I am done with Horrific Visions


I have a feeling the book will take more than 1 run.

In time, Ion Hazzikostas will once again have a post mortem on this content, saying, “We got some things wrong.” Only being able to do this one way will likely be one of them.


WoWHead says 1 run.

I skimmed it, so its a drop from 1 lost area it seems.

The entire current patch gearing system is not designed around Mythic+ so it’s not exactly optional. If you’re going to use an example, at least make it a relevant one.

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It’s very relevant. I do what I enjoy and skip what I don’t.


And they’re saying Shadowlands won’t come out till this fall? They’re going to lose a ton of subs from sheer boredom. Oh, well, that won’t bother those of us that solo, will it? Actually might be kind of nice.

Yep, just keep on telling people not to play if they don’t enjoy it. Great strategy there mate.


Yes It works great for me.


Seems like an “i hate this” voice out of ignorance and/or laziness. These are INCREDIBLY easy to do if you’re just trying to upgrade the cloak. The timer plays almost zero role in the vision if you’re not trying to push. I hear “I just want to get my legendary cloak without doing anything, without doing anything hard for sure, just hand it to me for free”. There’s no twitch reactions you need for this easy content. There’s no go go go mentality if you’re soloing 2 zones. And given that the cloak upgrades aren’t as rewarding or punishing as not having a specific neck level, being one or two upgrades under max cloak isn’t really making a huge difference. So, while many players will enjoy it, being maximally efficient isn’t necessary either. You whine and whine about it being m+ timer mentality, but that’s your own choice. Take your time and casually do 2 zones and get cloak done. Varying affixes is a solution to one of the biggest problems with PVE, which is after you’ve beaten something once or twice, it’s trivially easy and provides no more challenge or interest.


However if the cloak is the center piece to upgrade your gear your character will suffer if there is no alternative. Just saying.

That’s a choice people will have to make.

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Will I get yelled at for saying that I appreciate Blizzard making content that actually provides rewards and can be done solo or in a group?

It is also designed to be impossible at first and then get easier as you research and practice. Like a Souls game, or the fog realm in God of War.


So you don’t like it. Cool beans.
Go do something you enjoy. They won’t be removing the timer/sanity bar. So your complaints fall on deaf ears.

Torghast on the other hand doesn’t have a timer allegedly so I guess they have listened to the no-timer hate train.

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I just want to reiterate that a lot of you are feeling stress because you are pushing to hard for completion or more zones and not relaxing and doing the easy stuff your cloak and gear can handle. I don’t understand the issue really. You have to wait to have a better cloak to clear more areas.

Visions is a unique new type of content that’s something different than they’ve done before and you don’t like it you literally don’t need to do it if you aren’t pushing hard content.

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MOTHER’s research system of talents provides a way to make progress at an alternative and reasonable pace for those that can set aside the psuedo time restriction.
Focus on going in and making progress by killing a wing or two while keeping an eye open for memento caches. Once you obtain many of the upgrades from the research tree it becomes way easier.
Additionally, slow and steady progress on the cap provides significant reduction in the sanity loss rate, which means overtime as you make progress on the cape you’ll be able to go deeper at your own pace.

I’ve definitely burnt a number of vials trying to push myself in the content solo. I would characterize many of the mechanics as not being very caster friendly, at all. But I take them as lessons learned.

I’m firm in the belief that these were designed for small groups in mind allowing you and a colleague to delve into the content. And I’d say that the gear rewards are indicative of such.

Visions can be a treat if you wish to push yourself, but you don’t have to punish yourself with the game-mode.

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I’ve honestly run out of desire to login beyond one or two tries as the seasonal event. Would of run for the backpack but I’ve felt completely uninterested in HV’s, if there was some simple dailies I could earn mementos to spend on cosmetics maybe but visions no. IDK I may not even bother till well after SL launches to see if I even wanna return, kinda stuck here till sub runs out but yeah I don’t like 8.3 at all.

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And so blizz introduces some content that obviously favors a certain play style and more importantly certain classes and specs and those of us that don’t main those classes or like to play the game your way are lazy and/or ignorant. Personally, I prefer PVP to raiding, but blizz seems to think all of us should join the 1 to 2 percent of active raiders in Raiding Training Camp so we can keep up in other facets of the game. I’m pretty sure a lot of people won’t agree with that.


I agree!! I’m done too. I do nothing strictly ‘competively’ in this game. So without my cloak leveled up I’ll be stuck in the 1500-1600 PvP mmr. So what. That beats doing hours of crap I despise.

I really detest corruption gear, horrific vision,I hate having to do chores in Uldum and Pandaria. Im over it all. I refuse to do this crap for the remainder of BFA. I’m all for a decent grind; but this grind in 8.3 feels more pointless than it ever has.
8.3 was TERRIBLE for my enjoyment of the game.


Rash, did you not even read what I wrote?

For you and others who did not read what I wrote: I lost all progress on a run, and wasted a 10k thingy because my game crashed and it burned up the free 500 sanity while I was trying to log back in to complete it. I was about 20 Sanity from dying and then I perma-died. I don’t need that type of annoying DO OR DIE mechanic in my solo game play. If the cost to get back in was trivial, I would not stress so much. But it is not trivial. It takes more work to get the thingy and I am limited to how many I can get. I have to burn FIVE of them this week if I want to complete. It already takes a lot of work to collect them; to have to lose one is quite annoying and makes me not want to do more. All of that just adds up to stress that I don’t want nor need. Just knowing that if I disconnect or the game crashes, I could lose all that work… ugh. Just being on a timer is… ugh.