I am done with Horrific Visions

Wow is just fine for me. I just don’t enjoy PvP, so I don’t do it. I also don’t enjoy Horrific Visions, which is unfortunate because they are central to progression.

Yes. This is an mmo. Character progression matter. Raids, dungeons, pvp, rep, world content, etc all add to it.

If you don’t like parts, thats fine. But the game doesn’t get designed around it.


I don’t mean to sound crass or anything, but why do you feel like you need the cloak? Why does it feel like progression for you? You don’t do M+, the only raids you’ve done are in LFR, and you don’t PvP.

I’m honestly curious why you feel like you’re obligated with the cloak.


To the people saying Horrific Visions were not designed with certain people in mind, may I ask what game design aspect of them do you believe to be the part that makes this section of the game mutually exclusive to people who enjoy others.

Furthermore, what people out there are the game designers tailoring this game to when they make the choice to limit the number of runs per week? What game design choice is that?

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Well, I don’t need the cloak. But upgrading the cloak is sort of central to character progression in current content. Also, I am not raiding on this character, just posting on it. My raiding character is actually in Ny’alotha normal with the guild and is about item level 450. I love questing and raiding… just not PvP or Horrific Visions.


You don’t need to upgrade the cloak for raiding. It’s not really central to character progression. Something like the HOA is.

I’m sorry my dear Brille, the cloak system is mostly fine. Whether you choose to do it or not is your choice.


?? Has WoW gone on to long that we have forgotten? Time-gates exist to keep some parity among the player-base in regards to time played.

Do you not remember vanilla when time invested was the most important factor?

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Maybe it’s just because I go into my visions solo, but they’re not really “fun”, but rather just something to do a couple times a week to progress my cloak.

I’m sure it’s more fun with friends, but what isn’t?

I dont find them fun because of how punishing it is IF you do fail. The vessels are 10k a pop, and requires everyone in the group to burn one. If you fail at more than one (allowing one for the one you get from the invasion cache) you are permanently behind. Stupid design…

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Some content has no skill requirement, like mount collecting and pet battles and farming. When it comes to anything with combat, however, they have to decide who the content is for. They can either scale to the lowest-abled players (Normal dungeons, leveling, ect), make the content itself scale (Visions, LFR, ect), or overtune it and slowly nerf it, either by hotfixes/patches, or by the players themselves overgearing it (Heroic, Mythic raiding).

Visions is a scaling one, imo, because you can collect gear and do your level up tree to make it even easier.

Basically what Daark said. but also a bit of ‘so people don’t kill themselves trying to overprogress a system’, like AP’s heinous grinding since Legion. Always feeling like you’re behind if you don’t spend 80-90% of your time doing Not Raiding in order to do Raiding is not fun and burns people out.

Also see: early MoP dailies and people hurting themselves trying to do every single daily every single day.

I understand. The crash was unfortunate, the cloak is heavily front-loaded in its rewards so you get the best of it very early on. But I respect that you don’t wish to do Visions so I won’t ask for you to try again.

In the meantime, MOTHER can remove Corruption, I think Normal is doable without hurting yourself with corruption levels (tho you need at least 25 active corruption for some essence bonuses so it’s hard to hurt yourself with corruption too).

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Horrific Visions just feels like wheels spinning in place. I don’t know how to word my gripes… The whole this is a timed scenario, where events either add or remove time. Then you repeat this scenario to gain abilities to add more time or remove time.

Yeah, it’s just unfortunate for some folks (like me) that a central part of game play in 8.3 is not fun for them. I really wish I enjoyed it. I tried. I just don’t. Oh well.

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Why do so many old men play as Elven females?

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Are you trying to clear vision with that character? If so, I can see why you are stressed. You need more gear to clear efficiently.

What you just described is also true for raiding, on any level, and basically any other end game content. There are timers to everything, whether you see it or not. Healers running out of mana. Bosses having enrage timers. If you don’t like that, then this game just isn’t for you. Maybe you like playing alts? The leveling process can be fun if that’s what you enjoy doing. Maybe it’s the same process over and over, but different toons with different specs and learning how to play them all can be fun regardless of content, if that’s what you enjoy. But if you don’t like things with a timer, or mechanics in general, then MMO’s in general are not something you should be playing.

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Yes, Arlec, but this argument wears thin after it’s applied to every facet of the game.
Apparently WoW will get by on just your Sub though, so it’s cool, while the rest of us stop playing content for any one of many, many reasons regularly posted here and responded to with ‘just stop complaining and playing’ if you don’t like it.

The argument you’re fronting for is that each and every person that dislikes something should just quietly skip it until it’s just the people totally satisfied as is left playing.

Then the complaints about empty servers and tank/healer shortages start up again…

Why do you care? I also have male toons as well.

Why do you know so many old men playing elven females is the bigger question?

Dude. I think I adequately describe how HV is a little different.

No, you really didn’t. You described mechanics. “Soneone grabbing my mouse” I assume you mean hot feet? You have the ability to control that, in that you can choose which direction you go by just walking. Lead foot? Guess what, just stop moving for a second. The stun spirit? Move away from them. Kiting has always been a part of MMO’s.

You know what you can’t control? Getting the pool debuff on Maut and having to run out of group. Or getting Soul Flay in Inquisitor and having to move out of the raid group. Or in EP Sivarra had a similar pool debuff to Maut that you had to get out of the group. Leviathan you had to go grab bioluminescence at a timed interval. Ashvane you had to go and kill corals with laaerbeams with a partner.

All of those thing are annoying, but they’re mechanics. They’re MEANT to be annoying. And even still, there’s timers of everything regardless of whether they pop up on your screen.

What you described wasn’t different. You described mechanics at it’s core, and guess what? They aren’t going away.