I can see why premades dodge

Did 4 EPICs (solo queue of course) and went 1-3. The first one was obviously pugs vs pugs and was a lot of fun. The last three were quite eye opening for me and solidified what I thought about these communities. Anytime there was an opportunity for a 1v1 or even 1v2 players from these groups would quickly run back to their large group which consisted of at least 8-9 healers.

The last 3 were not even close and pugs would quit right away. There was one AV in particular where as a tank I was the highest damage and healing, which is to say that yeah the majority of pugs recognize names of players from Epic Communities and usually leave after the first clash. Sad that a mode that should be the easiest in PvP has become a bunch of try hards who have to stack at least 9-10 healers.

The most ridiculous is when a dozen of them finally kill me then plant a flag of ownership on me? I always thought a flag of ownership was meant for 1v1 not a 12v1.


This entire thread is just cringe as it gets. Are you guys actually arguing over who is better at fake PvP? LMAO…


Btw. My rogue friend has a compilation of farming epic bg community leaders, multiple times in a single bg, he farmed avm and djl leaders the most. They’re too easy to kill, even dying in the middle of their team or with multiple healers around. It’s humiliating how untalented these ppl are. :rofl:

There’s one rogue who does nothing but follow me around in bgs. Doesn’t do objectives, nothing. A good rogue can stun you and kill anyone pretty fast, regardless of whether or not you are decent.

As you can clearly see, every excuse known to man will be used to explain these very apparent skill issues


Ya specially a hunter that’s just sad a good hunter can counter a rogue.

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Translation: I have a rougue that no one realizes is me and I farm/greif premade leaders.

Meanwhile, while you’re off greifing folks in BGs your team is getting their rear ends handed to them. Great teammate…Way to go!!!

You are such a cringy, creepy stalker troll.

How many discords have you been kicked out of?..only to sneak back in so you can “spy”.

You really are obsessed with folks who really couldn’t care less. So weird.

Only a bad rogue would die to a hunter.


Is this really coming from a premader that griefs pugs all day? The irony. Anyway…

There are literally clips of him trying to kill me on my mage, he’s gotten me a few times. The difference here is that I don’t use excuses as to why I died. So, try again. My friend is simply tired of premades and I see his viewpoint as I solo que more.

It’s come to a point where alliance pugs laugh in the battleground chat about how a horde premade must be dodging an alliance premade. They even ask, “I thought the point of premades was to face each other?”

Speaking of farming/griefing, I have queued solo into a few communities recently and their leaders have made yell macros targetted specifically at me about how I am being farmed (0 deaths by the way, their definition of being farmed is pretty hilarious). It doesn’t even stop there, y’all say in the entire horde battleground chat that y’all are about to farm kills and make it painful for the other team. So wait, who farm/griefs again?

Regarding me queueing solo, there is one reason and one reason alone - y’all dodge queues so frequently, leaving 5-8 horde to face the alliance team. Since y’all only want to fight pugs, I join the pugs and still watch you all struggle.

Funny thing is, this only happens when certain BSG members queue solo and your scouts see these solo queued players alone, only to have your entire premade enter and grief/farm those specific people 20-30 seconds later just in case more BSG members join. Talk about “cringe."


h ttps://imgur.com/a/mRMbqRc
h ttps://imgur.com/a/sHNxjvD


Seems like they have some animosity towards you.

Can’t imagine why.


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Mhm goes back to when you say something to me its “bullying and harassment and report worthy” but when its the other way around as very clearly evidenced by those screenshots its “justified animosity and anger” yeah ok.


I don’t see where I used the word “justified”, do you??

What can I say, they hate us cuz they ain’t us. Let’s see them bring that same energy in every game, rather than drop most, if not all, of their queues to dodge other premades. I’m more than willing to bet you that they won’t. You are more than willing to farm/grief specific people that you have a dislike for, but when those same people are in a premade rather than queueing solo, you are nowhere to be found. “Can’t imagine why”. Just a coincidence, huh?

You aren’t exactly condemning what you see in those screenshots though either. If that was me yelling that or saying that in battleground chat instructing the team that we are going to make it painful for the other team, I’d never hear the end of it. You literally just made the accusation and insinuation that I was the rogue that I was talking about and am secretly griefing/farming players to fit your narrative. But when it is me or anyone else that you dislike that are targets of being griefed/farmed, you don’t condemn those who grief/farm those people. Again, talk about “cringe”


Ok fine. Innocent until proven guilty. Can’t argue with that.

Just weird that there has been this rogue out there specifically greifing premade leaders and then you would randomly bringing up this rogue. I’m sure it’s all a coincidence.

He doesn’t only go after “horde premade leaders” he’s also killed bsg, bf and rr leaders multiple times.

Like I said he loathes premaders but for him horde premades are the most cringe since yall drop the most ques, leaving about 7 pugs to fight 40 alliance.

That rogue is the hero of anti premade people.

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I contacted the rogue after a game where I was merc’ed and he jumped me a few times. He likes a challenge and so do I. We began talking about premades and I began to understand why he jumps certain people.

Now the real question is, do y’all like a real challenge? If so, why dodge? Why make excuses? Why farm/grief pugs, but accuse and condemn certain people (that you dislike) of doing so, but not accuse and condem others of doing so?

Let’s not forget those screenshots though. You said I was innocent until proven guilty. Does that mean those people from the screenshots are guilty then of farming/griefing and should be looked down upon just as you did towards me when you just assumed? Or is that somehow different?

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But clearly, it must be a skill issue if the holier than though you died to the rogue too…

And for the record DJL doesn’t farm anyone. We simply refuse to engage with your group. No matter how hard yall try to queue into us on purpose. No matter how many times yall change your names. We don’t have to put up with it.

We fight RR and BF all the time. Some nights we win, sometimes we lose. Last night was a good night for us. The previous night they won more. Regardless of who wins or loses there’s always a gg at the end. There’s no animosity. Sometimes for our last game of the night we have less than two groups and we get matched with a 30+ RR/BF raid. Some nights we try our best, some nights my people say no, I’d rather requeue.


Yeah to much effort lmao

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I prefer to fight. Always.