I am done with Horrific Visions

Yup, boring content is boring.

Horrific visions, assaults, mini-visions, dailies, etc… none of these activities are “fun” :roll_eyes:

I’ll probably call it quits after I get rank 12 cloak on my toons, I just CBA to continue to invest time into such (mindnumbingly) boring content.

OK, you dont need to do it as casual. Have fun with everything else. Theres nothing to fix though.

Lol you are playing classic, hows your fulborg killing going? did you get the recipe?


What DoT ticks? You mean the DoT ticks that only become overbearing if you don’t do the scales/DPS mechanic properly?

Wiping on Heroic Wrathion with a raid with average gear over 445 ilvl is a player issue, not a gear one.

And some are consistently favored. Case and point, Druid and Mage.

Only Classes to get any cosmetic Glyphs this expansion.

lol boomers…


And if I could only fight Maut one time a day, and felt serious pressure while doing it, and if I died all my progress would be lost and I would have to “buy” my way back in… I would hate that as well.

As noted in prior postings, a learning mode, where you could practice all the mechanics, would be helpful. That way, you could learn what that thing is that you just stumbled upon that is now tormenting you (WHAT ARE THESE GIANT BUGS ON MY SCREEN???) and you have no idea what it is or how to escape it and… oh, now dead… or whatever. More exposure with no penalties, more muscle memory to develop, more confidence instilled, more fun to be had.

As it is, I go in, knowing I have one shot at things, hoping I don’t stumble into anything I haven’t seen before, that I know how to react to all the mechanics, hoping that I SEE the mechanics when I am supposed to see them. It’s just major stressful because I get one shot and the pressure is on. I don’t need that.

That’s a l2p issue, bud. There are a plethora of guides detailing weekly affixes in each zone inside the vision, what mobs have what abilities, etc. It’s the same as any other end game content outside of pvp, which has so many other variables based on your team comp and enemy team comp.

Giant bugs? Just jump once or twice. Character on fire? Stand still and then move to leap in the direction you wanna go. Slowing down a heck of a lot? Stop moving for a sec. Got a spectral twin following you around? Get the hell away from it. Screen turning purple? Stand still, and then move out of the circle where there’s an opening.

None of those are particularly difficult to deal with, and most are just halfway annoying. If you can’t handle those simple kind of mechanics, I’d be terrified to look at your logs and see the kind of avoidable damage you’re taking in raid. As a healer, it frightens me.

Once again, you’ve had access to 50% more vessels than what you actually need so far just by doing the bare minimum of dailies/lesser visions/assaults, and that’s including 1 day of dailies/lesser visions missed per week. The fact that you still haven’t gotten used to those mechanics is nobody’s fault but your own.

But again, if you don’t like the content then don’t do it. You don’t need a maxed out cloak to do the content you’re doing.

Healzcookie: “That’s a l2p issue bud.”

Yes! So we are in agreement that there needs to be a l2p version of Horrific Visions, where folks can learn how to identify the mechanics, figure out how to counter them and succeed while a figurative gun is not being pointed at their head. It would cost little to get in and would reward nothing but practical experience. Perfect. I agree.

Wait… that’s what you meant, right? Or were you just being a total jerk?

Figure out how to identify mechanics…

Use a guide!! Really!? It takes two minutes to watch a video, read a guide and figure out why all those things are happening.

I’m not even trying to be mean or rude I just dont even understand your thought process.

I died to some mechanics in there too but when I died… guess what I did? I went online and read some guides to figure out what I was doing wrong.

You are being so odd right now I literally cant even.


So now I am supposed to always consult a guide before I play WoW? What about hands-on experience with content to guide me? What about practicing my abilities in the actual environment that I paid for, learning how to respond to visual and sound cues in a low-stress environment so that I am better prepared for them in the environment that can actually cost me hard-earned currency? No, that would be silly to folks like you.

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I wasn’t being a jerk, I was being realistic. But now I’m gonna be a jerk. You want to be spoon fed, and that’s not about to happen. Go look at a guide, go watch a video, and quit wasting other people’s time with your silly complaints. If you don’t like the path this MMO is on, then this game isn’t for you anymore and you need to find something else to do in your spare time. If you want to practice things before they release on live, go play on the PTR where the content is the most bugged out you’ll ever see.

There’s no figurative gun at your head, and you’re delusional for even making such a statement. You’ve had so much leeway so far with this content and what it requires you to do vs how (not) difficult it is and/or how many (extra) opportunities you’ve had to run it. You’ve had plenty of opportunity to run extra “l2p” visions, but you’re just complaining for the sake of complaining. Do us all a favor, yeah? Go play Hello Kitty Island and quit trying to drag a game down to your lowest common denominator needs when it’s already casual based.

Is there an ignore feature here in the forums? Your postings are not helpful and basically boil down to “You are a bad player because you don’t like what I like and don’t play the way I play.”

My postings aren’t helpful because I’m not handing you a silver spoon and trying to feel bad for you about things that you could fix on your own if you wanted to.

It’s like someone saying “I know how to play my class well” and then parsing for 20k damage with heroic Ny’alotha gear. You’ve yet to give us a solid, factual reason as to why you want a “l2p” option for visions. Meanwhile, I’ve explained that it’s a risk/reward based patch and even then you’ve had more than enough wiggle room with the “risk” when it comes to vessels.

Get over yourself.

There is rarely a stun that you couldn’t have avoided - you have sap, blind, gouge, vanish cos, feint, los, kick… if you are getting stunned, learn who did it and make a plan to not let them stun you next run.

I don’t need to give you anything. You are free to leave whenever you like.

I stopped at rank 7 or 8. If I wind up needing more resistance (and so far that hasn’t been the case), I’ll start pursuing them again.

Till then, nah. They’re an interesting premise on paper that just doesn’t play as entertaining. There’s other stuff to do.


there is no ignore.

what i dont get with you is why is this such a big deal? you dont have to do them, so dont do them. /easy solution, i dont like them that much myself so i dont worry about it

a little more corruption isnt going to kill you lol

God forbid the people who love timers just download a “Timer addon”!

Uhh… if you want to better yourself, yes? Are you trying to tell me you’ve never watched a video before going into a raid enounter or researched it???

You can get practice in with the mini visions that is once daily. It’s not nearly as stressful but it will help you with things you need t oknow like sanity management and avoiding enemy abilities.

Learning sounds and visual cues in a low stress environment = Watching the tutorial video. There is literally nothing less stressful than watching a video. It is not stressful AT ALL and it will only HELP YOU.

I’m not ashamed to say that I watched at least 10-15 videos and did research on the different debuffs in different areas and how I can best work my way around to optimize my time.

Brille, I’m honestly not trying to be mean or condescending or whatever but you are being given all of the tools that you need by SO many other people in this thread but YOU are choosing not to use any of them. This is why I feel no sympathy for you. You aren’t even TRYING to better yourself.