I am surprised that Dark Ranger is getting reworked first

Was a shaman…

All but their ultimates are just a different name each for Chain Heal, Searing Totem, and Hex (not even renamed), and said ultimate is a group support defensive ability. It has no more to do with Hunter than it would a Paladin.

And some use pets, so that makes them closer too Beastmastery? The Dark Ranger that being use is Sylvanas, which is what most players fantasy is.

If BM can be pushed into Dark Ranger than Survival could have just the same.


Her Black Arrow literally spawned pets, though? How is spawning and leveraging them the same distance from Sylvanus as chucking explosives or yell-thrusting, harpooning, and spearcharging enemies?

pffff . stop warcraft 3 nostalgia. decades past. we are playing wow.

in wow shadow hunters are different from shaman. hexxer could be close to shaman but not shadow hunter.

shadow hunter is hunter/sub rogue with magic

i guess you cant read.

they can change visuals easily if they want. same mechanic same effect just different visuals.

they can change wildfire bomb to plague or shadow orb and explode with green or purple color.
they can give sv dual wielding finally (like rexxar too) or like death knight frost artifact effect. gameplay works as2h but visually you can equip dual wield.
sylvanas chains for harpoon and shadowy form for charges.
for extra
tar trap -spider web trap
ice trap- steel or bone cage trap
exploding trap- plague or shadow exploding trap.

just visuals.

Yeah I know there’s talents around 2h hits in the Survival tree for CD reduction but I’m not sure why they couldn’t make the numbers work with dual wield like they do with outlaw rogue off hand energy proc.

I forgot that Blightcaller has his Blighthounds, Blight-Howl, and Plaguefang, that is, where they drew from for Beastmastery. Nathanos rarely seen with them. The only time I remembered is his last stand at Marris Stead. Otherwise, he was mostly just an MM hunter.

On a side note though Nathanos uses dual axes when he fought Tyrande, and under abilities he uses,

Mutilate — The caster strikes the target with both weapons, inflicting significant Physical damage and causing them to bleed for additional Physical damage over 15 sec.

Mutilate — Stuns an enemy, rendering it unable to move or attack for 0.8 sec.

You realize in WoW, too, the most famous Shadow Hunter (like virtually all other names Shadow Hunters on wowpedia) is referred to as a Shaman?


They’re not Sub Rogues nor Hunters. They’re Int-Agi shamans, alike to Enhance before primary stat consolidation/“streamlining”, with thrown weapons and a supportive (including through CC and healing) focus.

Dark Ranger has never had anything to do with explosives, purple-green or otherwise.

Has nothing to do with the Dark Ranger hero units (as opposed to low level mobs with only Camo and a tiny bit of extra shadow damage).

Why would one snare (chains) an enemy just to then (or as part of) instantly close/closing with them?

Still none of which have to do with a Dark Ranger, but instead just with an Undead hunter in general.

no they are not shaman. you would know it if you played game. Vol’jin had priest card in HS. does it means shadow hunter is priest?

if you did troll starting quests or troll heritage quests you will see Vol’jin and Rokhan.
there is a lot of shadow hunters wod horde side.

they have nothing about shaman. just stop it. you know nothing about troll culture.

shadow hunter is not a class or spec. its title. but you are earning some spells and abilities while training and connecting with loas.

a shadow hunter can use bow-glaive. they can use voodoo spells (nature-shadow-death)

shadow hunter can use chain heal hex like shaman- shadow word pain smite like priest-stealth like rogue-

stop talking about w3 please.

if you free your mind and forget w3 you will be fine.

Shadow Hunter are mixture of both shaman and priest. The can hex and curse their enemies, and heal allies. They use Shadow magic and Vudoo. Can also call on the Loas for help. Also uses Glaives like Demon Hunters, so they could have been a Hero talent tree for DH. However, since SH are deeply tied to Trolls that would not fit, but at same time adding SH as a DH Hero could have open another race to the class.

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Funny you should say that, cause it looks like they are getting a talent called Bleak Powder. It causes Black Arrow to explode, purple if I had to guess.


please forget warcraft3. shadow hunter is changed. there is rokhan vol’jin in wow and you still saying sh is shaman …

sure they have same spells with some classes. that doesnt means they fit that class.
shadow hunter have zero similiarity to shaman except totem? chain heal and hex.
shadow hunter have zero similiarity to priest except smite and shadow word pain.

shadow hunters are agile fighters like DH-Rogue-Hunter plus magic abilities.

blizzard gave night elves heritage moonglaive. but nothing to trolls. (who cares sword? trolls using glaive-bow-spear)

please remove warcraft 3 shadow hunter from your memories. its world of warcraft.

For Shadow damage.

Are Void Rifts and T.N.T. thematically identical just because they both “explode”?

When you think Sylvanus, you think “chucks grenades”?

So can virtually every martially proficient troll from the societies that have Shadow Hunter traditions. Throwing axes (of varied configuration), throwing spears, bows, and glaives if available. The glaives were less practical but hardly something the use of which required one to have gone into the jungle, seen the ancestors, and not have gone mad.

What sets the Shadow Hunters apart was their rite of passage as to be granted (or form) a connection with and a special degree of sight from the loa or their ancestors. That rite and its results vary basically only locationally from that of Orcish (Frostwolf, Warsong, etc.) and Draenai Farseers, the Bleeding Hallow orcs “Seeing” (for whom the rite was nearly identical to that of the Darkspear Shadow Hunters, even if it was far less of a sole criteria for authority), Tauren Spiritwalkers, etc, all of which are classified as Shaman.

If Shadowhunter were to have been re-added, its would have been as a voodoo-centric Restoration/Enhancement hero spec that returns some martial elements of troll culture (e.g., thrown axes, spears, it glaives) to the broader Shaman archetype and focuses on mitigation through suppression and (perhaps capped) immunities over direct Farseer-esque healing throughout.

It would not be a Hunter suddenly reconnected to their ancestors, elemental spirits, sites of power, and/or Loa or demigods more deeply than any average Shaman, and using that to see into the world between planes, use voodoo magics, and provide healing and/or defensive buffs as we’ve seen from precedents across the novels, prior games, and WoW itself.

No more than a druid is a priest for drawing from demi-gods or Elune.

Voodoo is a form of shadow magic. Such is not exclusive to priests (though neither is voodoo exclusive to shaman nor priests).

Mughol, Night Elves, and Trolls have used glaives since long before demon hunters existed.

please stop talking about warcraft 3.

This is from the WoW lore pages and NPC lists.

Not WC3. WoW. World of Warcraft.

As in the game you’re recommending changes to, and maybe even playing from time to time.

Again, what part of using a pet, using traps, marking targets, launching flares and rockets, shooting a bow or specifically not throwing their glaive/spear/polearm, and/or throwing harpoons and explosives… fits Shadow Hunter?

You would have to remove half the Hunter kit and replace the other half to make it “work”. All because you want to place an archetype with 75+% Shaman abilities on a class that shares no more of its name than does a Demon Hunter.

are you keliste from dk page?

No. /characters

But hey, may as well check: Are you, idk, Abomb from the Warrior forums, or Panda from these? You’ve got the same “facts cannot stand in the way of my feelings” playbook down pat.

you have same stubborn (my ideas are right one) attitude.

you need to change. you need to evolve your ideas. try to see from wide angle.

There is a line worth drawing between “wide-viewed” and nonsensical-and-short-sighted. If you apply the same warrant on which your ideas rely to any other class, the result would not be pretty.

Asking that an almost wholly generic type of Shaman —simply sampled with troll martial training and magic arts instead of that of the Wildhammer, Dark Iron, Frostwolf, Warsong, Cloudsong, Bloodhoof, Grimtotem, etc.— be a Hunter hero spec makes no more sense than saying that Herald of the Sun should be a Shaman hero spec just because the Dawnstrider exists or that Hunter should have been given Deathstalker just because Hunters also stalk, can use toxins, and eventually cause death or Spellslinger just because it has Arcane Shot (even if only one spec actually uses it).

  • Note: If we sampled our shaman primarily from Skyhorn, they’d all be proficient with spear and bow. That doesn’t make them Hunters any more than it would make paladins into “Warriors” or priests into staff-focused “Monks”. If we sampled our shaman from the Bloodtotem, they’d be allied with the Burning Legion, focused almost only on offensive buffs and would frequently have Titan’s Grip or swing giant friggin’ totem poles. If we sampled the Wildhammer purely, they’d be riding gryphons into combat, would be ripped af, and would channel their lightning through thrown hammers instead of direct spellcasting. All that would still not make them Warriors. They’re a slice of a broader archetype and that archetype’s focus is on what they do differently from the next tightest cluster of characteristics by which units across the game may be grouped. Else, every worshipper/channeler/user of a semi-sentient force, god, demi-god, loa, or of nature would be a Priest and anyone who could put in axe in a skull would be Warrior.

If you want a Shadow Hunter, then ask to have actual/multiple relevant primary stats back (beyond a single Power stat per class) and both broader weapon proficiencies and tiny a bit more “dark” or “ritual” magic access for Shaman. And there. You now have Shadow Hunter.

It still will continue, always, to have nothing to do with any of characteristics that make a WoW Hunter a Hunter. Again, look at THIS game, what Hunters are HERE. They are pets, summons, traps munitions, venoms, and resourceful and broad use of weaponry. Outside of metaphor —and even then, done primarily squatting meditatively in a hut— a Shadow Hunter hunts less than your average Darkspear troll, just as would a typical Wisdom or Sage or Mayor, or holder of other similarly authority- or respect-granting title. Any Frostwolf or Amani can throw an axe, a Wildhammer an axe or hammer, a Thunderhoof or Darkspear a spear, a Night Elf or Darkspear a glaive because those are their core martial traditions. Every Night Elf with a degree of magic can tap into the Arcane; every Wildhammer, a degree of lightning magic; every Darkspear, a degree of dark magic. What makes a class generally steps well beyond that. Shadow Hunters are not Hunters. What grants them their title is success in a rite connected to the cores of shamanistic power (connection to ancestry, the interconnectedness of self, one’s people, and one’s land), and their special powers granted from that rite are entirely shamanistic.

im not telling shadow hunter=hunter

im telling shadow hunter is not a shaman

bow warglaive dagger staff spear are just weapons. shadow hunter is just a title. like si:7 or kor’kron .

shadow hunters fights with their weapon skills + magic from loas.

shadow hunter can be hero talent of shaman-hunter-rogue-priest . but hexxer-witch doctor is closer to shaman and priest. you are telling SH=shaman because of healing wave+hex. trolls are not shamans. they are not same thing.

with your logic anduin was paladin in BFA because he is light user with armor+sword
and was DK at Shadowlands because he had death abilities with runeblade.

why you dont understand the difference?