If you combine my M+ ranks for Prot + Holy + Ret you get a number below 32, and I am LOVING the fact that Prot has Holy Power again. Not only is it better mechanically, but it also allows us more choice, and that is never a bad thing.
Look for Prot Paladins to be back in Arena this expansion as well, as Holy Power turns them into caster disrupting heal bots.
That’s not due to the Holy Power though, that’s just a change in the duration versus the cooldown. They could easily have made the cooldown sync up for 100% uptime without Holy Power (which is how it used to be before BFA) and they could also change it to be unable to achieve 100% uptime with Holy Power.
Honestly, I like Holy Power and I enjoy current prot paladin as much as I did BFA prot paladin.
I just wish they’d tweak the Holy Power mechanic slightly so you could make different choices about when to hit SotR. Just making HP cap at 6 alone would be a huge gamechanger, imo.
He’s talking about duration/cooldown, and you just respond that duration hasn’t changed. You missed the point. The reason for 100% uptime is that you can cast more often based on how much HP you generate. The exact same effect could be accomplished by lowering the cooldown, or increasing the amount that judgement reduced cooldown, or letting other skills also reduce cooldown, or increasing duration, or letting a skill refresh duration, or other ideas I can’t even think of. Holy Power itself is irrelevant. Whether Holy Power is good or not can be discussed independently of whether 100% uptime on SotR is good.
I’m not sure anyone is discussing whether 100% uptime on SoTR is good or not. It is always better to have higher uptime on active mitigation.
The point is, the change happened, hp is here to stay. We can talk all we want about reducing the cd but that’s irrelevant given the change has already been made. The reality is, there are pro’s and con’s to moving to HP based SoTR, a con being you can’t bank them for when you need them, the pro being a much higher uptime which is more valuable than any self heal ever will be.
I don’t understand what banking ShoR charges would accomplish except a bit more snap aggro. Using 2 Shor’s in succession didn’t give you more armor or anything, it just extended the buff, something you shouldn’t be doing anyways mitigation wise unless you were specifically running righteous protector and doing it to accelerate your HoTP.
Worse yet, since AS buff’s your next ShoR, using 2 in succession actually ensures you have lower armor from your mitigation then if you saved it and got an AS proc before having to ShoR again.
Higher uptime is not a pro of HP. That’s what I’m trying to tell you, the two things are entirely unrelated. Depending on how the ability is balanced, you could easily have higher uptime without HP, or lower uptime with HP.
Holy Power has no upside. It is purely a constraint on what we can do and when we can do it. Things have been balanced such that it constrains us less on SotR than the old cooldown used to, but that’s coincidental, not a result of the nature of HP. On the other hand, we’re constrained more on our healing because WoG directly competes for resource with SotR, and that is a direct consequence of the nature of HP.
Here’s a simple situation. In KR the mini-boss mob before the final boss does pure magic damage. Old paladin could heal every 12-15 seconds with HoTP (not counting ineff). New paladin can heal every 3 gcd’s virtually. Where’s the constraint?
I don’t tank, so I couldn’t speak of any of the pros or cons of HP for prot, but I gotta say, this seems like a pretty petty complaint. HP is super easy to track. With a basic addon, you don’t even need to move your eyes from the center of your screen. Complain about the rotation problems, or whatever else comes from needing to build combo points, and on demand abilities, but tracking is easy.
I hate HP for every paladin spec since it began. In ret is doable, but prot and holy is just awful. If i want combo points, i’m going to play rogue or feral druid.
Having only mana didn’t make paladins play like a caster DPS, and having a builder system doesn’t make them play like rogues. Even at a basic level, holy power finishers are invariable with the ability to pool more than you need, while combo point finishers consume whatever you have.
Addon? if some1 needs addon to track holy power then they have far more issues that they need to address 1st. there’s a build in resource bar that can be toggle on in the wow interface, and the player’s icon & target icon can be move as they want too.
heres the problem, most of these people either dont play rogue, or never play the old rogue to actually know how combo points actually work; and they have no idea about the WoW paladin class’s development history because if they do they wouldnt be complaining about holy power since holy power is just a internal version of our original intended system of Crusader Strike & Holy Strike.