I am done with Horrific Visions

And you do really look good. Love the mog. Plus the fact that you’re enjoying yourself… win win. /salute

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I love how he keeps blaming the game crashing on Blizzard and not his own hardware. I don’t seem to have a problem with that but maybe its just me.


I totally get where you’re coming from. I’ve been a content avoider for years because I was always so worried I’d fail but I ended up getting involved with a really nice group of players who’ve started raiding with and I even did my first mythic 6 last week.

Was it scary? Hell yes! But sometimes you just have to dive outside your comfort zone and I’m so glad I did! Now I’ve got the bug and I wanna do even more!

Maybe you would find them a little more interesting if you went with a friend?

I guess I’ve always liked times stuff?

My scores in the Mario kart time trials could be touched by NO ONE!

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I gave a response to that one as well, but not specifically in my reply to you. This patch highly revolves around risk/reward in it’s gearing system. Got a r3 Infinite stars with 75 corruption but only 45 resistance? Well, you’re gonna have to deal with an eyeball that spawns and does a hefty bit of damage if you stay in it. Don’t have that much resistance, or want to add on another trait? Get ready to deal with the Thing from Beyond. It’s a patch exclusive feature that makes you think ahead and plan accordingly.

The vessel system is the exact same in that regard. Your vessel is the risk, and your cloak upgrades, as well as titanic research (and later on sockets, a backpack, and a mount) are the rewards. Trust me, I’d love to be able to endlessly run HV’s. I actually think they’re a lot of fun, especially as someone who doesn’t even go in as a dps spec as I have to plan even more around potential damage output/utility as a heal spec. I like the challenge, and I’d like to be able to start running masked runs to see what I’m capable of without worrying about failing too hard. But even if I were to fail one, I wouldn’t be a day, or even a week, behind because of the overage of vessels we’ve had if you’ve done the daily content.

Does all of that mean I’m unhappy with the system in place? Nah, not really. This is the content that these devs work on and put out under the restrictive time measures that Activision has placed on them. If we didn’t require vessels, we’d have to do 0 pre planning for them and could just attempt at facerolling through it all an unlimited amount of times. I’d have no issues if we could run the visions without the vessels and receive no rewards at the end, but that’s not exactly what you’re asking for.

A lot of people are trying to compare visions to Torghast, and here’s the key difference: Visions are in a set area while Torghast is planned to be procedurally generated. It makes sense that a set area of content that unlocks upgrades for the central point of the patch. It makes sense that Torghast shouldn’t have a cost of entry (or even a ridiculously low one like the Mage Tower, though MT was limited time) because it’s literally supposed to be an infinite dungeon.


Meh, I don’t find arenas or BG’s fun. I’m bad at pvp, and I accept that. Doesn’t mean I want them to get rid of pvp. And before we start going about how ranked pvp doesn’t revolve around the main focus of the patch, you’re right. It has nothing to do with the cloak. However, even the weekly pvp chest offers azerite gear, which is much more important than the cloak imo. At 1500 (I believe) you get a weekly 460 azerite piece, and I think at 1800 you can even get 475 (though that may be 2100, don’t quote me).

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Lmao LFR isn’t raiding. You don’t even need to upgrade your clock if you don’t raid, don’t like visions and only do dailies, you don’t need corruption to farm and do dailies so you don’t need a cloak so you don’t need to cry on forums. Problem solved.

honestly, that’s one of my biggest problems nowadays. I’m so reluctant to make friends because I’m quite frankly a flighty bastage, and can drop off the face of the earth for months at a time. I don’t like to subject good people to that lol.

Considering I’ve been married for 23 years, I seem to have an issue with commitment :smiley:

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@ OP

If at any point in the future you want to give visions a try again, I would suggest you try them as guardian spec. You can make a lot of mistakes and still get a full clear with ease.

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I completely agree. There is no reason to remove content other people enjoy. Don’t like one type of content? Don’t run it and leave it to those that do.

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Yep, I’m a boomer. 63 and still gaming and having fun.

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I agree with Brille - it isn’t fun and its very “twitch” game oriented. Move to this spot, hop to that spot - run to that mechanic - avoid those mechanics etc. Some mechanics are pretty arbitrary too - end result is for most casuals - an un fun addition to the game. My wife basically did it twice and walked away from it, as have other’s. I’ve not had much problem on my horde getting through the content or even my two alliance alts - its just not fun though - its tedious.


Except maybe you might have a problem with standard definitions.

Discussion - the action or process of talking about something in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas.

“the proposals are not a blueprint but ideas for discussion”

  • a conversation or debate about a certain topic

GD is for people with active subs to create topics and exchange ideas about World of Warcraft. (Within reason. Trolling and insults don’t fall within the guidelines of the definition, obviously)

It’s clear that the OP has issues with a game feature that while popular, is associated with controversial and opposing opinions. They’re certainly within their rights to create a topic for discussion without being trolled. Additionally, I believe the OP isn’t talking about the character they’re posting on but the character with which they raid and M+.

I think my biggest problem is the heavy disparity that exists between classes trying to clear. Case and point, I was able to do a 2 page clear on one of the classes I play; and with Sanity to spare.

Yet when I went to play the same thing out on my Shadow Priest I was utterly gibbed and killed quickly, which meant I was slimeballed out of 10,000 Visions. Factor in that Corruption Resistance does not go up from Rank 7-8 and it makes for a highly stressful and irritating scenario.

The Priest has a higher item level too, which definitely does not feel good.

This really is the crux of why I complain about Shadow Priest so much. I wouldn’t have an issue with the state of the class so much if it could perform the same tasks as my alts. The fact that it can’t at a higher item level can be chalked up to one of three things. Pick the one you prefer.

1.) Bad Design?
2.) Developer Bias?
3.) Inexperience on the part of the player?

I don’t say this to try and brag, or be presumptuous, but I do not believe that the issue is a player issue. I base this belief off the fact that I was able to complete the Mage Tower rather handily on my Priest in Legion. That tells me that I even if I dislike the concept of Voidform at times, I do know how to use Voidform and put out meaningful DPS with it.

I think the issue is the ramp up time, and the class itself.


Most of all problems in the game can be explained by the developers not even being given a chance at putting effort into game design.

Azerite gear, class design, essences, horrific visions, all of the above.

The problem is not poor game design.

The problem is not the game being for different types of people.

The problem is the developers havent even been able to try.

The choice for horrific visions to be time gated was not a game design choice. The choice was whether blizzard wanted to expend resources on letting the developers design something that would be most enjoyable for players to experience.

This is literally the problem with wow. Some players want challenge. Some players want casual content. If either group has to leave their safe space they lose their mind.

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30+ specs in the game, some will always be better at soloing than others

The problems discussed in this thread and the problems I listed have literally nothing to do with whether the game is challenging or casual.

To me, running a Horrific Vision is liking having an annoying person—sort of like a bunch of the ones that showed up here—occasionally holding their hands over my eyes until I have to duck or they move my mouse without me wanting them to or they poke me in the head over and over. Yes, I can still get things done and they are not technically “hurting me” per se, but they are making it very difficult to enjoy playing the game I would very much like to enjoy playing. It’s sort of like why I don’t enjoy PvP: I am trying to get things done—questing or whatever—and there would be someone there harassing me while I am doing it. Just go away you, I am trying to kill these mobs and take their meat!

I know that that annoying person will be there and they will get worse and worse at being annoying to me if you do that certain activity. Do I really feel the desire to go do that activity? Not very much. Do I want to do it four times in one week? Hell no.

Just thinking about how central it is to 8.3 makes me feel a little miserable inside, both at how much I don’t like being annoyed that way and how much everyone tells me, “No, it’s fun! You should be having fun! I am having fun and I am doing ALL THE THINGS! Why are YOU not having fun?! You must be broken or a bad player! Yeah, that’s it. You just suck at the game.”

I just cannot find a way for it to be fun, so I feel bad for even not finding it fun because some other people are somehow finding it really fun because they evidently love having that annoying person covering their eyes and bumping their mouse and saying stupid things in their faces while they try to play the game.

Then I decide I will do it and the apprehension begins. I know that person is going to torment me a little while I play and I try to shake it off, but I know it’s coming.

Then I am in there, that annoying person starts annoying me, covering me eyes, moving my mouse, doing whatever they can to make me not have fun playing. I think, “Yep. This is exactly why I don’t like doing this. I feel like I am being harassed. I am not dying. I am killing things but it’s just not fun because of all these annoyance mechanics. To top it off, there’s this TICK TOCK thing counting down the seconds until I get kicked out.”

This is not about being a good player. This is about being told by Blizz that I must do a thing I don’t enjoy doing if I want to progress my character in a way that I should want to progress them. That I should be finding this fun and there must be something wrong with me if I am not having fun.

You should really find a new game or at least take a break for a while. I’m sorry :frowning:

It sounds like you actually HATE this game…

This game is really not for you. It’s unfortunate, but wow can’t be for everyone. The reality is, this game has lost too many actual mmorpg players in their attempts to include players that really don’t want to play an adventure mmo.

There are plenty of solo player rpgs out there for you.

I don’t go to a soccer match and tell people that not being able to use my hands is dumb and it’s wrong that people that run faster than I do are ruining my experience. That is what you are doing.