I am concerned with how Blizzard addresses redemption from attempted (or completed) genocide

Thinking about funny scenarios. It’s really funny when you go back to Argus as a Man’ari and you start killing other Man’ari.

And I’m like Imagine the chaos that would ensue if this was actually a thing during Legion :smile_cat:

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No, they are all responsible for enacting social change. The ones who tried to do something lived up to that responsibility. They are still part of the group that needs to make the changes.

No, it isn’t. Vastly different scales of the people involved. Again, your argument is a strawman, equivocating, or both.

Ok, well that’s a flawed argument.

OK, but I’m not.

What does this have to do with the conversation at hand? Osama Bin Laden isn’t a Saudi official.

Again, whether someone has acted on a responsibility or not does not change the fact that they have that responsibility. All it changes is if they have lived up to it or not.

You seem to be saying that orcs “should” be doing something about it, but I’m judging them without identifying whether or not they have done the thing by saying “Orcs have a responsibility”. Having an obligation to do something (should) is a responsibility. So I’m really not even sure what you’re arguing at this point if you believe orcs should do something, but they don’t have a responsibility to do so.

Man sucks when your faction is linked to genocide huh


“Trying” 3 times to reshape a society bent on war, conquest, and genocide isn’t good enough. So, yes, I am condemning them for failure lol. This isn’t like they tried a new system of economics and they failed. This is a complete and total moral failure. “Trying” (and failing) 3 times is inexcusable.

I get what you’re trying to say. Each time the orcs said sorry and their genocidal warchief was killed, they eargly followed yet another one a few years later and repeated the same mistakes all over again.

I can see why from a in game perspective people would be side eyeing the orcs and think Uh huh, we sure heard that before

Fool me once and all that jazz

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This is pretty succinct. lol

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It certaintly hits a little too close to home :stuck_out_tongue:

Good point.

This is something that the quest chain even points out if you read some of the gossip text. Reminds me of how Saint 14 in Destiny 2 knows that some of the Eliksni in House of Light will never forgive him, but that won’t stop him from trying to make amends.

For context, Saint 14 is known to the Eliksni as “The saint”. A boogyman of sorts to make their hatchlings behave. Saint got this reputation for his methods of fighting them. Which involves dragging them one by one into his “Ward of Dawn”. Some of the Eliksni Saint killed were simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. These ended up being fathers, mothers, etc etc to those within House of Light. And the fact that they now live in the Last City, “protected” by The Saint caused some tension during Season of the Splicer.

See, I kind of disagree to an extent. The issue here isn’t unlocking every class for every race. Rather, it’s that some races are so inherently flawed, that it becomes unrealistic. A Lightforged Draenei Death Knight/Warlock, for example. Why is this such a problem? Because those Draenei were infused by the Light until they’ve become one with it, and we’ve seen that the Light doesn’t play well with Fel/Death (unless it wants to, such as Zeliek, Risen Scarlets, and Calia Menethil).

It’s these races lacking in creativity that were given an absurd gimmick that are more of a problem. A Pandaren Warlock? Not even remotely odd. Anyone remember the Jade Witch back in early Pandaria questing? Every society has it’s outcasts and malcontents. The problem is when Blizzard creates a race that doesn’t.

Even then some degree of logic could be applied. Lightforged Draenei Warlocks? Imagine if their summoned demons are bound in golden chains and their spells have a golden hue. Suddenly it goes from these Lightforged delving into dark powers, to them dominating the demons to force them to serve the will of the Light. This feels more in line with them, very easily. Alternatively, Lightforged Demon options. If Lothraxxion can get Lightforged, why not a Succubus, or a Void Walker (and we already have that model in game)?

Where the Man’ari are problematic is that them rejoining the Draenei should not be a 5 minute quest. It should be a story spanning an entire expansion, a redemption.

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They’re not rejoining Draenei society at the moment though. All Velen did is give them a route to forge a new path and earn their penance

In the future? Maybe, and no, one man’ari warlock trainer in the exodar doesn’t constitute them being intergrated into draenic society.

I chalk the trainer to be just gameplay flavor at the moment


Isn’t there one in the Exodar right now? And does a new Man’ari character not start on Azuremist Isle?

Draenei characters start on azuremyst. And the warlock trainer is just a gameplay element they added

Man’ari aren’t going to be dealing with matters that been resolved since BC, and besides, them crashing with the exodar makes zero sense

But… there is no redemption.

The Eredar that Velen meets makes it clear there can be no redemption for what he’s done. No forgiveness. Nor is he trying to earn that. He simply wants to be useful to the Draenei and by extension, the Alliance.


It’s why I been saying the man’ari just want to forge a new path for themselves. But that’s getting lost with all the noise going on.

But we all know how this works. Give it a month and the man’ari will be just as normal as the scourge vampires that people are allowed to RP in stormwind at the moment

Or any of the other ridiculous combinations I’ve seen that nobody throws a fit about


Oh I already have a Man’ari that granted I just created but I am really happy with his RP profile and biography that I wrote for him.


Something I thought would be a fun idea for immersion sake would be to envision your Man’ari as an infiltrating agent of the Legion who was aboard when it crashed. That’s how I tried to make sense of it while I’ve been leveling mine!


That’s a really fun RP angle :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I assume they would be under heavy illusion magic to make it work

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Nobody throws a fit because they aren’t officially sanctioned by a cruddy questline and they’re not flooding the streets of Stormwind and the topic of IC conversation and conflict all over the city.

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IDK, kinda feels like “trust” is at least a part of redemption, even if they never fully redeem themselves.