I can see why premades dodge

What are you talking about, ton of Brute Force are current or ex BSG. It’s not guilt by association.

There’s only a handful of Goats that would be automatically refused entry to most large communities. Don’t make out like everyone who joins is stuck there, that’s only true of a small group.

You guys are acting like you’re this big mighty im perfect community you guys really aren’t all that you guys claim to be. mistakes were made, Im aware on both sides. I can say that I have not once raged on my own members after losing an epic. and i’ve been doing this since SL S2 When i first joined SoD. anyways im kinda tired goin back and forth with you lol. also want to point out that you guys did the same thing in your guys community so this point is really invalid

DJL as a whole voted to leave any bg that they are in. I voted to fight, but majority ruled.

I’m gonna go with :billed_cap: :billed_cap:


Like….asking for feet pics cringe or like “what honor level are you” cringe? There’s levels of cringe

I don’t believe you had unorganized randoms on your side and beat a 30+ premade.

I have seen smaller premade on one side beat the bigger premade, sure. But what you’re saying… yeah, nah.

Hey, I don’t pay your monthly fee or your community members so you do what you want to do. With that said it is just weird IMHO. Was in a Rated with a player that I particular don’t like, decided to just finish and find another group.
I don’t know it just seems weird, for me at least I would want to stay and beat them, then plaster the video all over Youtube.

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Some of our players have been berated by their leaders in disc and want nothing to do with them. Even if I want to fight, we stand in solidarity against the bullies by not engaging 99/100 times. They do employ last minute entry tactics, so now and then they may get us by doing that.

You don’t have the moral highground mate.

You never have


You are the bully. And you shield yourself from criticism by lying, ignoring inconvenient truths, and claiming you have disabilities and thus are immune to criticism. You can twist dodging however you want; you can pretend you stand on principles but all of us see it for what it is–you being a coward.


I’ve seen them dodge against every premade not just bsg.

‘coward’ is a good term


u c they had a vote n its wut ppl wanted so they had 2 screw over theyre own faction

their narrative is so expired.

even alliance pugs know that horde premades are cowards and can be beaten easily by pugs. lol kinda sad.

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I wanna play my undead… Make Horde Great Again

Kill farming weekend dads, then having hours of arguments every week over whose better at doing it. EBG communities sure sound like fun…

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its not dads its grammas n dudes who lost custody


Who cares? They’re having fun and that’s all that matters.

Be the change, go play the undead. Horde together strong.

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Unfortunately to many sheep just follow the top rank players who all went night elf cause its overpowered.

Just FYI, A proper Orc will say “I Challenge you to Mak’gora!” The word duel is for the humans…

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