I can see why premades dodge

She doesn’t sound like you’re friend based on her responses.


:rotating_light: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :rotating_light:


Okay lol Im honestly doing nothing more than trolling


Uh Oh, Ruthless once said hello to me also, does that mean? Me not that kind of orc!

Sometime It’s hard to follow what’s going in here, what’s up with the red lights lmao

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This is the standard I noticed. The vast majority of epic premaders aren’t worth a grain of salt when it comes to 1v1 and I’ve been in a few in the BGs and even 2v1 I’ve won quite comfortably.

The ones I’ve challenged to a 1v1 duel have mainly declined or “ghosted”; it’s both funny and sad to me.

The ones who accepted are mainly mm hunters who pop everything straight away, I survive the burst and beat them then I get a tirade of insults and immediately btag unfriended. :rofl: oh no…

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Yep. As long as the premaders play to win for their respective sides.

I have been queing solo lately and tbh, I like it better. Games are spontaneous, you can easily turn them around and ques are fast. It’s not a stomp, so you actually get to play sweaty games.

I have also noticed how horde premades get completely stomped by pugs, and backfillers and how they also dodge not only bsg. Also the joy on pug raid chat when they defeat a premade is priceless.


A lot of premaders disrespect the pugs but we can get really serious when someone announces premade in chat.


Thats cause they are really salty that pugs are better.


Give me a team of 5-6 players we can do some real damage but it’s a bitter pill when I just got out of an AV camp.

I just leave games like that and que blitz instead.

Which premaders disrespect the pugs? And which pugs, the enemy or the ones on their own team? I have seen the latter, but the judgment is usually fair and the pugs are awful: don’t know how the strat works, think they can just zerg and win, give up after one fight, etc.

Also, I can’t say I’ve ever seen an actual pug win vs. a synced 30+ player premade that happens during off hours. I have seen ONE close almost-win, but that was only because we had one amazing leader. Otherwise, I’ve only seen revolving doors pf players leaving and no-contest losses.

I encourage the players who insist solo pugs are better than premades to play during these very imbalanced times of day and queue on the side of the weaker faction.

The “giving up after one fight” only started once premade’s became a huge problem. And sure, there are players out there that don’t know what they are doing mostly because there is literally no way to learn pvp other than playing it. You guys hate on new players and make them quit and then cry that pvp has so few players.


If pugs are so bad why do syncers need 30+ people to beat them?

I have, a class stacked MW and boomie premade. No one left when premade was called. Who is the better player, the one that cheats the queue system to gain unfair advantage or the one that knows they’re facing a premade and gives it all despite the fact they’re probably going to lose?


I try to do sync games but there is too much queue dropping nowadays . So I barely play one game with a premade and do 3-4 solo every time I play.

Last night I ran into a RR premade in AV . I think a horde premade dodged the queue because we started with only 30. Ended up getting smashed but all good. Not like CQ is needed now .

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I have both Ali and Horde and queue solo. I learned to just afk out and go on another toon after playing against a certain team in IOC after they will legit camp the gy spawn area until they have everything. I’m not going to call anybody out or name shame bash. Do I get frustrated, omfg yes. Do I personally think that these premades are a cancer in the game, yes. Is there anything I can do about it, no. I came back a few months ago after over 2yrs off and I say to myself wtf was I thinking. Anyways just my two cents and have a good day all.

Queue syncing is cringe, even worse than playing as a fox.

Morgan Freeman Voice :As fate would have it, he never did find out how it was going.


I’ve seen you solo Que. I come home late from work most of the time now and I be pugging. Ques are quick and it’s more fun because games are sweaty.

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Hey buddy, What happen to Oca last night after team RR beat yall in ashran? he rage quit? :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :joy:
Looks like RR/BF is taking away the sandbox

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