I can see why premades dodge

What if we’re not that kind of fox? What do you hate worse? I’m a fox or I’m a rogue? Maybe you shouldn’t have left your kidney exposed like that.

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I wasn’t on that time so I don’t know. Just wargame it and settle it.

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ya, ill pass buddy, My community leader’s and I really dont want anything to do with a person who talks trash down upon us every night and even trash talks hes own members.

It’s all good. more folks from your community are coming over to join BF :+1: people are waking up and realizing its not fun over there.

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This is not the thread to start your drama rb. Yall do the same to him. I’ve seen your whispers to oca, tryna make him upset. So don’t be a hypocrite.

Go somewhere else.


If it were me I’d want to fight them even more.

They won’t. They have people in our community, we just kicked Torobravo few days ago (aka Deacon). They see our countdowns and que takes. They only take games against us if they outnumber us.

I think ill pass. I just find it funny…tuning into Inemia’s youtube videos and listening to oca talk down upon RR like we’re this big bad guy. when we’re really not lol…calling us names that if i listed here would probably get me a ban.

They claim to be this premade that destroys other premades but all im seeing are them rolling pugs. it makes me question. while all the other communities are dodging them. we’re having great games against avm, ava, djl.


It was just a joke, we can already see when you guys are qing and dropping anyway. This just shows that yall need to work better on your vetting process. I applied to see if you guys just auto accept applicants :rofl: :rofl:

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I can respect that, though tbh I’d respect you fighting them even more even if it’s a bad loss. I feel that way with epics, I want to help the pugs but I hate supporting the system. Ambivalence.


Premade raids roflstomp pugs and then ask, “Why do pugs give up after one fight? Where did they learn they won’t be able to turn things around? How did they learn they’re just going to be rolled for the rest of the game?”


Instead of having experienced players and newbies spread across all teams, premade raids are filling their teams with experienced players, thus putting even more newbies on pug teams. Then, they complain about new players.


We had a few new ppl last night. And they weren’t that experienced, we were patient an talked them through how we do things. It was a little slower getting started, but it’s always good to have new ppl on board.

Yeah, the queue manipulation and scouting got out of hand in DF. It’s just stupid.

That seems high for a dodge. I did an epic yesterday, in the middle of the day where Horde started with 20 and they didn’t fill out until after we took Sunken Ring. There actually was a very small Horde premade in there, so maybe the ones that didn’t start left because they got Wintergrasp O. :rofl:

My interactions with Oca have always been positive, yeah he may trash talk a bit but don’t we all?

teh exploitrs lyk 2 split hairs over who iz worse newsflash its all of dem


I love (real) foxes. Not in an illegal way. It was just a intentionally low hanging fruit blow to your chosen character skin. No actual hate behind it, you do you.


:dracthyr_no1: :fox_face:

This is no way shape or form that this is okay. You would never seen me rage over casual content like epic battlegrounds :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

h ttps://imgur.com/kxJxxvU

were the good guys we only just harass ppl and exploit the game

its ok tho cause we’re the good guys


He has never raged in my presence, just saying I have yet to see this behavior from him.

BTW, the link doesn’t work?

Sup buddy, hows it goin?