I am done with Horrific Visions

I’ve been doing them fine solo as a mage. It’s true that I’m a little jealous of the classes that are doing full clears and working on masks, but at least every week I’ve been getting my upgrade in the minimum number of runs. Only feel like I ever wasted one vessel, my very first one.

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  1. Lower the price of entry
  • How low would would you deem it? What is YOUR determination of what SHOULD be an acceptable price? As of right now, you can get 4 visions/wk if you only do the assaults, lesser visions each day, and all daily quests. The first week you were only able to get 3 because we hadn’t gotten the buff to dailies and lesser visions. So 23 visions we’ve earned for daily/weekly content, on top of the 2 extra visions you got from doing the starting questline. 25 total vessels in 6 weeks, yet you’ve only actually needed to run 16 (2-8 only required 1 each, 2 runs for 9, 3 for 10, and 4 for 11 currently). That means you had 9 extra (if you completed the minimum every single time for your upgrade) for exploring and/or banking (and you definitely NEEDED to do some extra if you didn’t want to cap). I feel like 50% overage is more than enough, honestly. And that’s with minimal hassle by logging on and doing some dailies, which took at most an hour.
  1. Run it as much as you want
  • What even is the point then? Why is there no willingness to accept risk/reward? Why must everything be free to do? You can’t just walk into a +15 mythic dungeon if you, or the keyholder, hasn’t built that key up TO the 15. The entire corruption system is based around risk/reward, so why should the gateway content be any different?
  1. Make it so you can clear even during disconnects/crashes.
  • This is one of two points I’ll agree with you on, and the other point only partially. If you, for some reason, crash or disconnect, then it should be held that either your key is returned at the entrance of the vision in a chest or it places you in the exact same spot you were last in. I’m no coder by any means, but because HV’s are specifically instanced, I don’t see this being an impossible task.
  1. Make pages available via mission table.
  • Why in the living hell is this even an option. You’re saying that content specific to the patch, based entirely around N’zoth’s will corrupting your own, should be unlocked by some followers you don’t even see on a mission board that is literally the easiest thing in the game to manipulate? Come on, bud.
  1. Make pages drop from raid bosses
  • This is actually the only good idea. Of course it would need to be from sectioned bosses (Maut, Vexiona, and N’zoth seem like good examples) and not every single boss, but this is the only actual attempt at a reasonable secondary source of pages.

I thought it was a tacky move on his part. He could have just communicated to the OP ingame, rather than opting for the public humiliation combo. It appeared like some weird flex move on his part. “Hey, I’m a guild OFFICER.”

I mean that’s cool but do the rest of us need to know he’s a guild officer? Do the rest of us need to care?

On this I agree with you. I made the same observation in another post last night. I also find visions not fun.

I say this all the time!!! The sooner blizzard learn this concept the better!!

That really was what my issue was too.

Normally I never get involved in another guild’s affairs, but it was a scummy way to handle things. There were a million better ways to solve it. To me, the whole thing really came off as: “Respect my authoritah!”, which is the last thing a Guild Officer should be doing, unless they rule through fear.

Besides, I really doubt that anyone would of drawn a correlation between his guild and the OP if he hadn’t confirmed it by mentioning her alt. If it were one of my officers, they’d be back to grade one and collecting box-tops again for abuse of rank and embarrassing the guild. :woman_shrugging:

Sorry you got flack Brille. I don’t think you were in the wrong.

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So we agree on #3 an #5, which is fine by me.

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Same. I never even pay attention to guild names anymore. If I were his GM I’d reduce his rank to pog collector.

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I just soloed a full clear of Stormwind with 75 corruption! It was a lot of fun challenging myself.


Good! Doing things that you find fun should be the point of the game.

I concur.

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I support taking stabs at single player content that is challenging and rewarding. They tied an upgrade mechanic central to the game to it though, so I understand where the stress is coming from.

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Agreed. For example, the Mage Tower thing was fun for a lot of people, but if you either couldn’t do it, had no patience for it, or had no interest in it, it did not impact anything other than cosmetics and bragging rights.

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I think they even dissuade you ‘rushing’ by gating the quests to 2 items per run. doing 2 zones, and then you can casually run off and die to get out to your chest isn’t that much pressure.

They’re already becoming much easier with deeper titan research.

I champion the plights of casuals, but you are advocating for being a “badual”…aka a baddie masquerading as a casual.

The simple fact is you can not have meaningful and challenging content without putting a timer on it or some other “stressful” condition. Otherwise you’ll just take your good sweet time and wait out your cooldowns on anything remotely dangerous.

The simple fact is that you only need to clear the middle tier wings (NOT the main boss even) and that is very easy to do given you have 3 full sanity resets. It’s ok to be bad or on the lesser end of the skill curve and it’s certainly acceptable to not enjoy the content itself, but the skill floor to get 2 pages per run is already very low as is.

Now I wouldn’t mind seeing there being a completely rewardless “training” version that can be accessed at any point to allow people to practice the run. I get some people have performance anxiety. At the very least, you always have the option to run them in groups. As a tank, I prefer groups because honestly I get to be lazy and just do what I do best and let others do the killing for me.

Focus on improving yourself. In the end, it’s a game. If you fail, life will go on.


I feel like time gates, in cases like M+, are artificial difficulty. It’s a different kind of difficulty to punishing mechanics. It’s definitely not fun, for me. I really don’t care for M+ at all. GG with some decent gear locked behind it, though :roll_eyes:

This leads me to “But bosses have enrage timers, am I against them? Because they’re essentially the same.” But I think if an earlier boss has an enrage timer you’re not meeting, that’s a clue that the rest of the raid will probably just be a wipefest for your group. But end bosses have timers, am I against that? I have no idea.

Crud I had an opinion against M+ timers but I ALSO think raid bosses having enrage timers is generally acceptable, so I’ve confused myself.

…I’ll just go now, lol.


Ion Hazzikostas has talked about wanting things to “feel good” or “be fun” and for them to not “feel bad,” then when they do a post mortem on content, he says, “That ended up feeling bad for a lot of players.” I suspect Horrific Visions is going to be one of those things that is going to be addressed this way.

I do appreciate that Blizz is gating it to 2 items per run. That does relieve some of the pressure. But look at it this way: if you already don’t enjoy doing a thing and you find it stressful, why would you want to do more of it? I would have to run it five times this week, assuming I don’t crash again (it’s never happened before, but now I am worried). That is not appealing to me.

It would be nice if they made it so if your game crashed (mine did) or if you lost a connection, your run would not be ended or perhaps you could at least do something to get your two pages that you paid a somewhat high price for (time investment to get the thingies) in the first place.

And, yes, a training version would have been very helpful. You could learn the mechanics and get some confidence built up before spending your hard-earned currency and potentially wasting it.

I’m just really tired of the extreme lag related to all this 8.3 stuff. My latency is low but I’m lagging like it’s way high. Just got killed four times due to the game lagging and freezing for over ten seconds. When it finally started moving again I’m already dead. Latency 47 home and world, wth?

You have to have some kind of breaking point or there is no challenge. Without enrage timers, raids would consist of 1-2 tanks and healers.

Call it sanity or a clock ticking down or some kind of soft or hard enrage, they all server the same purpose of forcing an individual or group to meet some minimum threshold.

If you remove sanity from visions then people like the OP will just waddle through at a turtle pace and on anything remotely risky they’ll twiddle their thumbs and make sure they have all their CD’s. That isn’t difficult.


I think the difference with M+ and raids is that you are not kicked out of either for failing to meet the timer. You can keep attempting a raid boss as many times as you want and the M+ can keep going to completion, just with lesser rewards.