I can see why premades dodge

People notice when the first couple of pages of BGE are all monks and druids, maybe they just don’t notice when the team is random and not dominant.

Just because we’re all doing stuff doesn’t mean what you think it does. Who wants to duel a blood dk? Nobody. It’s like trying to solo a disc priest. Long, boring, and annoying. Foo (a DJL officer) took you up on your challenge and he beat you.


We drop q if it’s the unmentionables and that’s how I wind up on my crappy alts. If it’s RR we usually fight them. The only time we will drop is if they have vastly more than we do and we can’t fight back with the few we have. I will ask in disc yall wanna take it or not? We go with the consensus.

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Pugs ask themselves the same question.


new daily quest: no gaslighting for 24 hours this applies to all players


Uh, no he didn’t. I will take things that didn’t happen for 500!

If you are referring to the Evoker it was a standstill then my queue popped up and I took it, you really have a reputation of fibbing cause this isn’t the first time you make things up.

BTW, excuses are like armpits

They stink!

I seen davy Jones’s afk out of starting room cuz of auggy on other team of all ppl LOL


Auggy premades are fake news. People actually send her all sorts of nasty tells. She doesn’t deserve all the hate.

And Carrasco, yes, Foo did win that duel.


No, he didn’t stop fibbing! We dueled for 1 minute and my queue popped and I took it, for real you have to lie about a duel?

He was the Evoker, correct? Cause the only one on your community to duel me was an Evoker and none of us were even below 80% health, like why feel the need to lie about that?

Here is my BTAG Akita #11329 since you are so fixated on fibbing we can duel and please RECORD it this time.

Not lying at all, no need to. It flashed on my screen Foo has beaten Carrasco in a duel. I dunno why you’re obsessed with dueling me and I’m not dueling a blood dk. I’ll take it as a compliment that you’re bent on trying to flex on ppl for some unknown reason. I have a theory but I’m not getting another forum vacation, esp for something this petty.

I’ll duel you on my druid as guardian, may the best tank win.


Now I know you are full of it, usually if two players are dueling and a player takes a queue pop it will say,

Said player has fled

This isn’t the first time you have been dishonest about something and it doesn’t surprise me you took a forum vacation.

I get why you wouldn’t duel a Blood DK that makes sense, but the other part is fabricated.
I can duel you on my Warlock who is in Honor Gear

Akita 11329


You and one of my older toons were in a EOTS together, you were Balance and I was MM we both killed it on damage.

I know a few dislike you but I have always thought you were a good player.

Add me and we can do some randoms together.
Akita 11329

“We play for fun guys”

(fun = one sided pug stomp)


ye teh moar tortureclicka talks teh moar its revealed they have a problum wit teh truth


there isn’t even anyone in bsg named truth so idk why they’re so scared of it

Sup buddy, How’s it goin?


She’s not that into you.


And im not really interested either. I can’t say hello to a friend?