I am concerned with how Blizzard addresses redemption from attempted (or completed) genocide

Some of us are actually enjoying RP again and I personally will be damned if someone tries to gatekeep or say we shouldn’t RP in the only major and active spot, that being stormwind, that we have left

But that’s my take.


People are always going to gatekeep. My critique is on the questline, not people’s RP.

I know that. The quest line is fine for the purpose it was designed for, and that was introducing repentant man’ari.

Sure, it could have better, 90% of the stuff in game can be better, but it served its purpose


For something as massive as this, the questline should have been a lot longer. I think the man’ari should have been an allied race (at the very least) with their own specific racial abilities.

And I think man’ari should be pelted with rotten fruit like the death knights.

If I were the dictator of designing Warcraft, the man’ari would never be allowed to be anything but hostile NPCs. This feels like a general push for more customization coming down from on high in the studio with the narrative designers being told: “Make this make sense.”

I don’t think seeing Kil’jaeden dopplegangers walking around Stormwind will ever make sense given everything written in lore about the eredar (however, there has never been a time when Sargeras was imprisoned before so I guess new stuff is bound to happen).

I hate how full the cities are of these guys on RP servers right now. I hated it with the death knights and Illidari too. When the novelty of this wears off and there are few people RPing man’ari, I might reconsider. But I cannot RP in Stormwind until then because my characters would kill man’ari on sight (well…my warlock might be curious).

Reversing tens of thousands of years and hate and anger against the man’ari is pushing the boundaries of plausibility. Therefore, I hate when folks are RPing tolerance towards them, but that is my personal opinion.

They should have had an expansion with the man’ari as a new race–then maybe there would be enough time to probably address what a big deal this is.


Just do what i do and set all combat resolution as PVP.
“Dont like my character? Fight him.”
So long as its not a Rogue you should be good.

I set mine to dice rolls. Most people avoid fighting and I actively try to avoid it myself because it rarely ends well anyway.

Relegating them to ‘allied race’ brings up the same issues as Lightforged Dreanei, Dark Iron Dwarves, Mag’har Orcs, Highmountain Tauren, Mechagnomes, and others. Most allied races are nothing more than customization options with a little bit of a different background - nothing that couldn’t have been tossed in normal character creation. Few allied races are truly separate peoples - with none of them having new character skeletons.

I stopped by SW to see the :poop: show last night and can confidently say it is 90% everyone complaining about these new customizations and their characters wanting to kill/maim/abuse/whatever rather than the people actually playing manari causing the city to be so jarring atm. The constant yelling, the confrontations, its literately everyone else just upset there are red goats walking around and not knowing how to just ignore it or take a chill pill.


This :100: sums it up so well. Especially on MG. Like you said, it’s everyone else throwing a fit while the rest of us are just trying to have fun

I especially find it funny that the most vocal ones are people who don’t have a interest in draenic lore or even playing one

An OOC fit or IC fit?

Yes. /10char


Both. Some people are keeping it strictly IC, which is what is expected. But some have been outright nasty ooc about the whole situation

I try not to project, because its not helpful for anyone, but there is a certain level of restraint OOC you should hold even if IC you’d like to murder someone and that is somehow your entire and only personality. Its not the setting to do so, especially in the middle of SW. So even if some claim its 100% IC, no malice intended, Im still taking all of that with a grain of salt, especially in these first few days/weeks.


On the bright side, it’s giving me a better idea on who is truly there to roleplay and have a good time and who’s just there to antagonize people

I try to be a good sport about all of it, but like you, I take the no malice claim with a grain of salt too

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Its hilarious to be in Stormwind and seeing eredar rpers preaching peace while having a Trp name like ‘Puppy Destoryer 5000 High Warlord of the Sargerei Warcrime Commiting Commitee’ I unironically love it. While I don’t think there is any reason in the lore that an eredar would be able to walk around stormwind without cuffs on, or being straight up killed, I do think it’s good for open world rp. I welcome Manari rpers with open arms, Stormwind has been stale for so long, and most rp there was delegated to small cliques. Now people actually have reasons to talk to strangers.

Just come on over to WRA. Our stormwind is very quiet.

No, please. do it. It’s so quiet.


Only if you trade us some more Horde folks

Well they’re not going to get that either if I’m being frank.

Like I said, the best they can hope for is a You’ve become too useful of a powerful tool to be rid of attitude while forging a new path for themselves.

TBF, the Night Elves have a -very- traumatic past with man’ari. Just because they’re the same species as Draenei doesn’t mean their story intersects only with them.

I had close to 0 interest in Draenei and their lore … except for Manari or Broken versions. And I am totally vocal in support of them being playable.

It isn’t even about liking Draenei, imo. I think people who like to gate keep just find reasons to gatekeep.

“Oh… that person is a different color… I hate them!”

They take that philosophy and run with it to video games, even.

It is hilarious watching people go into spasms over red Draenei and Lightforged Draenei warlocks. Those points of view seem largely good for nothing- except they are good to laugh at.

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