I am done with Horrific Visions

Why is it such a big deal? As I have written before, it’s a core mechanic to 8.3 and thus a core mechanic to the end game. I would like to do them, but I would like to enjoy doing them without feeling super stressed out. As to how that all works, just read prior replies. I am tired of repeating myself here. Everything that needs to be said has been said.

they are not that important, you can just skip stuff you dont like

a little more corruption wont kill you, or will it? thats the fun part lol

I actually don’t mind the visions. You can make them much easier by drinking the potions lying around after determining which one is deadly. What I dislike are the dailies in the Vale and uldum. But recently I’ve been doing them in groups so they get done faster.

I didn’t ask for your advice and you are free to leave whenever you like.

This is why they should let us farm it without currency. Limited number of run means most people won’t push it. And if you fail, for whatever reason, you get nothing. It’s not fun.

Yes, everything else in the game has some equivalent of low-cost, low-risk practice or learning mode except for perhaps the Mage Tower encounter, but that was strictly for cosmetics and bragging rights for those who really wanted to test their mettle.

Back in the Lich King era, Blizz did experiment with various lockout systems that either put you on a timer (Algalon) or penalized you for dying too many times in raids, but later removed them. I don’t remember them adding that type of thing back in for any other type of encounter except Mythic+, which is optional content.

Okay great! You’be been given everything that you need to be successful but, whatevs. Enjoy your miserable pity party!

Yeah but you’re ignoring key factors

  1. I am a rogue so I have that most other classes don’t

  2. mass pull which where the cc become a problem and you gotta be dodging sanity draining attacks

the second these people started spouting off with “it takes 2 minutes to watch a video, or read a guide…” they lost all cred IMO.

Going to external sources for game info should be a choice, not a necessity. You should be able to viably learn/play the game via in-game resources.

I guess that’s my old school gamer mentality, though.

OP: If you want to increase your corruption resistance, you’re going to have to work for it because it’s not being handed out for free (yet™).

Do you need to have high corruption resistance to perform in things like normal/heroic raiding? No. The whole point of the system is to allow you to slowly equip more and more corruption for more and more progression in DPS, healing and tanking.

If it didn’t come with a timer, they would just make it really hard to compensate because they don’t want to hand it out for free. They want you to work for it and potentially fail. If worst comes to worst and you don’t get your pages, then you at least get some corrupted momentos that can be used to upgrade your research and help aid you in progressing further next time.

Here’s the thing: you can learn the affixes in game. The debuff tooltips explain what the affixes are, as well as the maps of the visions in the instanced Chamber of the Heart. Are they as elaborate as external sources? Absolutely not. But OP isn’t looking to get advice on how to play better, OP is looking to complain for the sake of complaining because they want everything to have a sugarcoated LFR version.


So we lose all credibility for wanting to be better at the game by watching videos?

Oi now… That’s a rather silly remark and dont give me that old school player garbage. Guides for games have been out even before the internet… game freak magazine, walkthroughs you could order out of the back of other magazines etc

Dont act like it’s something new to have game guides.

Sorry for wanting to better myself? : P

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  1. I am complaining because the way it’s implemented is not fun for me. That’s the point of a complaint.
  2. If you read through the entire thread, I and others offered several ways for them to remedy this, including a practice mode.
  3. Why are you still here?
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I don’t like Pet battles or archaeology, does that mean I should quit the game. No, we don’t have to enjoy every aspect of the game, I just ignore what I don’t like and play the rest of the design.

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Nayaga, I understand that people don’t like certain aspects from the game but after keeping up with the thread and the OPs responses, it genuinely seems like they don’t enjoy the game anymore.

When a game gives you that much stress or anxiety and it’s no longer fun it’s time to step back for a second.

I need all the help I can get, so I read guides and watch videos. This was true when I played Vanilla, remember Thotbot?


You are correct. IMO video games should be fun, if it’s not fun, stop giving them money. But I got the impression that they still enjoyed the game outside of Horrific Visions.

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so dont do the visions then, its not a requirement

And that’s the magic of the internet! Two different people can read the same thing and come to two different conclusions lol

That’s my opinion on anything it the game I don’t like, but I thinks it’s fine for the OP to open a discussion on what and why they don’t like something in the game.