I am done with Horrific Visions

There is already a forced parity in the fact that there is a cap to rewards gained and the amount of upgrades possible.

Even if we could run infinite times a week, you could still only get the best rewards once.

What would have been fun is if they simply let us run way more times, but reset the titanic research upgrades each week. That, alongside the cap to the rewards earned each week, would be more than enough forced parity among players.

Oh, yes, I get that. And I used thottbot and Allakhazam from time to time as well (EQ days.) But it really wasnā€™t necessary for the purpose of learning the game. I equated it more like getting cheat codes for playstation when I was stuck, or just plain lazy :smiley:

In my early days of WoW, I think the only site I used to visit was Petopia. Thatā€™s how easy it was to learn WoW compared to EQ back then, and WoW today. I only started watching vids and checking sites for info on WoW when I returned at the end of WoD.

As long as you are doing effective damage to help the group. I note a good 25% increase in overall dmg for dps (and 50% for tanks) from most peeps when they get good corruptions. Thatā€™s huge.

But I also donā€™t raid, I do M+, where it is really obvious how helpful it is. I ran a ML10 and we barely missed timer, the tank was doing only 12k dpsā€¦ when I tank I do 30k. Itā€™s a big deal.

I have 8% leech in my bank, waiting for more resist. And/or two Echo Voidsā€¦ You canā€™t give me enough resistance as I can convert it all into effective help in M+.

Dont bother, this thread is just another case of i want ez stuff cause otherwise i get stressed, i dont wanna git gud.

Despite being a serious baddie, Iā€™m quite enjoying the visions so far. Iā€™m well behind in progression, but that is due to my own mistakes and erratic farming. But Iā€™ll get there eventually, and Iā€™m having fun getting there. :slight_smile:

jeez, what a D-bag response. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with there being difficult content. Thereā€™s also nothing wrong with disliking certain aspects of said content. I donā€™t recall the OP throwing a fit and saying ā€œchange this or I quit!!ā€, or anything like that.

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Thats literally what OP said, she failed a vision, she raged here and ended his rant with fix it, it perfectly fits what i described.

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Wish theyā€™d reduce the costs so I could stop doing all the dang dailies.

Iā€™m tired of having to do them for max vessels to max my cloak progression each week.

On two characters.

Hah! Looks like Iā€™m the D-bag that owes you an apology. I actually re-read the OP to make sure I didnā€™t see it. and totally did not read the last 2 words :rofl:

Hey, itā€™s Friday and my brain is fried from the week :smiley:

I am 56. Age has NOTHING to do with it.

BTW - My cloak goes to 11 (and on multiple toons.)

Stormwind is a BREEZE for melee this week for the Dwarven and Trade districts. NO FIRE DEBUFF :slight_smile:

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I agree. First mythic racing against the clock and now Horrific Visions racing against the clock. I hate racing against the clock. Itā€™s not fun in any way, shape or form. I know some quests can be timed but thatā€™s totally different and not as stressful. This is not fun for me either. Iā€™m 51 years old. I wish they would spent more time on the crafting system and allow more solo-able content as well as more open world coop.


Once you get your cloak and the tree up they get real easy without masks. When I first started it was very difficult, but now with a rank 14 cloak and I have up to the last talent in the tree filled I can full clear without using an orb. Without masks that is.

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I also felt horrific visions were a sensory overload. So Iā€™d brighten my screen and turn off ambience etc and listen to some music or chat in discord. I watch Dratnos vids, which are very helpful. I got hooked when I got the hang of them! But I still complained about my headache haha! I do like visions because they are best done solo or with one other. Which is a fun thing with just 2 people and catch up talking in disc. Itā€™s almost like a 2 person mythic, which is what I always wanted.

It does sap a lot of energy so I only do them when Iā€™m energised. But since the nerf and wind-down of BFA, I would encourage you to give it another try with good guildies or friends, rather than pug - like anything really :slight_smile: I hope that people still love wow as much as I do, but to be fair I joined only a year ago so i know no different from joining in the ā€œworst expansionā€. Iā€™ve grown quite fond of bfa <3 have made a few good friends :smiley: i miss when you play with friends and you dunno where the time has gone! Now I wonder what dungeons will in Timewalking!

I stopped doing full horrific visions too. It is becoming boring.

Echoes for cloak upgrades? Not really a catchup.

Sounds like you just need to git gud

Visions are some of the most easiest yet fun stress inducing content I have done. I do 5 Mask Visions 3 times a week, sometimes more if I can be bothered doing the idiotic daily quests for coalescing visions.

In any case I love them because they feel like a repeatable Mage Tower, and each week I feel like I learn a new thing or I deal with mobs better or I time something better. Itā€™s my most favourite content in the game right now.

Do more of that Blizzard!

I despise visions and will not do them anymore.


Just get the mount and backpack and call it done. I still do key runs for mailbox mount, but thatā€™s it.

when you get to the point before 1st mask, it really isnā€™t a timed event.

you can doddle around when the talent tree is filled.

and Iā€™m almost 70 and have enjoyed horrific visions on a casual basis.

Upgrade you momento tree. Donā€™t expect to clear masks until you have gift of the Titans. I mean you can but assuming you donā€™t want to rush.

Visions are primarily a path to upgrade cloak. Just focus on the parts you need for the upgrade. Ignore the rest until you are at 15. As you do them you will get momentos and you can then upgrade the tree.

I have considerable hand issues that cause mouse use to be excruciating and difficult. I play only on a controller and have 5 masked both on my Warrior and my balance Druid. Also on Feral Druid for Org and Marksman for Org, waiting for next week to do SW on Marksman.

It feels really hard now, but as soon as you have a rank 11+ cloak and gift of the Titans it becomes incredibly easy.