I can see why premades dodge

So now you’re…dodging Dodges??

thanks I’ll see myself out now

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Not sure who dislikes me but alright. Just want to point out that at least I have leader’s. in RR. we’re all on the same page and we work really well together. You guys used to have a great one till you guys pushed him out trying to control him on who he should and shouldn’t play with.

IM so scared of bsg that im shivering in my Timberland boots…LMFAO Could really care less honestly its a casual bg mode. I know you guys care for w/e reason

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You could care less honestly? Honestly, it’s pretty crystal clear that you do care.

You go out of your way to hurl insults towards BSG and specific people in BSG any chance you get on the forums, when those said people rarely, if not at all, post on the forums themselves. Secret obsession? It’s okay, your secret is safe with me.

You go out of your way to make sure you only queue when your group is mega stacked and then proudly proclaim when you beat a partial BSG group.

Not to mention the constant Blackbeauty type related posts on the posts trying to hype yourself up…

Yeah. You don’t care at all.

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A lot of communities don’t dodge. They’ve stated often and with some heat they flat out refuse to waste playtime on any bullies, sociopaths and sex pests who have conveniently gathered into one ignorable mass.

(Don’t know the full history but fielded endless complaints, some of them really creepy. The bullying and sociopathic screaming I’ve witnessed first hand.)

It’s an open platform but that doesn’t give you the right to reframe other players’ refusal to play with you as ‘dodging’. That’s just selling a narrative of fear when the true narrative is closer to disgust.


Give me a break. I solo Que and communities dodge each other, especially horde ones. Nice try tho.

The anti premade people know that what you claim is a lie.


The way you talk false about us reminds me more when I was shopping on Amazon, made me realize where you got your toon name from and yeah it suits you.

h ttps://i.imgur.com/Q4kHYmy.png

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The hard dodging is pretty obvious they will send In like 1 player and the horde team will stay at like 20 players for 30 seconds.

If it’s a pug bam the other 25 people magically materialize if it’s another premade the horde team stays at 20.

That goes for any premade not just bsg. It’s just pretty clear every other premade isn’t interested in premade v premade like they claim they are instead interested in premade v pug.


Can’t wait until premades are taken out of the picture. Most of these back peddlers won’t survive by themselves.

It’s funny that the sync people scream up and down about how they are not cheating but spam report posts about it to get it taken down. If you don’t have anything to hide, why do you go through so much work to shut down people that bring it up?

100% accurate for us.

Doesn’t matter if you don’t dodge… even though everyone knows you guys use addons to avoid other premades lol. You guys are ruining the game for other, to deny that is insane lol

The addon is called “details” they simply know how many people are in que or who took it. They use it to dodge or take ques when the opposing team is outnumbered.

20 sounds like a “good night”. I once saw it happen with only FIVE Horde players. Stayed that way until Alliance got to Field of Strife, then the Horde leader dodged out and Horde didn’t backfill until it was way too late for them to do anything about it.

There is no reason to lie lol

It’s called “community flare”

Probably also battleground commander or something

But the things it does is but is not limited to

  • Community Database Member tracking, matches played, last online, etc.
  • Auto Queue settings when your party leader queues up for Battlegrounds.
  • Block Shared Quests inside Battlegrounds. (That is so annoying, stop it!)
  • Easily selectable Community boxes for Main and Other Communities.
  • Automatically accept invites from Battle.NET friends or Community members.
  • Report Queue status, i.e. Joined, Left, Drop, Popped to Community.
  • Uninvite Players that are AFK when you are Queing up.
  • Automatically give out Raid Assist to your Community members. (Requires Raid Leadership.)
  • Slash commands for various stuff, like /comf to check some counts inside a Battleground.
  • Warning before accidentically casting a Hearthstone or Teleporting out of a Battleground.
  • Restrict users from using the PING system without being Raid Leader or Assistant.
  • Base code for different Locales, so far, only enUS added for support. (If you want to translate to others, please contact Mesostealthy in Alterac Valley Maniacs, or comment down below.)

Basically by “quality of life” they mean breaking the que system.

Lmao “Restrict users from using the ping system”.

Yeah i’ll pass.

I might download some of these addons for no other reason then so i can prevent myself from queing into them.

Gives me as a solo player the ability to dodge them just like it gives them the ability to dodge other premades.

Maybe for sciences sake i’ll document how many ques i drop cause the addon tells me its a premade. and how many it doesn’t and figure out what the ratio between premade and non premade games really are.

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Players using that addon are gonna think their game is bugged.

afaik the addon that tracks who is in queue is a separate addon not published to curse.

Why would you know that unless your a queue dodger/ epic premade only queuer yourself ?

why would you know a queue a dodger/ epic premade only queuer would know that unless you are a queue dodger/ epic premade only queuer yourself?

why would you know a queue a dodger/ epic premade only queuer would know that unless you are a queue dodger/ epic premade only queuer yourself would know that a queue a dodger/ epic premade only queuer would know that unless you are a queue dodger/ epic premade only queuer yourself?