I can see why premades dodge

Until its a fight you cant win and then you are gone quicker than the wind on a stormy day.

Which is fine cause i leave premade games to all the time.

Especially against ones trying to drag it out for their extremely low HL’s


“We simply refuse to engage with your group” is getting to be an old, overused excuse. Even Alliance pugs are beginning to laugh more and more when they see your premade dodging. Things like “Is it DJL or is it AVM that is dodging?” or… “Ahh, there’s the horde premade joining late, I bet they were waiting to see if they were against another challenging premade” are becoming more commonplace in Alliance epic bg chat.

You all are more than glad and happy to queue into a few BSG members (who you despise) IF and ONLY IF those few BSG members are alone and do not outnumber your premade. We have seen it happen so many times. The second y’all are outnumbered, roll out the good ole “We simply refuse to engage with your group” and here comes the dodge.


You mean how yall wait until the last second to enter and then we see yep, they did it again and we leave. We don’t care if you are fighting with us or against us, we want nothing to do with your group. Five of you or twenty plus.

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Maybe its not about what you want.

Should stay instead of leaving 6 people holding your bag


I’m curious, will you dodge a member of BSG even if they’re queuing alone? Like Plum said they played solo often… then they get a whole premade dodge based on their presense?

I should say I’m in BSG too XD

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I wasn’t even in their group last night and I heard that a Horde community premade dodged BSG in an Ashran. Funny thing is, BSG entered the queue almost instantly as it was the first queue of the night.

Have y’all not denied using scouts and dodging time and time again? Someone took a screenshot of the 8 Horde players that were left to fend off the Alliance team. Ironically, one of those 8 Horde players is a well known Horde premader that I recognized when I saw the screenshot.

Also, whether you agree or not, there’s been many instances where we have seen DJL/AVM queueing in very late after seeing a few BSG members that you actively despise and are alone. However, if those same people are ever in a larger premade, you are nowhere to be found.

Simply put, you make it sound like it’s a moral choice when choosing to not to engage with BSG (when they outnumber your premade). However, when there’s only a few of them, especially one’s that you dislike, all morality goes out the window.

For example:
-you see Plum and Silence solo queing, yall stay.
-you see Oca solo que, yall stay.

Yall are really contradicting yourselves. Y’all’s narrative is really getting old.


I don’t deny going in to goat check. I am the one who goes in first. When KNOWN GRIEFERS flashes on my screen, I bounce and we requeue.

The fact that you have “KNOWN GRIEFERS” flash on your screen (that’s from avm leader’s add on btw, its programmed to flash that) is pretty funny and sad at the same time.

Let’s refer back to the screenshots I linked earlier. Some griefing/farming is appropriate, some griefing/farming is not appropriate?

When you grief pugs, all day, is it okay?

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Torturekilla try not to embarrass yourself and blatantly lie on the forums challenge impossible


Plum bashing all the communities including rr, what’s new? bsg can’t keep any of the communities out of their mouth without trash talk. nothing new here, moving on.


Wasn’t it you who started bashing bsg in this thread? Give me a break rb. You’re not the one to talk.

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Im not talkin about the forums bud, you guys talk about all these communities in game in your guys disc. I’ve watched all the youtube video inemia made before he deleted them all. you guys really like to talk about rr :rofl: :rofl: glad we’re living rent free in Oca’s head.

Silence said something about rent free to.

I reminded him he was probably paying a lot in rent… like a ton actually which is good

They run their community on hate and resentment. really not the way to go about running a community. most of their members that are in bsg, hate my guts guess thats one thing they all have in common

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I think its the best foundation actually.

Better than friends or whatever the rest of you guys are on about.

And everyone here needs to continue paying a ton in rent thats a very good thing needs to continue.

Resentment? Y’all got a whole discord excluding bsg specifically and to insult on bsg every chance you get lol. Cool story blackbeauty.

Glad you’re not denying this

Everybody in the war-room channel hates you guys? you guys burnt bridges beyond repair, you guys can only blame yourselves :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: Maybe sometime in the next expansion ill try again and see if we can patch relations or attempt to start the healing process for what happen in SL

I veto that motion before it’s even made. :smiley:

Lmao who do you guys think you are? steve bannon or joseph stalin?

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Crazy how you say you don’t care but yet you watched ALL inemia’s videos? You’re really contradicting yourself rb.

So between you and me (I promise I won’t tell anyone), were you watching Inemia’s stream in real-time or after the fact? Either way, it’s cool to know that you’re Inemia’s biggest fan!

The fact that y’all call it the “war-room” channel is quite comical. Not sure if it was meant to be ironic or serious, but either way, comical.