I believe WoW no longer needs healers

remove hp from the game

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yes it isā€¦

100% relevantā€¦ if healers cant do anything on their own, are they really needed in the game? probably not, friend :slight_smile:


dps are needed to do damage = true

tanks are needed to hold aggro = true

healers are needed to heal the dps and tank = false, all dps can be given retā€™s survivability and self-heals, then dps wonā€™t need a healerā€¦and tanks havent needed a healer in a decade.

true = rets can live in any scenario without a healer, give that same survivability and self-sustain to every dps spec and then healers arenā€™t needed anymore.

this was a fun conversation we had, the back and forthā€¦ it really helped me to demonstrate to the forums how healers arenā€™t needed anymore.

thank you so much, i really appreciate everything youā€™ve done here so far today, my friend :slight_smile:

There woll always be a healer role. Death nights approve.

This is just as arbitrary as saying healers are needed to heal the party. Why would you need a dedicated tank? Just make it so dps healing and mitigation are sufficient. Have a five dps party and enjoy.

Everyone in this thread can play the what-if game all day, but what youā€™re putting forward is no more or less legitimate than the current standard of party composition. At that rate, why change anything? You need better reasoning and supporting arguments.

I kept bumping your thread that had no purpose other than trolling.

I guess you probably do. I should have realized it sooner.

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You are a hilarious troll. I love your customer service voice answers to everyone who hates you.

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Just make every dungeon a string of target dummies in huge clumps and we wonā€™t need tanks either. And the group can just be 5 dps flexing their amazing dps, undeterred by those pesky mechanics and crowd control requirements.

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I didnt. Only read the title, then posted here. Some of us like to heal. It is just that healing kinda sucks right now as compared to before for some of us at least. But no need to remove it. Healing should be fun.

you lost me right here.

dps in general have an incredible difficult time getting out of the ick on their own let alone attempting to self heal and use defensives.

it is quite possible the dps you are referring to are the hybrid dps classes, such as the two dps shaman classes that have heals and defensives - (as an example) and not like a pure dps like a rogue or a mage?

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Mmm I tank and pre start tell heals to not touch me focus on dos and themselves and I still end up as a tank healing party members

Troll got fed good nā€™ proper.

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Soooā€¦we wipe out a whole play style thatā€™s been apart of the mmo/rpg world since like forever?

Giving moreā€¦self healsā€¦what about the folks that PVP?

What about the players who actively enjoy playing a healer?

So this whole post is just another ā€œfix the metaā€ XYZ but one of the worst ones yet, because itā€™s just a bandaid, that takes out more of the player baseā€¦


healers can just play augment evoker supports, healing is basically just another word for support.

many pvp games donā€™t have dedicated healers: League of Legends, Eternal Return: Black Survival, PUBG, Fortnite, League 2v2v2v2, Pokemon Uniteā€¦etc

Killing the trinity is a good way to kill a game, unless it launched that way.

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And yet youā€™re here instead of playing those superior games.

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And that will be the day I leave the game forever. I want to play a healer. Not a dps with off heals, not a dps support with some heals. A healer. Removing an entire role from the game is not the answer.

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Everyone should just be able to one-shot everything in the game. No tanks, no healers, all dps, all the time.

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Considering that all player characters (or any number of characters) can occupy the same spot all at the same time, this is a non issue.

Piece(s of loot) through superior firepower

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The only thing this thread has proven is that the OP is a passive aggressive troll.

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