I can see why premades dodge

People leave after losing first team fight. premade or no premade. If the game is gonna take effort, the quitters don’t want any part of it.

So just que for blitz. you get good conquest and vault slots.

If you’re just gonna be lazy and quit an EBG at the first sign of trouble, do everyone a favor and just stop quing for them.


If I’m there at the start I like to fight them with a competent pug team sometimes, you get to try out crazy strategies. People underestimate pugs, overestimate premades. They have an advantage and there are some crazy losses but some fun stories and sometimes a surprise win. It’s better to try than pass the situation on to the next person. They can take our land but they’ll never take our freedom.

No, I will queue for anything I want. If there is a premade on the other side I will leave and do a blitz. I encourage everyone else to the same if they don’t want to fight premades as pugs.



Premade raids stack their team so they have an overwhelming advantage over random pugs. The games are completely one-sided. Then, premaders wonder why pugs don’t want to stick around.

At this point, premade raids have basically trained pugs to leave losing games. Premade raids have trained pugs that games hardly ever turn around. Of course pugs will leave when there’s a sizeable chance they’re going against a premade raid and their odds of victory are close to 0.

Pugs want fair/fun games. Unfortunately, they aren’t getting them in a bracket that does not allow raids to queue up, yet is still infested with premade raids. Furthermore, there are all the games that are ruined because one team started half-empty since a premade raid decided to drop their queue pops.

One sweaty community does that. One.

The rest of the communities, just bring whatever folks feel like playing that night.

They trained themselves…and it has nothing to do with premades. If pugs lose the opening fight they leave. Doesn’t matter who is on the other side.

Pugs…or I should say the quitter pugs, just want the game on easy mode. No effort. Let their team do all the work, and as soon as doesn’t go well they quit. There are plenty of pugs that stick around the whole match and make an effort. Those folks are betrayed by the quitter everytime. Stop trying to pass blame.


Ill lead pugs in epics if they let me. But lets face it, 7/10 they want no part in it and want to troll/hate whisper for pushing objectives and not zugging. One of the main things premades have in their favor is communication. If the pugs can stick it out, pull it together, react fast and communicate, thats when things get fun. Ive seen some really good solo/pug players out there and think they have a shot if they work together. A well fought match can still be fun even if it ends in a loss. Bad matchmaking is a whole other monster. There are lopsided match ups that happen regardless if its premade or pugs and that sucks.


Seems like if pugs are so bad you shouldn’t need 19-39 of your friends to beat them, you should be able to do it without exploiting with just 5.


Because most of the ebgs are tilted heavily for who wins that first fight.

Especially if you lose it in a landslide it just makes a team that was already stronger than yours to begin with even more so.

IoC in the s3 and s4 of an expansion is that way, the others are not.
AV has tons of counterplay
In Ashran you can turtle, as cringe as that is
WG defend even if you lose ST can be won
WG attack after the first fight is also winnable, plenty of times the defenders were too focused on their rotation to defend the rush from BT

the BGs could be improved, sure. but the real issue is player attitude. most either want an easy win or no ty, log out, log in on alt, try again.

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I stayed in the bg and watched our team lose every team fight. The premade sending 5-10 man groups to cap back towers in perfect Sync.

I spent the 20 minutes picking off lonesome premaders in Field of Strife and they sent a group to come and get me at which point I afk’d out.

They weren’t capping towers they were there to farm GY and I aint staying in no Epic BG being camped by a bunch of players that are quite bad in any situation outside of zerg.

There was no turning the BG around. There was only being GY Farmed 300 to 0.

If you want to stay in that BG then thats on you. Be their smack dummy, I will AFK, relog and re-q.

Ironically I got into another Epic within 4-5 minutes with no premade either side and we won. It was a good fair fight. Which is what I was after not this premade vs pug stuff.


When they farm the GY like that they make a lot of enemies of the people back filling.

This is how you do it!

If you are mad people are not forced to sit in your lopsided game and increasingly you are griefing just 20 players all game probably most of them bots instead of 40 just say that.

Why should people stay in a match thats rigged against them from the jump?

I personally afk out of premade matches and que a blitz instead which you can do with the deserter buff.

The less than 1k HL terribad premaders are not entitled to my time.

Yep. It’s nice, but i wonder will that still be available in TWW?

I had one of them ( in a premade WG group ) chase my HPriest across the map ( MM Hunter ) and then lose a 1v1. So I just spent the rest of the game hunting him out and uh, giving him some love.

tl;dr - Yes they only play in an exploitive manner because 99.9% of them are the poo.


You lie. You take the free carries. You afk if you can get away with it.


Hunter vs priest just about always ends with the priest winning. Esp. if they are disc.


It’s also not just pugs. We’ve all seen premaders and premade raids AFK out of bgs when they lose the first fight. Some of them desert before the gates even open if they see a premade raid on the other team. Funny how they don’t want to stay in the match either.


Yeah, i would think a healing priest should win all the time unless they’re kinda bad.

I could afk at any time i wanted.

All it takes is for me to go cast 1 ability on someone every 2 minutes to remove the debuff.

If i don’t its cause i choose not to not because of you.