I can see why premades dodge

One time against whoever stacked MW and boomies in S3 they split their forces and we wiped their tower team. We were near the defensive fight but those guys will burn you before you can react and we were too far to help our fight so the rsham jumps on the road to stop someone going to the bunker.

Seemed like a good use for our time, just 2 healers patrolling the road killing stragglers. I was surprised how quick they died and I doubt my health fell below 95%. They destroyed us in total damage and healing but we won easily.

So do I if there is a premade on our team. Whats your point ?

The other Epic BGs im going to be in will most likely be against a premade with none on our side or they “scout” to see if there is an enemy premade and then don’t take the BG and so we start 15 vs 35.

So I’ll take the free W especially if its a daily I need. I would rather hands down be ensured its a pug vs pug though.

If you guys and your communities would only face each other you would stop queueing and the groups implode.

I don’t, I’ll drop to put them down a healer so they can never use that against me but I don’t always realize that I have a team on my side since they don’t always talk in chat. I used to be more hardcore and leave if I had just a strong suspicion.

That’s cool, I normally seek my own fights and dont follow the zerg. A couple of 1v1s or skirmish of 2v3s are more fun for me than mindless zerging with the premade.

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I’m not saying everyone should, just what I do.

Once in a while pugs will listen and it is so satisfying to bring them a victory. The trolls and negative players make it so hard. Sometimes I get whispers after a game from those same trolls saying “GG” “good lead” because all it takes is for 1 guy to not give-up.

Premaders have it easy, just have 20 people already listening and that is a huge advantage. You can have all your team turn on a dime from objectives to objectives.

While leading pugs you have to assume that if they listened to one call, they might miss the next and tunnel vision the first call.

Before the increase in premade activity (or decreased participation which leads to them being more obvious now) It was much easier to lead pugs, they were more inclined to listen to calls when the playing field is even, and actually pug vs pug.

I don’t think they intentionally stack, It’s just a result of healers being attracted to premading because it makes their life easier. For DPS classes, it is also a natural effect of the game state, depending on which class is the strongest. As much as it seems they’re intentionally stacking meta spec, people are just drawn to them. Then they’re more likely to heal in their community because it is a safe environment to heal into.

The only thing they’re stacking is players. What those players spec into, depends on the game, if next expansion Frost DK are OP, we’ll see a lot of Frost DK show up.

My main issue is unfair organization that leads to uncontested landslide victories. If we had cross-faction, I believe the premades would be sprinkled on both team, bringing back a certain balance, that might be tolerable.


The end result is the same. Their team is stacked with healers and meta specs for epic bgs compared to random pug teams. Everyone knows those are benefits of running with premade raids.

I’m sure premaders are cognizant how many healers their raid has. If they see their raid only has 1 healer, they’ll play on their healer toon. If they see their raid already has 15 healers, they’ll play on their DPS toon.

Also, geared players. Premade raiders are probably more geared than random pugs. If we could look at the teams’ average ilevels, the premade raid team’s is likely higher.

Also, experienced players. On average, premade raids probably have more players who are experienced with epic bgs.

That too.

So, we have a premade raid with plenty of geared healers and meta specs, coordination, and experience (i.e. a stacked team) going against a team of random pugs. In a bracket that does not allow you to queue up in a raid group.


That is less of an issue since gearing has been made easier now, but I can see how some might just stick to their Main that’s fully enchanted/crafted max ilvl. Premade bring their best character in-case they face another premade, but how often does that actually happen. 20% of the time?

Pugs often are gearing up and don’t have honor stacked main that can feed full honor sets, you’ll have your usual fully geared pug who’s there for the quest before jumping on alts.

Yup… cross-faction can’t come soon enough. Should be here yesterday. I’m highly skeptical that there would be any kind of Sabotage happening outside of what already happens with Merc.

I can see the sabotage option, but I don’t want to believe it’s true, because everyone want to PVP and win. There’s nothing like a good premade vs premade BG… and I think cross-faction can make that happen more often. Turn your poison to wine… or something.


IMO, if Holinka was still here, he would have done something about the dismal state of epic bgs due to premade raids.

Sadly, we have nobody to contact anymore. To be honest, I’m not even sure if Blizzard is aware there’s currently a big problem with epic bgs. They haven’t even fixed simple stuff like buffing the hp of IOC vehicles.

The moment you have premades with players on both teams, shenanigans will likely happen. It’s too easy/tempting to help your main team.

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Especially mistweavers, I guess, and balance druids. They can off-heal.


They have a new guy talking about PVP, forgot his name (Edit: George Velev), he did an interview recently. But any major changes, even decided today, would only appear in a future expansion.

All these changes we ask for, I’m hoping to see them in Midnight Expansion, might be too late for TWW.

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I think gear is less meaningful in epics since less people have it, I top healed my team in the few I ran in my early S3 gear in the solo queue. I only top healed the instance once, the one we lost. That’s healing for ya. I wouldn’t want to heal a regular in this gear, it was worse when I started I just got a few pieces for BGB, I can imagine I’d probably end up solo healing temple against several enemy healers.

Regular BG’s are too competitive now, there’s nothing casual about them. They’re harder than rated because you get extra consumables. A new player should go in Epic first then Blitz. Regs feels like playing rated without the rewards.

At least in Epics, you can ride a tank or a turret and still help your team.

I wonder if they’ll keep the unrated version of Blitz… It could be beneficial to learn the new mechanics (damn EotS).


He’s a game producer. His focus is making sure content ships on time. I don’t think he’s really involved in game design.

Holinka was in charge of PvP and he could personally make changes or tell other people to make changes to PvP content.

Eh, I guess we’ll see, but that might have been a one-off.



The bad thing is that our PVP players Spokesperson are Arena players mostly. Blizzard won’t come ask random Epic BG enjoyers about their opinion. It’s like asking 30 man raiders what should happen with Mythic+.

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That’s my impression as well, they don’t want to tell us who’s in charge because we’d have a name to associate with the problems that probably come from other departments.

I haven’t played rated just BGB and they were mechanically easy but I do think there are better games in regs I’d just need more gear and hope I get a team that peels. I’m 3-5 days away from 17 70s, it’s how I’ve spent my time recently.

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One of the interviewers with that game producer runs with premade raids. If they were asked about epic bgs off-camera, I doubt they portrayed what they’re doing as a significant problem that needs to be fixed.

So, the PvPers who currently have direct interactions with Blizzard employees are arena players and a premade raider. We’re doomed.


They were being stretchy with their definition of Premade for sure. Focused on the 5 man part, ignoring the Sync.

I was in Val. when a whole bunch of players in a certain EPIC community happen to be in at the time, believe it was a Saturday. I must have request 10+ duels and they all refused, so yeah it kind of clarifies that they can’t PvP without an advantage.

from my experience premade epic communities just take whoever. It’s basically a random pug, but everyone knows to listen to the leader so that helps.

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