I am done with Horrific Visions

I’m not frustrated because I don’t do 13s. 14-15s only. Also what toon /realm do you raid on?

I am not going to say which toon and realm because I am not looking for unsolicited advice.

But you had to mention you were top 3-4 dps on some fights? Yeah. If I was hanging around LFR and auto attacking, I’d be top 4 too

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Ide have to agree they are the worst thing in BFA so far imo and that says something.

On my mage it was pretty easy but since I went back to resto shammy and my ele set is pretty crap they are just a pain. Maybe I will have to group up now I’m a healer and be carried.

Visions aren’t hard, nor time consuming in the slightest. Yo usay you prefer playing smarter, the timer is just there to punish your lack of mechanics and ability to play smarter. I can hold out until my insanity hits about 100 then pop the action button to go back to 100% hp and sanity. Sometimes I even save it for Thrall/Alleria so I can pull them and still have the sanity generation going. Until you’re hitting the harder regions, the timer is non existent. I’ve done them solo and done them grouped and it’s honestly not a factor at all. Just don’t sit in the bad and it’s fine. If you’re stressing out and bragging about being able to pull top dps in Nyalotha 20 man raids, you’re clearly not doing heroic or higher, and aren’t doing keys past 12 or so where avoidable mechanics will begin to one shot you if you lack hp and vers. It’s not catering to elitists or hardcore players at all, and a lot of people are tired of the fact that the game panders more towards casual players than the ones far more dedicated.
As for your crashing issue if it happens a lot it’s not a problem with the game, it’s a problem with your pc. I had the same problem until I upgraded my pc, and if you’re still rolling with parts from like 10 years ago thinking they’re still okay, not every part in a pc will last 10 years. Even technology requires maintenance, and as always, upgrades. A couple crashes every 3 months or some long irregular interval can be game related… But multiple within a month is not game related, knowing the difference helps resolve the issue.

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People rank Affliction Locks as being horrible at this kind of stuff.

Except so far, it seems pretty easy. Decided to grab some masks so next week I should be doing 3-mask runs (since I grabbed the two from stormwind today) for pretty much free, then it would be a test to see if I can push to 4 and eventually 5 masks.

As Affliction.

Unfortunately, I think the goal for 5-masking Org as Affliction would be to kill Rexar during the self-revive animation because there’d be no way to control the boars and the increased sanity damage would just mean instant-loss.

I am running WoW in the Mac OS X environment on a 2017 Retina iMac. Wow never crashes… well, it has crashed once in since I got the new Mac a couple years ago… this one time… the worst time. The issue is not with the computer, it’s with the WoW client doing something the GPU didn’t appreciate, which is why the screen stuttered a few times before the WoW threads were killed off by the kernel.

All that said, once again, this is not about difficulty, this is about racing a timer, albeit an easier and easier timer over time if you only do the two easier areas. I am not an anxious person by nature. I am pretty chill.

This game mechanic making me stress out is partly because 1. I don’t enjoy the content in the first place, I have very specific thoughts about this kind of timed mechanic, 2. Having to do it repeatedly in order to progress, 3. The penalty for failure due to any reason is somewhat steep.

So the stress begins even before I go in. It begins on Tuesday reset, with me knowing I am going to have to go in yet again to do something I already don’t like doing. The fact that I have to do it four and then now five times makes just logging in not fun. The problem is just sitting there, waiting for me, not going away. It’s a psychological thing because I do not find it fun.

Folks saying, "You just need to try to enjoy it.” does not help.

Folks saying, “Yes, but I was able to clear the whole thing with all the masks and I didn’t even use an orb.” does not help.

I find it not fun, period. No amount of encouragement is going to make that go away. You are pretty much saying, “Well, if it’s going to happen, you might as well close your eyes and enjoy it.” That doesn’t help the person.

This is the only proper response: “Yeah, it sucks that you don’t enjoy it. Although I like it, there have been things in the game I don’t enjoy too. Maybe Blizz will see this and other threads and rethink their approach for folks who don’t want to rush against a timer in this way.”

I have pretty much stopped doing them as well. I was trying to get my characters cloaks to 12 and then stop but I just can bring myself to do them for even the 10 now.


Swålsh, this is in the normal raid with a few people geared closer to 460 from running higher M+ (not really my thing) and I am still at around 450, depending upon which pieces I equip. I was top DPS on our first couple runs until folks ran M+ and started to outshine me. It happens. Everyone deserves the spotlight at some point.

We tried heroic last week. We were not quite geared enough for it. We also didn’t expect that much damage going out during the “run away from the giant fire” phase, as well as the safe areas being a too small (could be RNG there) and folks going to the wrong place. Maybe an extra healer next time.

Oh no! Your game crashed!? That’s never happened in the history of games ever!

Sorry to not be more sympathetic but are you seriously blaming blizzard because YOUR game crashed? Like they purposely did it? Maybe get a better computer? We’ve all failed the visions. Hell I’ve failed it about 4-5 times now trying to push myself.

It doesn’t even bother me to go out in the world to collect more vessels because I’ve got warmode turned on and I have TONS of fun killing horde while collecting stuff… Doesn’t even feel like work that way!

Guess what I get dc’d in battlegrounds at least once a day but I’m not yelling and screaming that I won’t do battlegrounds anymore because of it.

If you don’t wanna complete them that’s your prerogative but just know that blizzard ain’t chaning it at this point it’s not going anywhere.

Get a better connection/better computer and like you said…until then, don’t do them.

I just don’t understand why people would keep playing a game that no longer brings them enjoyment. If aspects of wow give you that much anxiety/stress maybe wow isn’t for you? Sorry but you shouldn’t be stressed out playing a video game, like EVER.


Just N’Zoth messing with your head. Working as intended.

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Stop trying to dumb down the game even more simple because you are incapable of dealing with losing. I guess you didn’t pvp ever lol.
If you don’t enjoy visions, don’t do them. Why go on a tirade trying to get sympathy from strangers. I see no point in doing visions as well. Cloak is only needed for final few bosses of Nyalotha and i am never getting invited into normal lol. So i just don’t do it.
And i think by 55 you would’ve toughened up a little, but apparently video game crashing gives you so much stress it’s unbearable lol.

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This game was never meant and never will be hardcore as you are trying to paint it to be.

They don’t make content for a small
Minority of players

That being said visions will be difficult on some classes over others. And for being a solo feature that’s should be balanced out.

I agree I hate them and I’m done also. If i wanted to race I would play Need for speed or something.

That’s all I am doing also. I have 0 corruption on 25 characters. I hate this punishment system soo much.

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450 is definitely geared enough for heroic especially if like you say you have people almost out gearing it around 460.

Did you miss the part where I agree that it’s totally my option to continue doing them or not? Did you miss the part where I explained that me posting here is a way to add my voice to the “I don’t like this feature, please give me a different option.” camp? Do you not understand that this is one purpose of the forums?


This isn’t Burger King you can’t always have it your way.

The nice thing is that even while other players are being rude, at least Blizz is seeing these threads (and there are plenty of them) and it might cause them to rethink this mechanic or provide an alternative.


I understand how you feel. There is lots of content in the game I don’t enjoy and I skip it.

Other than the white knights, pretty much everyone uses these forums to tell Blizzard what they dislike in the game. Brille is no different.

By skipping Horrific visions you won’t increase the rank of your cloak. Hopefully that’s ok with you.

I hope so, I hate this system and I voice it as often as I can.

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