I am done with Horrific Visions

so everything in wow needs to be beatable by low skilled grandpas?

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This just in: your post is less than helpful.

neither was yours. you dont have to do them

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We got ourselves a troll here, folks.

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its not trolling.

there was a quote from ghost crawler about how he was always annoyed that they had to make wow content clear able by people like disabled grand mothers

they should not have to cater everything to be easy enough for the LCD


Cool, so the game that better caters to the LCD crowd will have somewhere to transfer to.

Examples? The only mobs with stuns at all to my knowledge are dominators(org)/infiltrators(sw) and I have done all the zones in both. Those mobs have a whopping like 100k health and they wait like 10 seconds before even starting the cast. Not like they even show up in mandatory double packs so you don’t even need multiple kicks.

Especially when every other week does nothing for non-vision content. Last week the upgrade just gave you more sanity resistance. That’s it. 2 IL on the cloak is such an insignificant amount it isn’t worth talking about.

He kinda has a point, though.

If everything in the game were based around what anyone could beat, whether it be a 12yo or a 60yo, then we wouldn’t really have all that much of a game, now would we?

The content isn’t that difficult, but you’ve expressed that you don’t enjoy the content because of 2 things: the timer and the high cost of entry. But this is content that’s tied directly to the core of the patch: your legendary cloak. Doing that content is what allows you to don more corruption gear and thus, allowing you more room to maximize your damage output through the corruption gear. If you don’t like doing the gateway content, for whatever reason, to higher damage output, then don’t do it. But it’s decent content, even if the cost of entry is a bit high. You can’t expect to get any sympathy from here, though, because your reasons for not doing the content aren’t exactly justified.


And because upgrading the cloak is core content, it should be more accessible. Some options offered in this discussion are: lower the price of entry, let you run it as much as you want, make it so you can clear two zones even if you disconnect or crash, make pages available via the mission table, make pages drop from raid bosses. There are all sorts of options that would let folks do what they are doing while let folks who find it stressful do something else.


People also need to keep in mind that these cloaks will be worthless for all but leveling in the next xpac. There’s no real need to max the cloak because of the irrelevance factor. Do the things that are important to you and don’t stress on this. It’s an illusion to reassure stockholders in any case.


HV’s just aren’t very fun, and they aren’t very rewarding.

It’s already something I’m doing out of commitment, not with excitement.

The Mage Tower was far superior content. It wasn’t always “fun,” wasn’t always perfect, but overall it was well designed, and with amazing rewards.

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I’m not a fan of it either, and as a casual player don’t really see much of an incentive to push them very much since I don’t care about the cloak level. I’d rather the timer just offer more rewards or something like m+.

Once again, what I said months ago came to pass. White Knights who defended Blizzard said I was wrong to point this design flaw out, but it seems that my assessment of players was accurate again.

For context, I was against the prohibitive costs of doing Visions, and also had a deep concern that once player’s hit their personal wall, they would get fatigued from it, because of how light the patch was.

Crazy how that works.


Imagine if Players could do the Invasions every single day for currency or a chance at a corrupted item. It would certainly take the sting out of failing a mission if you could recoup your currency pretty swiftly. It’d also help the people who continue to not get any corrupted gear at all.

It’d be great also if our Void Focus could like… Corrupt gear, akin to the Crucible for mementos.

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I’m doing ok but a ways off from a full clear, but I enjoy them regardless and fully intend to push them as far as I can.

I understand people not liking the systems currently in place. Other than M+ there really isn’t much timed content. Things have always been go go go since BC now and enrage timers were a thing before actually timers, so we didn’t get here overnight.

I don’t care for rushing content either my friend, but I do not mind having to get my ducks in a row and reacting on my feet to meet a timer, and the deeper into the tree you go and the higher your cloak rank the less of an issue the timer is anyway.

I can easily get 2 pages per vessel, upgrading isn’t hard, but if you want that loot with the decent ilvl you have to do masks and my hunter doesn’t struggle, but pushing the DPS high enough on this toon, to take the mobs down quick enough to get the full clear is what’s really pushing my game right now.

That’s and there’s nothing else to do. :rofl:

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How is it blizzard’s fault you have a questionable computer/internet connection?

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I think the gating to get INTO Visions is way too extreme (good idea designing your expac to not be played). However the Visions themselves, well the last 3 pugs I’ve been in have all done full clears. People are getting better and more familiar and the runs are becoming smoother. There are less wipes and less people being complete idiots.

As for the “timer”, the entire game is filled with timers of one sort or another, a raid boss mechanic where you have to kill something before he enrages/fills room with fire/reaches 100 energy/runs away is still a type of timer.

Well, the game crashed, so it sort of is Blizz’s fault in a way.

Thank you. The frantic crap has to go.


It’s an exceptionally poor guild officer who attempts to throw their rank around on the forums to try and squelch people because they disagree with them. She has as much a right to voice her concerns about the system as any person.

Not only that, since it was DrĂ gonborne she mentioned as having this opinion, it is DrĂ gonborne and not you who should have been the one to refute the statement. Or would you tell him to shut up if he posted his frustrations about the Visions system as well?

All you achieved, is make a strong case that player privacy means nothing to you and that you abuse your rank to threaten a members into compliance. A far more tempered and much more professional thing to do would have been to approach her in game via a in game mail, instead of making a call out with her alt (which she probably would of preferred remaining private); to try and browbeat compliance.

But no. You wanted to go for a name/shame. Which is frankly speaking, pathetic.