sorry that everybody and their mother hate your leaders? your so called leader’s have burnt bridges so bad on the horde side. nobody in any of the horde communities want anything to do with you guys.

I even tried to mention it one day about we should all come together and try to clear up any misunderstandings and i got totally shut down. when you guys actually grow up and want to patch relations it wont be possible. thats how much dmge your called leader’s have done in SaS

Lol your members doesn’t like you also. They just tolerate you because they like the company of other members. They’d rather have the others lead them than you. They know your lies.

So that must mean a greenlight to report posts that are actually fine i guess.

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it isn’t. believe me i dont do that. lol

Everything is possible with Blackbeauty.

K cool story. anyways i gotta run. Have a good night.

You mean you gotta dodge, right?

We rolled you guys in ioc last night? but alright :+1: :joy:

i had a dodge once, it was my first car, it taught me how to teardown and rebuild an engine :upside_down_face: i’ll never buy a dodge again.

You rolled them (I wasn’t there) coz you only take Ques when you grossly outnumber us. Very impressive lol.

One thing is for sure though. If the numbers were flip flopped last night, you would’ve never taken that queue and dodged like usual. Atleast they took the queue.

Also, we notice you, specifically you, only take ques when you’re mega stacked, especially with healers. Scared much?