I am done with Horrific Visions

I never said Horrific Visions were “hard” to do. I said they were stressful and un-fun because of the timer. There’s a difference. Maybe the subtly is difficult to grasp.


I have enough stress with deadlines at work. I don’t need more of the same in my recreational activities.


Yes! Thank you! That’s what it’s like: some deadline at work. The same task that would normally be a joy can turn into a nightmare when the clock is ticking.


What would be the point of them then? They are designed around the sanity mechanic. They would be a boring slog of a scenrario if you didn’t have to pay attention for it. And with no rewards, not even cloak upgrades, why would you NOT opt in?

They already have a pseudo opt in. You don’t have to put on any of the masks if you don’t want to. You can essentially take your time to clear TWO AREAS that way. Seriously, you would actively have to try to fail the vision at that point.


Yes. It means exactly this. I have only seen a few, typically the same few people, whine about visions and how they’re impossible. If you are going for something nuts like a 5 mask run then yeah its very stressful. However, you cannot be telling me that with the insane sanity drain reduction we now have, you can’t complete 2 side areas? Not even the boss? That is the bare minimum that I and I’m sure a ton of other people do. A timer that really means nothing because it is so insanely forgiving doesn’t really make it stressful. If you’re DCing every run that isn’t really blizzard’s fault it is your internets.

And again, if you’re having trouble, as a previous poster said, try playing with a group. This is an MMO.

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I find Mythic + stressful and not fun so I don’t do them. But I don’t expect them to be changed because I don’t like them.

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Maybe, but they’re also not fun. They’re just the final step in a triple grind that gives you mediocre rewards until you hit rank 12. The cloak barely qualifies as a blue until you get the level 12 bonus.

If you could just run visions over and over without needing to grind two currencies first, then maybe they’d be fun.


but raid bosses have enrage timers and you don’t do timed content


Sense, I never said I couldn’t do it. I said that I find them un-fun and stressful. How is this so difficult to grasp?


It’s essentially the same thing they did to Diablo, that basically ruined Diablo for a lot of its fans. D2 was all about how do you put together a build and gear that can beat a tough monster. D3 is everybody can kill everything, but how fast can you do it ?!?!?!

Obviously some people enjoy that different paradigm, but a lot of others do not. So it just fractures the player base even further.

Unfortunately if you just keep doing it anyway they will think they have been successful in creating a thing you want to do; the only way to convey a worthwhile message is to not do them, which obviously hurts you more than them.


Chicken, somehow raiding just feels different. Having 20 people there makes it fun and, even if the boss enrages, we just do it again with zero penalty. Fail a Vision, even due to no fault of your own, and you are out that costly key.



Choose ONE: Limited Retries or Timed Content



I would be happy if we could just run them as much as we like. But the sanity mechanic doesn’t need to be changed.

Yes, if we could run them as much as we like, without having to do all that extra work to get the key to go in, that would reduce the stress level of failing due to a disconnect or crash. As it is, if I continued, I would have to run it five times this week, using five things that took a lot of work… ugh… no.


I agree with that. I’ve lost 2 or 3 due to random disconnects.

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To not do them doesn’t hurt me at all. Coming here to the forum to explain to Blizz WHY I don’t enjoy doing them is my way of telling them. Maybe they will find some alternate method for people like me.


What makes Visions frustrating is every Mob has a 8 second stun the can spam where you can’t keep up with your interrupts.


needing 4 runs to upgrade was my final straw.


Exactly. You can’t get ahead, you can’t get more pages than you need for your current quest. Once your cloak is capped for the week, you can’t get a head start on the next one. The limit to the number of quest item drops you can pickup stops this.

By making it necessary to grind coalescing visions to get a vessel, it cuts the player pool available to group with. The memento grind I get. The vessel requirement is just blah.


At least we get a break next week with only needing 1 page.