I believe WoW no longer needs healers

how about a 25 tyrannical Halls of Infusion Khadjin the Unyielding where a ret paladin survived along with the tank for about 25% of the boss’s hp and killed it?

Ok. You think 25% health of a single boss fight in one dungeon is an accurate representation of 100% of all gameplay?

Which boss was this by the way. Do you have a link to this?




Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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ok here’s another example. a 26 Halls of Valor tyrannical Hyrja fight with no healer… ret paladin survived.


i said khadjin the unyielding, the boss with constant aoe group wide damage

So you are picking the boss fights with almost no outgoing AE damage?

Way to cherry pick.

Yeah, I absolutely need to see the link of this happening.


This. :point_up:

We need to verify if you OP, actually done those, and not just your word alone.

If wow removed healers that’s be the day I unsub for good .


Hyrja…that fight with the storm that deals aoe dmg to the whole group, even if you stand inside the bubble

Khadjin the Unyielding…Polar Winds

For all I know the paladin had to last the last 30 seconds of not having the storm at all.

Link please.

This is why I am asking for it.

You are making outlandish claims, not much context.

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And before you say it, put your link in tidle keys like this www.google.com

Reduce the party size to 1 tank, 1 heal, 2 dps.

I’m sure this will work out wonderfully when those same players stand in fire for fun. I guess that’s one way to teach them.

google it, u are just as capable of finding it as i was, my wonderful friend :slight_smile:

…How? You’ve never given your retail toon’s name who did that dungeon, so how you expect us to find it?

I am not going to do your homework for you.


Pickpockets you and steals the meme. :moneybag:

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maybe you need to kindly work on your research skills then, friend :slight_smile:

Well that’s not very nice of you. :laughing:

He’s asking you, politely might i add, to link it. And you’re practically telling him “Hit the road”. Especially since again… you’ve never told us what toon you used.