I believe WoW no longer needs healers

i would like to personally thank everyone who came to this thread today and participated in such a lively discussion.

The end conclusion is that rets are capable of doing any content without healers and equality would dictate that every class be reworked to have the same strength in regards to self-healing. Once every class is equal to rets in this regard, then healers as a role are redundant and not necessary.

I’ve shared the evidence within this thread and anyone who is curious is free to browse through it in order to understand this conclusion and why it is correct.

I have other things to do (and i’ve already proven my point multiple times), so i’m going too head out.

I hope everyone here has a wonderful day and enjoys their weekend. Take care :slight_smile:

Reflecting on this post more I give it an 8/10 because it got a lot of bites.


Saying words only means you know how to copy/paste.

You lack the applied function of the abilities.

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When the trinity is removed encounters are basically just a zergfest. Even GW2 flexed a bit by allowing certain specs to be more healer centric. I don’t see this working well in WoW they would have to completely overhaul how mechanics work and change the design philosophy so much I don’t see them bothering to put in that much work. Nerfing Aug into the ground seems more likely.

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This is GD. Others having fun is of no consequence.


This post feels like you’re arguing in bad faith. Why are you judging the hypothetical dps on a success basis and assuming the healer wouldn’t be subject to the same learning curve? If the healer improves like the dps do, then your point is irrelevant. You didn’t prove anything, you merely assigned different rules based on your bias.

Not to mention, dps already have this path to learning. That’s why we have avoidable and unavoidable damage profiles in instances. If dps perform as badly as your strawman of a healer, then they’ll die.


Really? Then how come you don’t run five tanks on M+ runs? Besides, we’re talking about imaginary scenarios. In my imaginary scenario, tanks would need 4 healers to keep them alive. Just like in OP’s scenario, no one would need healers at all. Both scenarios are equally as realistic and just as likely to come about.

Under the current iteration of the game, I believe you could successfully complete any content with just tanks. M+, raids, PvP. Doesn’t matter.

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If there were truly the case then why aren’t we seeing it done? Everyone could just self-sustain and tank/dps. If was true at all then we’d be seeing it happen all the time.

Some time ago, when Aug was announced, I said Blizzard needed to make all healers support specs.

I still think that’s the way to go. Not getting rid of healers, but at least making the healer specs more focused on buffing and protecting rather than just healing.


No one’s doing it because 5 tanks COULD do it…not as fast or efficient as 1 tank and 3 dps. There HAVE been no healer groups; some at VERY high key levels. If you can do it without a healer, you can do it with no dps.

Literally the only role you CAN’T do content without is a tank.

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yes there have been, very good point… thank you for bringing that up :slight_smile:

The better option is:

  1. Tank
  2. Healer
  3. Support
  4. Dps
  5. Dps
  6. Dps
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As long as you arent trying to do much of anything important.

If they cant do it as efficient as 1 tank 3 dps then they cant do it.

because raids and m+ have timers.

why not 5x dps for more fun?

do mythic plus dungeons have timers? yes they do…

do you still get loot if you don’t time the key? yes

do you still get the dungeon for your vault if you don’t time the key? you guessed it, friend… Yes :slight_smile:

tanks can definitely solo very high mythic plus dungeons… they cant time them but doesnt matter, they still get loot and vault from it

you can’t actually be serious… mythic plus dungeons are already crowded as is with 5 players… there simply isnt room for six ppl…

can you imagine some of the mythic plus bosses trying to crowd around a boss and do mechanics with 5 people in your way?

So they cant complete them successfully.

Thanks for confirming.

How would you know

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they finish the dungeon and get the loot, that’s successful.

how far can a healer get in a mythic plus dungeon solo? not very far, my friend… not very far indeed :slight_smile:

the reality is that wow has evolved into a support class MMO and there simply isn’t room for healers in that dynamic.

DPS are needed to do dmg, tanks are needed to hold aggro, and apparently supports are needed because they are just too OP… but healers really just aren’t necessary anymore.

if the devs give every dps spec that same amount of self heal and survivability as a ret paladin, literally no one would need healers at all. that seems like a great solution

Thats not how m+ success is defined.





The more you speak the more its evident you are trolling or have no clue what you are talking about.


I would be in support of deleting all heal specs. Granted I am biased because I’ve never liked healing in this game in any of it’s forms except for off-heals in dps spec. Now with augvoker being so far ahead of any other support/utility spec in the game, there’s even less of a reason to keep pure healers.

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