I am done with Horrific Visions

Tanks don’t have it that hard once you get some good corruptions and use Consecrated Flame.

I’m with OP though. Not as old but still oldish (33) and I miss the days of exploration. I’m surprised Blizz didn’t announce a MVI for their eSports crap.

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I believe this will be the one that till take you to where you need to go. I haven’t got it yet but it seems powerful. it should make the timer not as much of an issue.

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I’m like you OP, I reached rank 7 and thought to myself, meh this is good enough for my casual needs, I’m done here!


Perhaps Blizz will add some option that guarantees that you can clear two of the easier areas with no timer on you. Just not having that timer, not having to watch that gauge keep going down, and being locked out of the run if you crash or get disconnected, will reduce the stress considerably. Then I can deal with the push-pull annoyance mechanics with far more calmness and focus.

Manlion, I don’t like the timer no matter how much room I have. It feels like a task-master beating my back as I am just trying to have fun killing things. I’ve never liked timers on content. It’s why I also avoid Mythic+ unless it’s a completion run with guildies. I don’t even like how Island Expeditions just end and you get booted. Let me explore, dammit!


I think that is what I find most frustrating about timered content. They create this weird alternate reality version of the two main cities, but you’re punished if you want to take a look at what they created. (At least with Mythic+ there are non-timed versions of the dungeons to explore.)


I hope that they do something like that. That’s understandable.

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Then I guess you won’t be doing them.


Either that or, like they have with so many other things, give players an alternate method of upgrading the cloak. Perhaps you can get pages to drop from raid bosses or something. Or maybe you can get them from missions where your followers go do the Horrific Vision on your behalf. Yes, a section of the player base will moan about how the casual players want everything handed to them and… yes, I do. I’ve done the work. I’ve earned my way there. Give me things.


You get rank 11 cloak this week if you’ve kept up. You can easily solo a 4 mask full run now. It’s not really as bad as you think it is.

Zul, maybe you missed the part where I wrote that it’s not fun, but it’s incredibly stressful to me.


Ok well still, I don’t think this content shouldn’t exisit just becaues you find it stressful. I enjoy visions the way they are.


Zul, did I say the content should not exist? No. You are “putting words in my mouth.” I said that I found them to be un-fun and would not do them unless something was changed so that I did not have to “race the clock” so to speak. As I also wrote, perhaps they could let players obtain pages via some other means.


Sounds like a personal problem. Do it with a group or if you can’t seriously complete 2 side zones with the massive sanity reduction in that insanely long timer you get that comes with it, you are simply bad. Seriously, how is it hard to clear 2 side areas for a cloak upgrade? You don’t even need to kill thrall/alleria.

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You said it needs to go. Also, I’m not sure that the mechanic is hateful…

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They are fine the way they are. If you don’t want to do them then don’t.


Perhaps a better way to phrase it is, “The brutal, hateful mechanic should be opt-in for more rewards, just like Mythic+.”


You can get more time by progressing your research and upgrading your cloak. Trust me it helps a ton. Eventually it’ll get to the point where you won’t even have to worry about time restraints.

My best suggestion is to read the map and make a plan before jumping in.

Nice to see another Thrall player!

Sense… of course it’s a personal problem. I am a person having a problem with this feature of the game, finding it un-fun and stressful. If I am bad, then so are many other people who also despise this aspect of the game right now.


Lol I agree, I hate visions. However it’s nice to have +1 new thing to do in WoW, plus its also positive you can only do it 3 times a week. I truly hate visions and seeing my guildies show off that they finished it in 1 go annoys me more.

Again, I do it whenever I feel like it but I won’t actually get out of my way to do visions.


Seriously it’s not even hard. :rofl:

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