I can see why premades dodge

Some of these players like in djl and rr may actually be the worst i’ve ever seen in my 17 years on this game.

Getting destroyed by a pug with half their healers.


It’s the same mentality of a level 70 max gear player queing up into low bracket bgs with some buddies.
They need to remove lower bracket queing. And they need to go to the same method of queing for epics and randoms as blitz.
Que with one buddy and that’s it.


But according to them there are some of the best players and are saving pvp how dare you speak negatively. HAHAHA


You still mad I won’t let ya have AA Enfers?


I jump from
Discord community to discord community. I’ve played with some great players. All rated. Not so much this last couple seasons…::but never once in all my years has a good player ever said “wanna go Que up in lower bracket PvP?”

lol get the heck out of here …. Not one single good PvP player ques up in lower bracket PvP. And I feel confident to speak on behalf of every single player in the entire world who isn’t garbage like lower bracket players


You should see some of the whisps i get from charming, its actually pretty cringe


I think a premade lead randomly sending me whispers at night is cringer

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Saying hello is cringe? ah k sorry if you took offense.

Gotta remember these are all the angry and friendless people who want everyone to suffer as they do, alone. :stuck_out_tongue:


Cringer is he-mans friend/pet/mount. aka Battlecat when he wants to flex on skelletors.

“more cringe” or perhaps “the cringiest” is probably better grammar

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Said person is in a guild with themselves and 2 alts. It’s like crazy cat lady meets psych ward


fun side note: on my hunter I purposely went and got the green tiger with orange stripes just to name him battlecat. good times.

everyone bank alts bro. sometimes on vacation or i hear also prison?
i mean thats what i hear.

Always the same excuses haha

i can post on my raiding character i guess

ur really obsessive over letters under someone’s name but w/e, must be a naruto thing i don’t get

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Not really.

is that why you’ve only mentioned it several times

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Like you’ve mentioned anime several times despite the fact that a) I don’t watch anime and b) it’s literally just Japanese for ‘red moon’ that I chose to name my Druid.

Did you think Japanese or the word ‘Akatsuki’ didn’t exist before a cartoon or something?

I guess I understand now why you talk to yourself in your guild since you can’t interact with the general public.


didnt ask for ur lore lmao


Your elitist attitude is garbage. Have a nice day :slight_smile: