I am done with Horrific Visions

  1. And what makes you the most important person in WoW? Why does it need to be fun for you specifically for it to be in the game?

  2. I have read this thread, and have actively been a part of the conversation. Look up.

You’ve offered solutions, very few of which should be taken seriously considering you’re an LFR/normal type of player in which the vast majority of new content has been made for. We already covered 5 points of potential changes, one of which I completely agreed with (disconnects) and the other I only half agreed with (specific raid bosses dropping pages).

  1. Now? Simply out of spite.

But that’s the issue. The OP isn’t open to discussion whatsoever.
It’s just:

I DONT LIKE IT CHANGE IT. Besides asking for a practice mode OP has offered no other ideas or solutions even after I’ve/others asked repeatedly.

Theres some tips people gave in this thread even I wrote down for future reference.

Silver lining is people can look through this thread and get so many great ideas/tips/tricks!


they gave their opinon which is what the forums are here for

visions are not changing though

I don’t think they have to change their opinion. I don’t like Pet Battles no matter how many people tell me I’m wrong.

Will Horrific Visions get nerfed? Probably someday.

My take on the OP was, I don’t like it, this is why and I’m not doing it anymore. Less about demanding to “Change it”.

I found the video guide listed near the start of this thread useful. I posted on my guild discord discussion so others could benefit from it.

From everything you’ve been saying in this thread, it sounds like you should be blaming your internet company and pc more so than anything else for your troubles.

They get easier and maybe try to go with a friend. Also don’t forget to do your research at the console by Mother; this will allow your sanity to be more resilient. You can also recharge your sanity as well 3 times per fight. I’m not sure what you’re doing in there so just thought I’d let you know.

I sincerely hope they don’t get nerfed. They don’t need it.

There are already people clearing with 5 masks. I, as a healer, have solo’d full clears of both SW and Org.

This not difficult content by any means, but it does require some class knowledge (utility is necessary unless you have high on demand burst for priority mobs, like the si7 informants in Old Town who have Touch of the Abyss) and some mechanical skill. But these affixes are on levels of mechanics you’d see in Normal raid tiers, not even heroic or mythic.


I said I didn’t want to do Horrific Visions anymore. That says nothing about the rest of the game. Why are you still here?

I’ll give my hot take.

Mage Tower = Awesome skill contest (mostly) with epic rewards like the flame glaives, flails, and the werebear.

Visions = Lame aoe fest with mediocre rewards. I struggle to force myself to do them and I spent a few weeks not playing the game because of them. I will probably bow out once I get the blue transmog. I question how many people would actually do these if not for the cloak upgrades shoehorned in.

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I truly hate the currency grind and time-gate… but I enjoy the runs when I do them…

I strongly suggest you form a group of like-minded to do these with you. In our guild we have some who do them solo and can do 5 area clears, then we have others who basically need carries to get them done. With a couple of people who know what they are doing, a person can get carried pretty easily and not “waste their vessel”

As for rewards, peeps haven’t yet figured out that corruption resistance is the reward. In a FH10 the other night I tanked and my Twilight Devastation did 15.7 million damage. Passive effect. So yeah, more resistance so I can stack more is gonna be HUGE and directly impact other end game content.

I ran four visions for my cloak this week and had fun doing them.

That’s just me, though.


I’m here conversing with people who actually want to have dialogue :slight_smile:

I mean the visions are not changing

i dont like everything either, so i dont do that stuff

this is hard for some people i guess

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They make me a bit anxious too and I don’t find them fun at all. Doing this 4x a week for an upgrade makes it incredibly incredibly boring, as you are literally just repeating the same map. I’ve gotten 2 done on my main so far this week and dragging my feet on doing 2 more. Probably my least favorite content this expansion.

To add - it’d be a little bit better if we could at least pick the map we want to do and have a variety.

If you want, save those 2 keys and do them next week. Org is easier, and is much more interesting of a play area imo. Next week you’ll only need to do 1 run to get rank 12, so you’d only need to run 3 total after what you’ve already done this week.

This is taking into consideration that you’re not currently banking vessels, though. You don’t want to cap and lose a vessel/coalescing.


Thank you for the suggestion! Yeah, I think I have the max amount I can have atm.

Yeah if you’re already capped on your vessels (5) and have the 25k coalescing, it’d be better to just go ahead and run either 1 or 2 more this week if you don’t want to lose out.

But also, you’re likely gonna want to run extra next week, because you will absolutely overcap with the extra 3 you’re gonna get since you only need 1 run next week.

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You don’t need any corruption procs to clear normal or heroic ny’alotha… By the time you get to mythic, if you ever do, you’ll likely already be 470+ and probably won’t need the procs then either.

I’m gonna be honest, I feel like this is over dramatic. There’s nothing wrong with some difficult, timed content. We should seek to become better players who can adjust. If you’d rather not, then you don’t have to partake in such things. But rather than ask for something that’s not broken to be “fixed”, maybe provide feedback that’s not so emotionally fueled.

Other than: “It’s timed. I do not like it. I find it stressful and overly taxing”, there’s no real argument for visions to be changed. There’s no mechanical backing. It’s all just your own personal take because you just don’t like it. But I do. So there’s no reason for it to be fixed. You just don’t have to participate.