I am done with Horrific Visions

Right. If no one complained or criticized, Blizz wouldn’t know what they are doing wrong for all or for some. They can take constructive criticism and listen to how certain things are making people “feel” in somewhat intangible ways, thus how Ion will sometimes admit, “That felt bad for some folks. We’d like to fix that.”

Hey hey hey now,
Keep me outta this.

So, you get multiple vessels a week, you failed 1 cause you crashed so game is doomed and needs fixing cause you cant deal with a timer, just another case of some1 who lacks fast decision making, yep.

We could probably have done the first boss on heroic were we not down a healer. We had him down to about 20% and could have sailed to the finish, but we lost a few too many people to the AoE ticks that couldn’t be sustained through with the healers we had at the time.

No, because I said it’s your prerogative to continue doing them or not.

and I answered by saying they’re not going to change it.

Yes, this is the purpose of the forums. You gave your opinion now I’m giving mine. Don’t post something and then get upset when people disagree with you. That’s not how this works.

and again i’ll say this. If a video GAME is causing you this much stress and anxiety maybe find another game. It’s not being cold it’s being honest. Why keep doing something you don’t enjoy?

Also, where in the post is your constructive criticism? I’ve just seen you complain and said you want something different. What’s your suggestions? What would you want changed? You honestly didn’t offer one solution. You just complained and said you hated it. That’s not constructive criticism that’s just criticism.

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This post brought to you by sociopathy and a lack of empathy.

OP, I hear ya.

I am going to be 51 this year, I have played WoW since Day 1 when I was 35. Anyway, I typically dislike timed events, but I don’t consider that Blizzards fault.

I too, like to take my time and go through content, take in the sights, etc. So I get a bit stressed on these events, not only because of the timing aspect, but the fact that certain CC against you and damage burns more time. Usually I fail because of that, not deaths.
I recently failed one and it was my last vessel because I can’t get more until next week. It put me in a bad mood and now I have to wait to get more. I was so frustrated I logged off because of all the grinding it takes just to get one. It’s just a lot of work only to get burned on a single death.

Sure, the research helps… a lot, but you still need to complete them to get more currency for the research. It’s a catch 22.

Since 8.3, I have been playing Classic more. Maybe you should try that? I’m finding it laid back, slower, tactical and RPG like. The BM hunter is great in Classic (pre-raiding).


It has nothing to do with age. I’m 54 and have no trouble with m+ high keys or visions. The only thing I don’t do anymore is mythic raid because I can’t be bothered allocating fixed time.

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1 - i’ve failed visions, be it dc or just plain meme my runs, and its fine, so for me you are overeacting in a pathetic way.
2- Fast decision making makes the diff between good and bad players, reason why timers are a good way of separating the good from the bad.

So all in all the one with issues is you, not me, so much for sociopathy lmao.

If you dont enjoy it dont do it. You dont need to convince randos that you dont want to. Just stop doing it
It’s that simple

I would like to remind folks that the primary reason I post this in the forum is so that BLIZZ SEES IT. All the random “git gud” comments are just a tedious distraction, posted by people who think they are better than other people because they can do a thing the other people don’t like doing.


Would also like to remind you that blizzard doesnt look at this forum too often in relation to complaints.

If you want something looked at go to the game play forum and write something there.

If you’re looking for tons of unsolicited responses then post in general.

You’re a little silly to post something and expect people not to respond and I’ve also seen people give you amazing tips tricks and ideas but you’re just ignoring them and acting like a petulant child because I DONT LIKE IT…

We get it, Caillou.

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I’m going to turn 61 in a month. I understand what you are saying. I am just plugging away at it when I feel like it. I used up all my keys last week helping my husband get started. No biggie. I will get more and slowly plug away. I get lost easy. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


This is such a good mentality! I don’t know why people feel they have to rush through things.

Good luck on your visions! Your hubs better return the favor this week! :wink:

Edit: I’ve gotten lost in the mage quarter 3 times this week and I still havent been able to get it. Hoping I’ll be able to do a full clear next week!


The problem with horrific visions is, in my opinion, that you can’t just do them. You have to farm a currency that you can’t simply go out and amass; You generally get maybe three or four vessels a week if you’re actively doing all of the dailies every day.

And with the legendary cloak requiring you to do more and more visions, god forbid even a single run fail because that will set you back a week or so, most likely. There’s absolutely no doing them just for fun, either - At least not until your cloak is maxed out. If you go into visions after you’ve already caught up on your cloak, you’re wasting vessels that you could have used next week on the next rank of your cloak, setting you back again.

There’s no reason for visions to be gated behind vessels, at all. Visions already have a hard limit on how often you can get gear from them regardless of how many you’re able to run, and the cloak upgrade quests are hard timegated for the next several weeks. It makes no sense that, alongside timegating Visions’ gear and timegating on the cloak upgrade quests, you’re also timegated on how often you can actually run visions at all in the first place.

It’d make things a lot less stressful if they removed the need to have a vessel to do visions. I cannot think of a single downside to removing that requirement.

I’m with the OP. It is very stressful to play Visions. Hate that timer! I’ll play it up to something like Cloak 7 and then avoid it. Too hard on my heart. You see I’m 73yo with a heart disease (Agent Orange), and I have General Anxiety all thanks to VN…a real war. WOW isn’t much like it used to be since 8.3…FUN. Don’t know how much longer I can hang it there playing this game. Until 8.3 I always looked forward to play WOW!

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they are not going to cater the whole game to the worst possible players

this is meant to be a challenge.

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Post in game play forum? Noted.

I was fully expecting a bunch of annoying trolls to dogpile. Welcome to the internet, right? Folks here cannot hurt my feelings because I don’t know you. I did not come for tips and tricks, but whatever dude.


And i would like to remind you that if many people can do something that you cant, its a you issue, mediocre people like to blame the environment instead of assuming the fault and improving.


God forbid you do other content that leads to doing better content. Dailies, lesser visions, and assault all take an hour a day at most. Assaults come naturally with doing the dailies, so you don’t have to push them the day that they’re out. Lesser visions take literally 5 minutes. Each zone takes maybe 30 minutes to do, unless you’re unlucky and can’t find chests/rares. But generally you can look in /1 and people will be typing out where rares are.

I did the math earlier in the thread. So far we’ve had access to a grand total of 25 vessels, but have only needed 16 to get to r11 cloak. Next week we’ll only need 1 run, so 17 runs but 29 total vessels possible. Next week we’ll have an overage of 12 vessels total if you’ve done the bare minimum content leading up to it. 12 total extra runs that you could have done. You can only hold up to 7 really, so that means even if you’re HARDCORE banking them, you had 5 extra runs to play with. Come on, man. You’re being dramatic. Failed runs aren’t the end of the world.

I like the content in HV’s. Do I wish I could see it more often? 100%. They’re a lot of fun. Do I understand why they’re timegated? Absolutely.

Imagine a world full of a variety of players that have ridiculously widespread cloak rankings. You have a shaman (let’s just call him Fumbaji) who only has a r6 cloak. Now let’s look at another player (we’ll call him Cookie) who, because of lack of timegating, now has a r14 cloak because all of his runs have been successful and he’s done all the content leading up to it. That’s quite the difference in corruption resistance (almost a whole r2 echoing void, or even a r1 TD or IS) and a whole main stat proc. I’ve done all 29 runs to completion, but you’ve only done 5 to completion. That gap would be quite the difference.

Now here’s with timegating: Cookie is rank 11. He only has 15 increased corruption resistance. He doesn’t have a stat proc difference. Fumbaji has had access to get his cloak up to further ranks, but he willingly didn’t do it even though there’s timegating to protect him from Cookie, or anyone for that matter, overpowering him with just one piece of gear. Even if Fumbaji had only done 4 weeks of content, instead of all 7 (when we’re able to hit rank 12 for the stat proc), he’d still be able to get his cloak to the same place that Cookie’s is at.

That’s called protection of the casual player.