I am concerned with how Blizzard addresses redemption from attempted (or completed) genocide

I’m talking about RPers and how some of them are going out of their way to cause problems, both from a RP perpesective and out of character

I agree with the rest of your post, but this part got me thinking. We can now also RP as a Sargerai if we wanted. How to justify it though is an entirely different manner. Suppose could say there was a small enclave of them on Outland who heard about the recent events.

I’ll have to think about it, but it’s intruiging to me

This is why I don’t play on RP server. Too many weirdos. But I was starting on RP-PvP realm. Good ol’ times.

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It’s honestly worrisome about the sheer amount of people who can’t seperate roleplaying conversations from non RP conversations.

And the weirdo thing is on the nose a bit. Some people are just….soo intense about things :smile_cat:

I didn’t mean people who are harrasing you .

I meant very specific weirdos, the type you can meet in Goldshire. My friend was on one of these servers and even if he was just minding his business in Stormwind he was getting some disgusting whispers.

I know what you meant. And yeah, I know the feeling about the whispers. I’ve gotten them over the years myself. It’s disgusting how some people have no filter when talking to complete strangers.

By the way guys, Metzen probably wrote or at the very least okay’d this. Just keep that in mind if you’re thinking that the old guard never would’ve done something like this (Tell me you didn’t play WoD without telling me you didn’t play WoD challenge 2023 (Impossible)).

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Hugely reductive, but OK.

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Yeah, Draenei are already weird colors. People don’t dislike man’ari because of the skin color. It’s more the intergalactic genocide thing.


The only race on Azeroth that comes close to the genocide the kaldorei performed are also the only race that succeeds them: Manari.

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, comes remotely close to the galaxy wide genocide the Man’ari participated in

That’s what I said.
And no other race comes close to the genocide the kaldorei performed. Not orcs, not illidari, not even the glob damned scourge.

What uh… what genocide did the kaldorei perform? The only major conflict they took part in prior to the Sundering was their war against the Troll Empire, which was a case of two empires clashing. The same Empire complicit in helping the Mogu subjugate the pandaren and other races. That war was grey, ‘no good guys’, and the trolls were not wiped out, they were displaced by a more powerful force, much like they likely displaced their own predecessors. Not good, by any means, but if we’re looking at it objectively I doubt the trolls winning would have resulted in different.

If you mean the Sundering, that was the Highborne, specifically the ones that were rebelled against and then flushed down the planet’s toilet or turned into goat demons that we to this day still kill. The largest groups of Highborne or Highborne descendants are not among the kaldorei, but on the Horde and don’t identify as night elves at all (blood elves, Nightborne).

And even if you take the fight against the trolls as equivalent to man’ari, somehow, that was twelve-thousand years ago at least. Not even Malfurion and Tyrande were alive then, anyone who was is dead five times over. To say the night elves did anything approaching genocide is unhinged at best, even if we lay the Sundering at the feet of all kaldorei and not, again, the Highborne who were almost immediately rebelled against.

That said, the man’ari thing would bug me more if it were a mass infusion of them and not the handful hiding on Argus still (not prancing around Stormwind openly) and the one hiding in the darkest corner of the Exodar. It’s an odd turn, but the implication is they’ll be basically bending over backwards to atone for the next 25k years with only a tiny chance at any forgiveness.

Edit: I just realized the post above me is Treng, lol, that explains it. The mog threw me off.


I am pretty sure that in order to expand this much, they had to kill quite a huge population. Not only that but they did intend to wipe out all the “lesser creatures” anyway, until Sundering came their way, which blew half of the planet, which would result in countless of deaths.

So I’d say that yeah, they had a lot on their conciousness. And just because Chronicles doesn’t explicity stated that, you could easily come to that conclusion anyway just by looking on maps.

There was no intent on wiping out all ‘lesser creatures’, outside of the ruling class Highborne who were immensely detached from the rest of the kaldorei. The two empires clashed, one won out, likely with a lot of bloodshed of course. But my issue was more with the comparisons therein, we’re talking comparing two sides of more or less equal power and morality clashing to something like… the Scourge, or the Orcs, and saying the former is worse? Very weird.

And again we have the timespan thing, which does annoy me to no end. The Scourge, the Orcs, Man’ari, pretty much every atrocity we know of involving any of the races happened or only stopped happening in the last… 40-45 years. The expansion of the Kaldorei Empire happened 12k years ago, there is no one alive who remembers it and any effects are so old they quite literally are beyond being on any beings’ conception of conscience. It’s like saying people from Denmark have blood on their hands because of the Viking Age. Except more so because it’s tenfold the timespan.

The Kaldorei Empire was not at war when Sargeras was first contacted. This is a known thing. It was only after the demons started demoning that the Highborne, a sect created by Azshara as her own personal vaunted circle, one that excluded even other nobility, started getting ideas. And the ‘lesser beings’ included their fellow kaldorei.


They took over the entire continent, killing trolls until they threatened the zandalari with non existence if they didn’t police the other trolls for them.

But please, insinuate that the nelves did nothing wrong. I’m hankering to post my already highlighted chronicles exerpts when I get home.

If you read my posts very carefully and apply some of your incredible abilities of perception you will note I did not, in fact, say they didn’t do anything wrong. I know you’re so contrarian that you’d hit the down button in an elevator to go to the top floor then get mad you ended up in the basement, but please dude.

It was more so that Azshara got bored with the whole thing and told the Zandalari to keep the other troll tribes in line

Small technicality but just thought I point it out :smile_cat:

But my issue was more with the comparisons therein, we’re talking comparing two sides of more or less equal power and morality clashing to something like… the Scourge, or the Orcs, and saying the former is worse? Very weird.

Can agree with this as well, both the Scourge and the Orcs in the Old Horde were capable of, and are guilty of, some horrific stuff. Don’t see how it’s fair or logical to compare the Kaldorei Empire to either factions.

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She didn’t get bored with expanding her empire. That continued. Just with the zandalari being forced to do the troll killing for her if the other trolls didn’t immediately back off.