I believe WoW no longer needs healers

Makes sense. he never seems to have any idea on how things work and typically goes off hearsay.

Like linking that thread.


Time to remove every class and spec except for one. Balance done.

Actually now thinking about it, i don’t think he plays Classic either given he’s on a lvl 55 DK.

He totally saw a ret in a video last the final 25% of a tyrannical boss without a healer.

Where this video is? thats a secret.

But because he saw this video it means rets never need any healer at any time.

Just trust him.


I dont want to play a druid, though.

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Shield of vengeance: 1 min cooldown absorbs 240,000 dmg

Divine protection: reduces dmg by 30% 1 min cooldown

Divine shield: complete immunity 3.5 min cooldown

Lay on Hands: full heal to max hp 7 min cooldown

Devotion Aura: 3% less dmg taken indefinitely, no cooldown

Blessing of protection: complete immunity to physical dmg, 5 min cooldown

Lightforged blessing (talent): every time you use divine storm, heal yourself and 4 allies for 2% of your max hp (look at the other talent Sanctified Plates= 10% more hp)

i could go on if you like :slight_smile:

the reasons listed above are why rets dont need a healer

The reasons listed arent enough


ok ill give you some more then, thanks for asking so politely :slight_smile:

Word of Glory: use three holy power to heal a target for 77,968 (no cooldown)

Talent Healing Hands: Lay on Hands cooldown reduced by up to 60% based on target’s missing health. Word of Glory heals up to 100% more based on target’s missing health

talent Strength of Conviction: while standing in consecration your word of glory heals for 20% more.

except if you’re doing all that, might as well bring a holy paladin for more damage.

rets don’t use all of their holy power for healing, only a small percentage… it doesnt take a lot for a ret to full heal a group.

rets even heal WHILE they do dmg

Imagine using divine storm on single target.

still more dps than a holy paladin spending their holy power on shield of the righteous to do dmg on a single target

it’s also insignificant healing. It’s like enchanting leech on all your gear and thinking you don’t need a healer anymore.

no it’s not… it adds up to lots of healing since rets have very high HP pools, see my notation above

In your scenario, what about healers who want to continue playing their specs in the way that this role has existed since this game’s inception?

Many of us enjoy healing the way it is (playing whack a mole with spells). Self-healing does not match that playstyle.


How’s increasing max hp by 10% doing to help you much over the course of a fight? where you take like 40x your total health over the duration?

well, as you should be able to understand from my post above, ret’s divine storm does more healing based on their increased health pool.

Also, i listed many ways that rets are able to heal in addition to that as well as reduce dmg taken

also, something i left out: Talent, crusader’s reprieve: crusader strike heals you for 2% of your max hp (no internal cooldown)

Not that significant in the grand scheme of things. Plus if you’re doing all that healing, your dps is going to plummet.

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they do their same dmg while healing from crusader strike

or the talent:

Fading Light: your holy power generators give you an absorb shield for 3% of dmg dealt (no internal cooldown)

Your logic in this thread and lack of posting on a main is a pretty clear indicator you have zero idea what you’re talking about.

WW Monks have:

60% magic damage reduction and magic dispel on a 1.5 min cooldown

20-50% damage reduction on a 2 minute cooldown

Full HP absorb on a 1.5 min CE

20% damage reduction and HP gain on a 4 minute cooldown

Self heals with unlimited resources.

By your wonky logic WW is also immortal even without a healer.