I am done with Horrific Visions

Right. You came here just to complain. Again can I ask you what would you prefer instead? You just said repeatedly you dont like it.

What could you offer as a solution?

Saying you dislike something isnt going to get it changed. Offer a solution to open up dialogue.

You want blizzard to offer other options, what options would you like? I’m trying to understand your perspective but you’re making it hard by being extremely hostile towards anyone even asking you a question or attempting to give helpful advice.

If anything you’re seeming like the troll the way you are just waving your hand and dismissing everyone.

Again I’m not trying to be rude at all just trying to understand.

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As someone who really really enjoys Mythic + and visions I get it. I work a regular 40 hour work week with maybe 10ish hours of overtime. This patch more so I feel like I am doing chores mandatory for progression. Between islands, daily minor visions, 2 weekly raid nights, farming some gold for pots. I feel like doing things I enjoy which is horrific visions and pushing keys feels like only get to do once my weekly chores are done.

I am having my first kid in early April which I am really hoping to get AOTC on n’zoth before then. Once he comes I’ll take a break for a bit till he stops being at the point of if he rolls over the wrong way and dies. My wife freaked me out by learning of the dangers of SIDS. Yay anxiety

But when I return, if it’s just mandatory chores and leaving little time for challenging content that I enjoy I don’t think I’ll be able to keep up. Once the kid comes organized raiding is out the window. But logging in and pushing a key randomly for a hour sounds completely reasonable.

But all the chore content sounds like a nightmare


Why do people use this statement over and over again when its actually false? you can catch up easily if you meme some visions, even if you need to have your cloak up to date for some reason, you can still meme some runs and be fine, ive meme’d plenty of runs and im halfway to a socket.

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I have and always will hate all forms of timed runs in games. Its more frustrating than fun and causes stress. I don’t play games to stress.

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Gratz on the first baby! You will survive. :grinning:

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until your dps drops and whoever you raid with benches you becuase you dont have high enough corruption to keep up with other dps.this is the curse of this corruption system.

fyi this is it until shadowlands there will be no more changes.

Then don’t whine and just stop doing them. Quit looking for pity.
Not everything in the game has to be super slow and casual. God forbid something have a timer where you can’t just turtle a long as a bad player and still achieve it

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They don’t really look at these threads. They look at bug reports, CS threads and they hang out on on twitter. If you want to catch the ear of the devs you’ll find them at WarcraftDevs on twitter. Don’t expect a sympathetic ear. I’ve heard that one in particular cleaves to the opinions of guildies that haul him through the content.

I’m only 35 and I feel the yawns coming in Visions. I’m aware that they get more challenging with masks and such, but challenge isn’t my concern. The thing is so on the rails, my brain is only half-on the whole time. Repeating the same rush over and over and over again gets old fast. I though the islands were boring spamfests. This is next level as the scenery doesn’t really even change. I assist my friends now not out of an excitement to do these runs, but solely at the desire to assist my friends.


Most players love the vision content, so they won’t be changing the timer for the small % that don’t enjoy timers. Here’s the thing: You aren’t forced to solo visions, you can group up with a rogue or DH who can sweep it up and make it easy for you. As for solo, you can look up guides and do it easy. Ferals have great AOE, so do balance.

But also, your going to hate torghast in shadowlands cause its very similar to visions.

Jesus. It is a game dude, get over yourself. It’s an interesting set of mechanics that provides a modest challenge to the majority of people playing and is hugely popular.

Hateful? Seriously dude? Step back and listen to yourself ffs. How can anything you say ever be taken seriously with such a serious lack of perspective. 55 years old and you think mean old blizzard hates you, come tf on man.

Games have challenges. Possibility of failure is what gives stakes to them. Without stakes, theres little point. And frankly your stress is largely self imposed. But whatever, if you don’t want to do visions, don’t do them. Your loss.


This deserves a O.o

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Once you get your cloak up a couple of levels and get some titan research done, they become much easier to do. I wouldn’t even worry about side missions or anything until you reach cloak level 6. By then you should have a decent amount of titan research done and with your upgraded cloak making the sanity lose a bit more manageable you shouldn’t have too much trouble starting with the 2 side areas.

If you are really having that much trouble, find a healer in the guild that might be looking for a partner. Right now the they don’t cause the mobs to scale up like it would if you brought a second DPS.

have 20 lvl 120 and I’m not even going to do that pathetic dragged out content to keep people subbed on any of them. And won’t be buying SL for more of this crap they’re dishing up they call content, like you I like to take my time I’m 58 and not a raider not quick enough as I’m still a clicker. But hell do I get knocked and told to get out off bgs and others groups cause I’m not geared enough for these so called that do. I hear you and understand. Just don’t do it and enjoy what you do, do.

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I understand why the cloak timegate is in place. I have no issue with that, I’m not trying to say that the cloak timegate should be removed, I’m saying that the need for a vessel to do visions should be removed because there’s already adequate timegating around the gear from visions as well as cloak ranks. All that the need for a vessel effectively does is remove the ability to just do a vision to do a vision, as well as being able to set you back a few days to a week from catching up if you fail a vision for whatever reason.

Again, no issue with the timegate on the cloak, I understand why it’s in place. Not suggesting the timegate on the cloak should be removed, just the need for a vessel to actually access visions, since both the cloak and gear from visions are already timegated without taking into consideration vessels.

glad you’re sticking to your guns, Brille.

I only set foot in a vision once, and figured out pretty quick that it wasn’t the content for me. I dislike it for exactly the reasons you stated.

I found out a while back that 8.3 wasn’t my cup of tea, and have since been doing previous content I never finished.


Question: How did you prepare for the vision?

Did you check out any guides? Bring consumables? Check which areas are the easiest to do etc?

One run and you gave up? You gotta have more faith in yourself!

I believen you!

I appreciate that, but it’s not about faith. I hate timed content. I don’t have to keep trying lima beans to know I hate them. Same goes for this.

I totally get that some people love this kind of stuff. But it’s just not for me. I have never run a single mythic of any kind since it’s been implemented. I even still have that class hall quest in my log from Legion (really need to abandon that lol.)


I think they are less talking about “failed runs” and more about the Horrific Visions content is not fun for them.


Ok Boomer.

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