I am so sick of playing agaisnt premades in random bgs

I am leveling my priest to try my hand at healing. The last time i healed i was top heals above a premade healer lmao. And all i had was a few macro’s.

Usually i’ve noticed what makes fights so 1 sided is a complete and utter abscenece of decent healing most times. Combined with a complete and utter abscence of decent gear as well so i am not oblivious to healer struggles trying to keep someone with low ilvl who is just getting shredded alive.

And i said most cause sometimes it really is just that dps couldn’t hurt a fly even if they wanted to and that is evidenced by the dps chart a lot.

Same thing in m+ to really if i were to get gud at healer i could effectively play everyones character for them to some extent if i know a big dps spike is coming i can press a dps reduction on them if i know he’s standing in bad i can life grip.


It’s not lol

This is not solo just fyi.
What’s he’s pointing out is that 5-man premade have a huge effect on a 10-man battleground. But you don’t actually care what he’s saying you are just straight up lying trying to pull this “we just want to play with friends” nonsense once again. You are disingenuous or willfully ignorant.

But you’re trying to prevent people who have a dungeon group from entering PvP with the same group, because you don’t want the challenge of having to deal with people who play as a team.

You are the ‘Plays an MMO as if it’s a single player game and demands that the game be changed to as single player as it can be’ solo player type that I was talking about.

Incorrect, yet another lie from you.

Where have I ever said that? Why are still lying?

I didn’t say that you said that. It isn’t a quote.

But it’s what you’re arguing for.

You (and Cocainthief now), arguing that 5 players shouldn’t be allowed to play together, despite that being the friend group which is allowed to play in dungeons.

I can only assume that you don’t want to have to play against players who are already team players, but only want to have to play against disparate individuals.

The more people you have in an area the more fried things tend to get.

See old epics and how toxic they were back when raid que was still a thing for proof.

In groups it becomes far easier to sink back into gorilla tier thinking. “ooh ooh they group bad me group good we good they bad we smash.” Its how riots spiral out of control very fast.

The gorilla within is the personification of all of your primal, selfish, and usually extremely short sighted instincts And its very easy to let that personification take the wheel when surounded by other people.

Well of course i want to play against people individually because i rarely lose in those situations.

And yet you chose to play an MMO and you choose to play in team based game modes.

A quote from who?


I have agreed that group sizes should be adjusted sure, but I don’t really care about 5-mans that much.

You can assume all you want, I have never stated I was against players playing on a team. I do it myself, I am against players exploiting. I’m also for the game being better balanced for everyone so that everyone can have fun.

i don’t see how the mmo part justifies anything… having a pre made group gives you an edge and advantage over players playing alone since bg is obviously a team work environment.
even bg blitz does that better, where only a healer+dps queue is allowed.
wow being a social game does not justify players the ability to exploit their social advantages to play ahead of others, if you can do that… i really can’t see much difference between that and a pay to win game, one wins by money, the other by social connections.
however only money is seen as the bad thing, but advantages are unfair regardless of which way they occur.
it is not fair how i have to waste my time to add to the fun and proper rewards of players that have social connections vs me playing alone… i’m not their training dummy.


From anyone. I swear.

If I said that it’s not a dog. You’d go, what dog?

Yeah I agree, I just got really lucky to comeback to experience it.

Ive suggested a non-rated Blitz mode with no rewards, titles etc just for people to play and enjoy but meh no one cares cause there is no rewards…


By your logic we could allow raid groups as large as can be used in raids to queue for pvp together too. If they would, and only could face groups of the same size, I’d be fine with that. Raid groups Vs random folks has not proven to be an even match however.

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A quote needs a source Hirav.

No, I would say “what’s not a dog?”, it seems you are already unhinged today.
You failed to actually address anything as usual though.

What does ‘It’s not a quote’ need?

Are you going to address the actual conversation or are you full troll mode today?


I am.

I said that it isn’t a quote:

And you asked me who it was a quote of:

If it isn’t a quote, then there isn’t anyone who said it.

He is a Panda Troll hybrid, takes after the Troll side quite a bit though. Syntax and argument gymnastics from the Panda side.


I mean honestly Hirav.

That isn’t a quote.

You once again said people were saying things they didn’t. Provide your proof.