I can see why premades dodge

i seen 1 of teh posters instruct there qsinkers 2 kick ppl in bgs b4 multipl times 4 somethin as simple as dyin yes dyin so i got a suspect in mined

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that this post is up n those around it arent tells u teh answer which comm doin it

4th post hidden

CMs gonna have a field day

Bro calling people morons among other things and is surprised when a trigger happy person/persons flag their posts lol.

Not surprised at all I fully expect my post to get deleted

Meant every word I said tho


n still teh post i quoted wit teh obvius coc violashun posted by an qsinker is still unflagged hmmm

It’s elitist being accurate about a statement?

I shouldn’t have to explain this but there’s a way you talk to people and a way you don’t talk to people.

Not going to spoon feed you. Think for yourself and figure it out.

The way I approach civility is if you come at me with respect then you will receive it back in the same way that if you come at me with a uncalled for attitude you are going to get one in response.

Cause anything less than that is opening yourself up for the doormat effect where people believe they can get away with treating you that way.


I dont have to figure anything out. Dropping into lower brackets as a maxed out level 70 veteran is GARBAGE gameplay. No one I know with a sense of honest and decent gamesmanship would ever EVER suggest we Que up in lower brackets.
There is nothing for me to figure out. It’s garbage. And if that offends you for some reason….well I mean all I did was hold up a mirror little man. Take a good look.


Lay off the booze…

or the meet me in halo 3 :stuck_out_tongue: :purple_heart: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

no one asks for yours either yet you still do it x; so therefor everyone can tell their lore story now its cannon :slight_smile:


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If most community discords are as obnoxious and annoying as bsgs is from inemia’s stream then yeah i would rather be solo.

Instead of listening to a bunch of grown men screaming at each other over unrated content and blasting nauseating night club rave music while doing it.

Atleast Djl doesn’t think they are celebrities or something like bsg does… omggg i have a 50 subscriber youtube channel that i’ve had for 4 years i’m so popularrr our group is so popularrr in the comunityyyy and yet literally nobody even knows who they are.

And if you are trying to get big wow is the last game you should be playing and random bgs the last content you should be doing lmao.


don’t worry these guys are the real lonely ones that’s why the surround themselves with online “friends” lol

Only 3 people in your guild. Opinion Invalid. xD

I was just in an Epic BG and was picking off the enemy horde premade when they ran through Field of Strife after they stompeded in the team fight.

Some very, very easy 1v1s were had… against players that outgeared me. They sent a balance druid and mage after me and was winning that one … but then 3 more came slithering out of the woodwork.

I just left and re-queued on another char. It was seriously pathetic from my p.o.v that these epic sync premades are like this


Enfers lol what a maroon


If there is a problem with EBGs, its this. Quitters quitting.

Lose one team fight and it’s “peace out”. Then they leave the rest of their team at a huge disadvantage.

BGs can be turned around, but it’s much easier to just quit and wait 15min to que again. You can kill the time by coming to the forums and complaining about premades.

People complain that premades want “easy” wins, but in reality there are no easy wins. You gotta put in the work. The quitters arent willing to do that.


It’s not surprising that people leave. No one wants to fight a premade so it makes sense to leave as soon as you see one or after you lose first fight. Now that we can queue blitz with the deserter debuff it makes leaving EBGs a lot easier since you can still play the game. After the blitz game your deserter will be gone and you can queue an epic again.