I am done with Horrific Visions

The issue seems to be less that the run has a functional timer, it’s that it’s both visible and been made one of the key focuses of the run. Functional timers have existed in WoW forever, you can’t fight a mob in classic forever without going oom or dying, you can’t fight a raid boss forever without it enraging, you can’t stay in Cthun’s stomach forever before the dot gets too heavy to stay alive.

However, it’s not placed front and centre very often, in this particular case it feels daunting. Bliz placed so much character progression inside this system, and regardless of how much you “need” or don’t “need” the cloak or corruption items, the psychology of it all is still there. Eating away at the ability to enjoy it.

I like the sanity bar, honestly, but I don’t like the constant ticking. I’d much rather have seen it be used as an artificial health bar more fully, and had more mechanics which deplete sanity without the constant drain. Let people explore, let people answer the door or recover from a disconnect within reason. Maybe you have to put a “Maximum” on it like 40 minutes or whatever, just so you can’t wait for your cds on every single pack, but the important thing is move the timer out of the foreground.


It would even help if the sanity-restoration mechanic was automatic, so you didn’t need to waste some of it to make sure you drop it out of combat. The “oh s**t” 500 sanity works that way, so it would not be a herculean effort to give you an extra 3000 automatic sanity-on-demand when you have the widget.

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Honestly I think judging your own capabilities and playing to optimise orbs is part of the fun the things, what’s the point of even having orbs in that case. Just make the bar bigger or reduce the drain / sanity damage things do until its functionally the same.

There’s something to be said for optimising orbs, deciding to play it safe or take a risk, optimising things so that you can drop an orb right before a boss or large pull and stay in it during combat.

There’s a lot of elements to the sanity orbs I’d rather preserve.


Or just make the whole thing optional. You can do this if you want, or you can do some other thing to get the pages.


That would be the best option. I very much enjoy the vision system as it is (But am willing to admit there are other versions that would accommodate many complaints I would also enjoy) but choices, especially with something as universally important this patch as corruptions, should be available.

With all due respect, just because you don’t like them it doesn’t mean Blizzard should change the game for everyone else. It’s simply not possible to make a game that is going to satisfy everyone.

By the way, I’m 43 and I’m handling visions just fine. Perhaps it may be a different story when I’m 55, but I’m not going to complain or demand that Blizzard change the game for me.


I know you don’t care about anything but saying you hate it but I just want to point out, you need better gear.

Visions are not hard, once you learn what mobs to kill it becomes pretty easy if you are not trying to full clear. Your item level is low, for last patch let alone current content. Just by doing the assaults and emissary’s it’s pretty easy to reach around 440-445.

You are complaining that it’s stressful and unfun but your character should not even be doing them yet, you have not done even casual content to gear up, of coarse it’s going to be hard.

While I love them I don’t blame you for not enjoying them though, I carry a friend of mine through them and she also hates doing them.

It doesn’t need to be optional.


Alright, so you and a few people you know. I have been hearing from alot of players that visions are one of the few success stories of this expansion. Who should Blizzard listen to? That guy on the forums who hates them, gives up easily, and never wants to do them again? Or the people who have expressed that they enjoy them?

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I did not “give up easily.” My cloak is 488, so I have been doing them, but they are stressful and not fun to me. I finally had enough when my game crashed and I basically lost both pages to dying. That type of mechanic is a bit too punishing to be fun. Ion will probably address this later on with his usual, “This was not fun for some people and we hear you.”


I lost upgrades on my druid and once on my Paladin when someone knocked on my door in the middle of a run. So what? It’s not the end of the world. Stressful? I struggle with anxiety and I’m not complaining about stress. Come on now.


Well, I am not you, right? At least last time I checked. Do you think I am being disingenuous when I claim I find them stressful and not fun?

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I don’t understand how one can get their cloak to rank 10 and now think clearing the same 2 zones with a lot more sanity reduction and tree talents is now too stressful. It’s going to be easier to clear these 2 areas now than is was a couple of weeks ago. Also Stormwind doesn’t have the hot foot thing that keeps tossing you around this week. It’s just that shadow clone of yourself that walks slooooowwwwly towards you. Honestly I think it’s much smoother to do this week than Org was.

My problem isn’t that it’s stressful anymore, but that it’s tedious and needlessly time consuming. 8 freaking pages this week means having to do 4 visions. They aren’t harder or more challenging, and I can’t even push for extra pages because it’s limited to 2 per run. It’ll probably take most the week just because I’m too bored with this content to endure running straight back in right away to do the rest of the pages. I can’t fathom anyone having the patience to slog through this garbage content on alts.


I don’t think you’re being disingenuous, you’re probably the type of person that does everything at a slow pace and speed stresses you out. You know what stresses me out? Real life pressure. Real life deadlines. Video games? Nah! You really need to put things in perspective.

i like horrific visions, i work my way on them, did my first full run with 1 mask today and will increase the difficulty once its back to orgrimmar, so well

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Prot paladins are insane. You should have no problems doing a full clear assuming you have some decent gear. However I agree with the OP. I personally do not like the visions for various reasons. I love a good challenge but not in that way. I’ve lost connection like many others during a run. I’ve done some really stupid decisions(we all do at times and we pay for it).

I just don’t like the design/concept. It just feels so odd in a game like WoW. Enough with timers already. Keep those for m+. The content is already GATED there is zero reason to have it TIMED or require you to “grind” for resources. They could let a person do that how many times they wanted each week since the cloak progress is CAPPED. It’s just a stupid design to create a grind just for the sake of a grind when none is needed.


It was always stressful and not fun. Losing a full run was just the last straw.


All I can say then is to play with your friends rather than solo or make friends to play with if you don’t have any atm. Everything in WoW is more fun with friends and if something bad happens like a disconnect it won’t ruin your run.

The only thing I really dislike about visions is how casters have such a hard time (solo) with content like this compared to the melee classes. Thankfully you can do this in groups too or things would get pretty bad.

Not really looking for advice. I know what I enjoy and don’t enjoy. Mostly just posting here for Blizz to see.


i think my reason for at least TRYING to complete them is I can’t stand being capped on anything. capping the 25k… whatevers… then capping the 5 keys? just can’t stand it.

i just go in there, kill the first area and look for treasures. once thats dead and I have just one sanity restore thingies, I go for boss. now that i got the three spheres, its a little less daunting to do the little bit that I do. :slight_smile:

BUT! I can see- and feel- the same frustration. this isn’t required. just like mythics, you don’t HAVE to do them.