This topic is not new at all, and it has been said many times before.
But i will say it again in a more unfiltered way:
I’m so sick of wasting my time to do the damn pvp quest that is RANDOM on the content you need to do, queue for the regular bg, and feel like I’m pugging a random group agaisnt a pre made RBG in voice chat group.
its not literal i’m sure, but it damn feels like it.
its not fair, its not fun, I find it ridicolous how people defend this garbage because “uhhhh its an mmo”… yeah, instead of pay to win, its FRIENDS TO WIN (FTW!)
so sick of it.
Just simply destroy them individually.
Usually now in epics it’s premade vs premade cause nobody else is queing. Some premades will leave you hanging real high and real dry cause they don’t want to fight the other premades.
But most of the time it’s premade vs premade so as a solo player you actually have a decent chance at making some plays unless the premade on your team is outmatched.
I find it ridiculous how opposed people are to making friends and queuing content together. Would make for way more fun games if you joined some communities/invite friends rather than running solo
It isn’t mandatory, but I do agree the random quest is dumb. It should be for whatever content you want to do. They completely miss the mark on making quests fun in PVP, the absolute minimum of effort when into making them. “Go get some honor from this place” ahhh perfect, I’m sure the sheep will love to go do that every week for the next 15 years. Very rewarding content
Coms get sweaty against actual groups. Tonight we had some pretty crazy games vs other premades but the games we were against bad groups was just me talking about hockey in the middle of team fights. Most people think you need coms to coordinate CC/kills, move in groups or have awareness…you don’t. Especially not in randoms
Are you still on with this sad pathetic argument? Just stop.
Encouraging people find friends?
Pretending that people that don’t want exploiters to be allowed to exploit don’t have and don’t play with friends.
Queuing up together at the same time is not an exploit. Blizzard has already clarified their position on that. That being said, I don’t mind if they did something to ruin premade syncing. Curious to see how this unrated cross-faction queuing will work, I hope it actually randomizes the faction you’re in rather than it being based on the faction of the party leader. This’ll encourage more premade vs premade fights.
In this thread; alliance players seeing no problem with premades, as they benefit massively from them and have never once been the victim of a horde premade.
“just make your own horde premade”
Alliance are over 70% of the currently active pvp population. Horde only exist to give you some fish in a barrel to shoot at.
All of the sweaty players went NE or dwarf, so even if horde DID put together a premade, the average horde player takes pvp much less seriously.
I’m not a fan of premades for Random bgs but let’s not pretend that it isn’t done by both factions.
I’m sure you can find an exception to any rule.
Most people playing this game are playing both factions like myself. So like I said this isn’t a faction specific issues.
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How could you possibly know this?
Need to cap premade to groups of 3 and make it so queue syncing is bannable.
Ez fix
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It isn’t going to happen because it isn’t against TOS and hasn’t been for 20 years.
yeah so just make it against TOS. easy!
Queuing with others will never be against TOS. People have been making complaints about queue synching since vanilla in 2005 and nothing has ever been done.
Itz ez to delete most of them especially in 1v1