I can see why premades dodge

Leaders die in battlegrounds just like everyone else, for example like how Oca died to Durty and I after he lost to us 2v2 right before he AFK’d out last night. He had a pocket healer and still died because leaders arent infallible. They’re just regular players.

We’re just living rent free my guy; he’s spending all his time and energy talking about every other EBG community on the forums while the rest of us are having fun and living life.

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Just a point of clarification, I was watching OCA’s stream during that game and your version of events is a little off… There was more than 2 of you (5 I think? 2 DH’s, priest, hunter and a druid) and OCA’s “pocket healer” was an undergeared guardian druid alt trying to do graveyard achievements.

*Sorry to interrupt, continue fighting

Literally not what happened, OCA and his pocket healer both glidered off the graveyard, were failing at killing Durty who followed them 1 v 2, I popped my wings and flew down to Durty and kept Oca CC’d while Durty killed his healer then we killed Oca. By your logic it was 40 v 40 because there was a fight in the middle at the beginning.

I’m sure everyone is paying absorbent prices in rent… and thats good thats the way it should be.

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talk’s cheap, ya’ll should rematch if you truly believe your version…

Talk about living rent free. You immediately went to the “neutral” epic bg premade discord called “The War Room” and said OCA rage quit AV because he couldn’t beat you and Durty in a 2v2, which is not exactly how it went down as stated. You should have said “it was a 5v2, they may or may not have used their CD’s, we may or may not have used our CD’s, they bailed on the 5v2 as any other sane person would, and we followed them, secured a kill on the undergeared guardian Druid, then killed Oca”… By the way, did you kill Oca? Or did he afk out? Which one is it?

Let’s be real, if Oca and his undergeared guardian Druid (you keep emphasizing pocket healer for some weird and obsessive reason, almost to justify that it was an amazing and glorious kill) friend had killed you and Durty, it would be harassment, abuse, and every other criminal offense in the book and probably excuses galore. But when you kill Oca, it’s worthy of an Olympic Medal.

As you can see, they clearly go out of their way to try and secure a kill on someone they despise when those people are alone or outnumbered, but avoid those same people when they’re not alone at all costs. “KNOWN GRIEFERS” flashing on your screen upon entering a battleground only to afk out…. So funny and sad at the same time. Imagine forming a PVP community and forming PVP premades on a daily basis to PVP only to avoid PVP’ing certain people. I’d think if you despise these people so much, you’d want to kill them, no? Let’s be real, it’s simply that you know you can’t beat them, when evenly matched in numbers, but use morality as an excuse. As said before, you will gladly queue into a few single BSG members queued alone, but will disappear otherwise. Does your morality only exist during certain hours of the day and then thrown out the window outside of those hours? Can’t imagine why.

As Stupid said, I’m sure Oca would be more than willing to rematch a 2v2 in another epic bg setting or any other setting assuming it wasn’t outnumbered to begin with. Now, will you? I assume not.

By the way, for anyone wondering, “The War Room” epic bg premade discord server does indeed really exist. There’s even a “Rules” channel where it states “NO DRAMA !!!, NO POLITICS, NO COMPLAINING ABOUT OTHER COMMS, NO TRASH TALK, leave the drama at the door and come here to have fun and chill with other chill people” - quite comical considering the amount of drama and trash talk witnessed in that discord - not only trash talk against BSG, but drama and trash talk amongst yourselves about the other communities’ leadership.


You done yet? :yawning_face: :yawning_face:

You done being Inemia’s biggest fan?

But just between you and I (I promise I won’t tell anyone), were you watching Inemia’s stream in real-time or after the fact? Either way, it’s cool to know that you’re Inemia’s biggest fan (:

Let me get this straight (I am kind of slow) you mean to tell me that if you queue into a group of people that you personally dislike that you leave the battleground entirely? Seems kind of petty to me?


Didn’t know it was a crime to watch youtube videos? as you’re aware i do like drama in some forums. also you’re dwelling on the past there really hasn’t been any activity in the war-room for the past couple months.

I called it “fake PvP” once and got flagged for it, :rofl:

Didn’t know it was a crime to call someone’s BS out? Or is it one of those situations where if it’s someone you dislike, it’s a hate crime, otherwise it’s totally fine?

What bs? tuning into someone’s stream to see if there is any juicy deets? knowing bsg there usually is lol. you dont see me denying it

Plumcrazy? You have a mage that goes by the same name? If so you are a great player as is Oca, to be honest I don’t get all the hate towards you two, the few times we were in a battleground together you all were pretty chill.

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just some epic bg drama that everybody is holding grudges for something that happened in SL

Plenty of people on these forums can’t handle the truth. Don’t take it personal, just imagine where they will end up in life.

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Thanks and yezzir, the name is spelled backwards at the moment ( Yzarcmulp) but I usually solo Que at night due to my busy work schedule.

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I have an idea. Perhaps Blizzard can offer the queue syncers special access to these forums and instead of having to actually play the game they can simply fight here. They can keep arguing their version of events are the “true” versions and claim whatever moral victories they’re shooting for. That’s the great thing about moral victories! Just claim it and it’s yours!

Blizzard can even offer honor for particularly liked or flagged posts. That way they keep getting honor levels without having to clutter up the BG queues and having to worry about who is on the other team or not. That sounds exhausting!

If this proves really popular with the queue syncers Blizzard can offer access to some AI video development program and the syncers can make scripted videos to match their version of events they can post! They can use those ueseless arathi basin bots as actors!

I think this will be great! Epic battlegrounds will be more fun and these forums will be a lot more fun! Plus every one saves a LOT of time and still getting honor levels.

Blizzard, you can have my idea for free. No need for contracts. Fight!

The entire existence of that discord is based upon an enormous amount of built-up resentment and anger ranging as far back as more than a year ago (if not more) towards the leadership of BSG and certain members within BSG… so much so that y’all actively tried to prevent any BSG members joining at all. Imagine having a “neutral” epic bg premade discord server and excluding BSG members due to a handful of people. Who lives rent free again? Who is dwelling on the past again?

Before you deny not allowing any BSG members into that discord server, let’s refer back to one night where RR got their butts handed to them. Not once, not twice but thrice. Following the games, several BSG members who were not really known (due to just joining the community) were immediately kicked. Some members of that discord server found out and thought it was wrong of the leadership to kick these people. So again, who lives “rent free?”