I am done with Horrific Visions

That was my plan too, I’m doing the vision with 3 characters, making sure I hit 2 mailbox every key and I’ve yet to see the muncher.

/sigh I guess rngesus really wants me to progress the cloak on three characters…

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Sorry you aren’t enjoying them but you are making way too big a deal out of their difficulty.

I think something a lot of people don’t fully understand is that both the cloak and the talent tree thing make these so easy over time it becomes hard to fail.

I did a full clear this week and had completed 3 full zones before I uses a single sanity orb.

It SEEMS like hard content, but the soft nerfing that happens to it far out paces any difficulty required weekly.

Like, you can easily clear 2 side zones with a rank 2 cloak.

Try not to get yourself all worked up about it.
In the end, if you don’t enjoy it don’t do it, but I think once you get the hang of it you will look back at some of these comments and chuckle at your old self.

If anything, use this as a learning experience.
Why give up if you can get better right? Especially when the game makes you better so rapidly.

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I feel like most people (including me) are still not able to solo full clear it is because we didn’t cheese it by pulling the whole area and burst them all down. I tried but whenever I pull more than 3 groups I die, even when I’m using the current gears I’m wearing. It’s either you kill all of them in 3 seconds or they will kill you. Might be easier for some class but I think it’s impossible for ferals to do that kind of burst in three seconds even with blood of the enemy.

No, they’re not fun. I suppose if one doesn’t have any better, more engaging content ideas then just stick a timer on it lol.


Can confirm, completely unenjoyable. Unrewarding, unclear, just all around garbage addition to the game.

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Get the buffs in the visions themselves. They are absurdly OP.
And of course, make sure you are getting the healing food buff.
2 percent per second should help plenty.

I don’t know why any geared player would die specifically, but frankly, you do not need to be pulling three packs at a time.

I don’t and I’m a tank.

You know a solo challenge I thoroughly enjoyed? The Withered Army training. I even got the fox mount from it. The reason I enjoyed it so much is that there was no time pressure. You got stronger each time from unlocking new powers, so there was progression, and you could carefully plan your pulls or go crazy and pull as much as you wanted. You could even take a breather if you almost lost some guys to the NPC that spawned from the shadows and would charge if you didn’t CC him in time. If I had been limited to 20 minutes, I’d have never gotten anything done in there and given up in frustration.

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Right, that’s the point I’m making.
The “time pressure” is just something you are putting on yourself.

The progression you need is heavily outweighed by the systems Blizzard has put into place.

To have trouble clearing two side rooms only you’d legitimately have to take a breather.

So do it, clear your head and keep trying.

If you are playing on that toon, make sure you maximize stealth.
Its absurdly OP for these.

I am playing on a different toon. I died from the game crashing. My cheat death evidently proc’ed while I was trying to log back in and I was down to like 20–40 Sanity on that, which basically ended my run as I was facing a boss at the time. So something I am already not enjoying bit me in the butt due to the way it penalizes you, eating up the thing which I worked to get and now I have to do it again four times… ugh… not fun. Even now, thinking about it, I feel ill.

Okay, well let’s get serious here.
If you think “I feel ill” is an adequate way to describe something in a video game we have much bigger problems here.
Sorry to hear about the crashes.
Wish there was a way around it, because obviously it does happen.

Not sure what can be done that wouldn’t be exploitable.

Either way, deep breaths. You’ll get it.
If you are actually caught up and working on your 8/8 then you have nothing to worry about.

Outside of crashes, I can’t imagine you could possibly fail to clear the two side zones by now.


Well, Valley of Wisdom is cancer.

This, plus the specific thing I responded to, plus plenty more you have said. Your complaint was not limited to crashing and losing resources.

“I feel ill” is a way of describing how I feel. That says nothing about the game itself, only my reaction to a core mechanic/feature of 8.3 which I can either embrace or opt out of.

There should be a way to not lose progress due to unforeseen circumstances, to guarantee that you at least get your two pages if you put in all that preparation, similar to how you still get something from an M+ run even if you don’t beat the timer.

Why do you keep being up your PC crashing ? Nothing Blizzard can do about that. Get a better PC and you’ll have less anxiety
Also your IL sucks. You can’t even queue for LFR Nya at that IL right ? Get it up and then try


The game crashed. The computer did not crash. This is not the character on which I am clearing. This character has never done HV.

If I don’t beat the timer for a 13. I don’t get a 14/15. I can only get gear from 14:15s. So no, not like M+. You also don’t get help in M+ after key lvl 9. Some ppl literally can’t finish their keys - with or without time

Game crashing is usually on the player end unless entire servers crash or certain providers go down.

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Why aren’t you posting on the toon doing HVs then? Maybe the forums could point out your unenchanted/ungemmed gear. The wrong talents /traits/essences.

How about we turn these horrific visions into a pet battle. and we can spend the entire time as high elves who battle our pets. happy high elf pet battling friends

same page?

So it sounds like you are experiencing the same frustration as I am, but in M+. I’ve never been in a 13, let alone a 14 or 15.

The game crashing is likely due to something going wrong in the game engine, probably something esoteric and difficult to pin down, likely related to their use of the GPU (a bunch of stuff was animating all over the place), but it’s still something that tells me the way they have set this up is a bit too punishing.

My character is typically in the top 3–4 DPS in a 20-ish-person Ny’alotha—sometimes number one for some things—so it’s not like I am a total noob. I don’t need advice on how to play. My problem is not that I cannot kill, it’s that I do not enjoy this style of play. It stresses me out and I cannot enjoy myself. I am not alone in this. Other people don’t like it as well for similar reasons.