Over Pack Leader. I know BMs are forced into Dark Ranger just because of how awful Pack Leader is but it seems like a massive design failure if one spec (Survival) does not take it for any high end content and BM takes Dark Ranger 95% of the time.
The Survival changes in the next major patch do seem like it’ll work with the right side of the Pack Leader tree better though.
Wrong, these are NERFs. Tell me you don’t really want to debate without telling me you don’t really want to debate. Show why you believe that these meme raw MS damage increase (meaningless for AoE) and 20% KC damage will make up for the Basilisk Collar, serpentine rhythm and serpentine blessing nerfs?
Obviously you can’t… I’m quite sure you don’t even understand how Basilisk Collar nerf will have a big impact.
True about KC, but most of the dark ranger lines are not BM exclusive. Extra Black Arrow is nice, but anyway, BM does not deserve any of these nerfs.
The video is a blatant contradiction. Azor admits many times the changes are not fixing anything, and somehow concludes these are good changes… What is YOUR point?
We’re waiting till NOVEMBER for changes that are not effective, meanwhile BM AoE is a joke, and will still be a joke after NOVEMBER update, as the video yourself linked just said. I mean, are you even playing BM? Don’t think so.
Literally have for every prog boss so far except broodtwister.
That the nerf to basilisk collar is good because it is awful design and this allows bm aoe and st issues to be decoupled (ideally I’d like it removed alltogether). The dark ranger changes look incredibly promising.
not to mention serpentine rhythm is now 4 stacks 25% buff per stack compared to 6 stacks 15% buff so idk how you’ve called that a nerf.
Just listen to what you’re saying… We’re waiting till NOVEMBER to have a NERF on Basilisk (AoE), in order for it to be “decoupled” to ST, so that in EVEN FURTHER FUTURE CHANGES they will FINALLY fix our AoE… What? And you’re happy? LMAO
Ok so BM is actually not getting big nerfs. Let me explain. Right now Animal Companion makes your pets do 35% less damage on pretty much everything. They are removing that and doing something different and putting the 35% damage reduction elsewhere with a list that you can see in the PTR notes.
Now lets talk about a couple of things that are not on that list which means its getting a 35% damage buff.
Beast Cleave
Pet basic attack damage (that is not claw bite etc)
There is more but those are the easiest ones too see and Kill Command is getting buffed as well on top of that by 20%. Overall what I have seen on the ptr is just net gains for BM especially in AOE. Basilisk collar nerf is there yeah but when you add in the other buffs with it its a who cares moment when it comes to that nerf.
Yeah, the Basilisk Collar nerf on the surface looks awful, but when you consider the pet damage and kill command are being buffed a lot, 10% per dot down to 4% is probably going to even out, if not favor the new changes.
Even with say 5 dots, 50% increase on what was only 65% dmg previously versus 20% increase on the full 100%. I know which one I’d rather have.
Additionally, these changes make Cobra Shot relevant again. Pet out of range for a part of the fight? We’re not completely useless now. Maintaining Barbed Shot stacks will be easier as well, despite the cooldown/durations changing. We’re still going to be gaining extra charges from Wild Call.
It would be nice. Survival is the odd man out for now. BM and MM getting what looks to be a very flavorful and revamped Dark Ranger. I absolutely despise watching my Troll Hunter conjure an arcane owl. And I hate the gameplay of Pack Leader centered around KC.
I’m not sure there is any other tree centered around a builder like Pack Leader with Survival now that I think about it… it would be like Colossus for Arms basing everything off Overpower. Or Destro Warlock basing off incinerate. Or Feral based off shred. It’s just lame and I don’t know how a lead developer signed off on it.
Considering BM current situation, it’s crazy how people believe “even out” nerfs and buffs is FAIR for BMs… We’re talking about NOVEMBER patch…
BM should not be getting ANY NERFs at all. What are we talking about here? It’s in the BOTTOM… What? Why?
BM needs BUFFs, consistent and big buffs to AoE.
And you guys suffer from Stockholm Syndrome… What the…