I am so sick of playing agaisnt premades in random bgs

I don’t need to be lucky, I have correctness on my side.

There are 3, you can talk about ‘automate’ but it syncs up queues and lets you know which popped and basically communicates between groups. (Also your link even shows BG commander auto queue enable/disable between players.) It also greys out the accept queue and other things, unless someone confirms to go.

If you read the description it talks about automating certain functions :slight_smile: Who is the one being disingenuous? Sadly Blizz doesn’t actually seem to care about actioning people that violate the game rules and the ‘spirit of the game’, doesn’t mean they’re not violating it.

It doesn’t, you still have to click the queue button manually.

No, it doesn’t. It does do auto accept role. But it doesn’t allow you to automate the queue window.

The greyed out enter button is an image placed over the enter button, which prevents you from accidentally clicking the button, but you still have to click the button. It isn’t automated.

Stop being disingenuous.

Yes, certain functions, which are in the API, which Blizzard publishes on purpose. If Blizzard didn’t intend for those functions to be called via an addon, they’d be protected, like all the hardware events required for other functions.

As to the other ones…

You mean Community Flare, which just parses the quick join feature to be more readable, it’s information which is already available to you if you open the window, you don’t actually need the addon.

You should really read up on the API and how it handles protected functions:

Its becomes actionable when Blizzard has no other choice but to fix pvp to keep the investors happy because more and more players keep leaving and mythic+ isnt keeping wow afloat. Until that day comes it will stay the way it is. Blizzard only does something when you are actively hurting their income.


PVP is getting less and less participation as time goes on. Some people on here will defend premades until the bitter end. Best to ignore and not get sucked in to senseless debate that goes nowhere.

The thing is, most don’t really care for the game other than what they can achieve themselves. (including streamers) They can’t see the bigger picture. (PVP is like this in every game I’ve played, it attracts a certain selfishness that is hard to eradicate) Unless some miracle happens, PVP will never be the same again. These folks won’t be happy until the casual player base just leave altogether, then they will have nothing, and complain. It’s already happening.

Blizzard don’t care. They actually want it to go away (Ion looking at you).


Would love to see the evidence for people saying this.

Nobody is trying to do that, honestly, lying isn’t going to help your case.

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Cheating isn’t unfair you can do it too. I know you won’t understand the irony of what you are saying but just because people exploit doesn’t mean others should as well.


Hey Hirav,

This is in regard to the addon and were posted in 2012.

Gonna link this Blue post for ya:


Here another:

This second quote will be taken to mean that q sync’ers are bad bad. And Blizz clearly agrees that pug stomping is a no no.

But I also think that Blizz realises they cannot stop people q syncing with 5 mans any more than they can with solo Q.

I mean seriously, if ya get 40 solo people together in discord/guild/community/etc and count down q’s, a good number gonna get into an epic BG. Is that a premade? Further, Blizz doesn’t like the idea of preventing people from grouping in 5 mans and doing dungeons or BGs, etc, esp as this is an MMO. So they stopped the raid q’in and they slapped down the addon. And, while they are very aware that the 5 man qsyncers exist in epic BGs, and while they don’t like pug stomping at all, cause they know it sucks and its just bad game play, they would basically break the MMO aspect if they tried to fix it.

So they compromised and created Blitz, cause what the heck else could they do? If ya wanna not see premades in 5 man groups, try Blitz. But, hey, lots of people complain about premades there too. So I think some of these people actually just want the game to shut down cause they lose sometimes, cause somehow pvp is unfair this or that, something something.

Q up and have fun folks. It is what it is. If this was an easy, fix, it would be fixed. Or be the solution ya wanna see and Q on the side which is getting rolled hard (narrator’s voice: they both get rolled).

One more note: Blizz has historically been very hands off in situations where a pvp solution exists for a pvp problem. There is a pvp solution to this: group up. I mean I won’t, but I’m not compaining about premades, so yeah…

Ohh and edit edit:

You can xfaction 5 man Q for unrated PvP on Tuesday.

From here:

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/emote laughs in 20 year anniversary voice


If I had a dollar for everytime I heard that over the years I’d be retired right now.

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I’'ll take things that didn’t happen for 500.

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We’ve been hearing about the next wow killer for about as long as we’ve been hearing about premades being banned.

The people who still think Blizzard is going to action it are like the skeleton in front of the computer meme, except the computer is a rusted husk and the skeleton is a fine powder.

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Thanks for sharing


If this is true - then why am I always getting dumped onto teams that is on it’s way to a lopsided loss?


You speak as if there is a Retail PVP team actively working on PVP content…we all know that’s not true.

Single queue Dragon Isles Blitz was exceptional…Best non-rated pvp experience I have had in a long time!


There’s actually a very easy fix that would stop these people from abusing the system via means of que syncing. Simply hand out an hour long deserter debuff that’s account wide and only ticks down during online play. Having it be only an hour long of actual in-game time would also not be so hard on those that had no choice but to leave for emergency reasons, dc, and the like. It’s pathetic that these people think it’s okay simply because “it’s not in the ToS” and sad because they need a reminder to behave like decent people and not abuse something just because they aren’t specifically told no.


Would also be nice if they filled 3 lobbies at the same time. Everyone applying can be distributed to 3 different instances and they can send the notification the queue poped at the same time for all three. No need to queue dodge if you cant tell if you got the same instance as your queue sync team. For Solo Arena and Solo BG, the matches may end about the same time as well so many people can queue about the same time to get the next 3 games going.

It’s the truth, so thanks Mr Enfers! There is an actual chance as a solo player to win!

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It’s in this thread…

So, a group of friends who run dungeons together, wouldn’t be able to decide to run a batteground or two after their dungeon run, they’d have to leave 2 players behind.

Except they absolutely could, just add a stacking debuff for not accepting the queue, they already do this for other queues.

Also, make the queue full randomized cross faction like in Blitz and RBGs, their cross faction groups change that they are making for 11.0.7 isn’t it, that will just allow premade communities to draw players from the total population.

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